Burning Moscow

~: The battle to liberate Kiev (7)

Once the call with Zhukov was over, I asked Bezikov to call the three division commanders who participated in the attack plan and General Kravchenko to the headquarters.

Seeing the four commanders standing in front of me, I nodded and announced to them: "Comrades commanders, Marshal Zhukov and the commander of the front army have agreed to our sneak attack plan and asked us to implement it as soon as possible."

Hearing what I said, the four commanders looked at each other with joyful expressions on their faces. Colonel Babahin, the commander of the 71st Guards Division, said excitedly: "Comrade Commander, we heard that the friendly forces to the north are attacking Kiev. Our officers and men have long been eager to try. They all wish they could rush to compete with the Germans. Our teacher is now ready to go and can set off at any time, so please give your order!"

After Babaxin finished speaking, I turned my eyes to the other commanders and asked in a calm tone: "Are you all ready?"

Hearing my question, the other three said in unison: "Our troops have been assembled and can be put into battle at any time, please give orders from the commander!"

"Well, now that everyone is ready, then I will formally issue a combat order!" I first said to Babaxin: "Colonel, your 71st Guards Division is the vanguard, and you will leave when it gets dark. You must go day and night. Destination, arrive in Korostviv within 48 hours."

"What, rush to Koroslav in two days?" After Babaxin waited for me to finish speaking, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide in surprise, and he hesitated for a long time before he said: "Comrade Commander, it turns out that it wasn't four or four days. Why did it change to two days?"

"Why, comrade colonel." In response to Babahin's answer, Kistyakov standing behind me asked dissatisfiedly: "Can you not complete this task?"

"That's it, Comrade Commander." Babaxin explained to us nervously: "Although it is only more than a hundred kilometers away from Koroslav, it means that in addition to personal equipment, the fighters have to carry light machine guns, Heavy machine guns, 50mm and 82mm mortars and ammunition, and the roads are still so difficult to walk, only 20 to 30 kilometers per day. According to the original plan, arriving in four days is almost our limit. "

"Yes, Comrade Commander," Kravchenko opened his mouth to defend Babahin: "If it is on a smooth road, this one hundred kilometers is nothing. Our tank army can let the infantry go forward in tanks. It takes four hours to reach the destination. But in areas full of forests, swamps, and many rivers, I think traveling twenty to thirty kilometers a day is almost the limit of our commanders and fighters. If you want to force your march to increase Speed ​​is not impossible, but that way, when the soldiers arrive at their destination, they will become exhausted and will not be able to form effective combat effectiveness in a short period of time."

Kravchenko's words caused the whole room to fall into silence.

Just as I was considering how to reply to Kravchenko, Kirilov came over with a smile and broke the silence in the room: "General Kravchenko, you made a lot of sense, but you seem to have forgotten. Our commanders and fighters have a tough and hard-working character, and a spirit of self-sacrifice that other policemen do not possess. As long as you ask political workers at all levels to do a good job of fighting and agitation to the commanders and fighters before you set off, I believe you can still be very good. To complete this task."

Kirilov's words caused the other two teachers who wanted to talk to shut their mouths obediently. At this time, Kistyakov added without losing the opportunity: "Comrades, commanders, we used three guard divisions and a tank corps in this sneak attack on Koroslav, even if our whereabouts are hidden. As long as the Germans are not blind or deaf, it is impossible for our troops not to be discovered by them. In this way, a well-planned sneak attack will evolve into a fortified battle and a battle of positions that we don’t want to see, leading to Our plan to cut off the line of communication in Kiev Zhitomir failed."

Kistyakov's words silenced the room again.

After hesitating for a while, Kravchenko asked carefully: "Comrade Commander, what should my tank unit do? You know that on such roads, tanks move more slowly than infantry."

"Comrade General," even though I racked my brains for a long time to consider the problems of the tank army, I didn't think of a good way. At this moment, when Kravchenko raised this question, I could only bite the bullet and said: "Fortunately, in the early battles, the tanks were not used for any major purposes. Your army can move towards Korostwiv as originally planned."

"I have a suggestion, Comrade Commander." After Kravchenko waited for me to finish speaking, he suddenly asked, "Can I bring it to you?"

I didn't know what he would say, so I nodded and said politely: "Comrade General, if you have any good suggestions, just say it."

"I don't think it is necessary for all three tank brigades to participate in this battle!" Kravchenko said unexpectedly: "And you just said that if the troops are moving slowly, they will be discovered by the Germans. If so. Our tank army was attacked by the Germans while it was marching, and the crowded tanks would suffer huge losses. So I suggest that for this battle, only one tank brigade needs to be put into the battle. "

"What, just throw in a tank brigade?!" Hearing Kravchenko's words, not only I was stunned, but even Kistyakov and the others were stunned. In the end, Bezikov asked first: "In this way, when our tank unit confronts the enemy's armored division, doesn't it have any advantage at all?"

"No, Comrade Chief of Staff." Kravchenko smiled and said to Bezikov: "I will send the 21st Tank Brigade equipped with new tanks. Although they only have 50 tanks, they are most against the German army. Elite Tiger tanks can also maintain a record of victory."

Since the Battle of Kursk until now, I haven’t heard people mention that new type of tank in front of me for a long time, so that I thought that this kind of 5455 tank that surpassed the era, because of insufficient ammunition production capacity, has been completely after a flash in the pan After retiring from the stage of history, I did not expect to hear Kravchenko mention it again today. I immediately asked him enthusiastically: "Comrade General, as far as I know, the shells of this new type of tank have not been able to open to the supply of troops because of the production capacity. Are the new tanks of the 21st Tank Brigade equipped with sufficient ammunition?"

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Kravchenko nodded vigorously and replied: "In addition to the base ammunition that comes with the tank, the accompanying logistics convoy also transports a base ammunition and fuel, which is enough to handle a medium-scale battle. battle."

I heard that the 21st Tank Brigade had sufficient ammunition, and I had a lot of confidence. I then asked: "Comrade General, I don't know when your remaining two tank brigades will depart for Koroslav? "

"We will have to wait until after our army has occupied Korostviv at the earliest." After Kravchenko's words, seeing me with a dazed expression, he quickly explained: "The terrain there is too complicated to be conducive to the The deployment of large-scale armored forces. Since no tank brigade can solve the enemy, no matter how many tanks are sent in the past, we can only use refueling tactics and put the tanks into battle in the battle.

"But with only one tank brigade, your army's strength is too weak." Seeing Kravchenko's nonchalant expression, I said with some worry: "If you are attacked by German anti-tank fighters on the way. , Then you will suffer a huge loss."

"Comrade Commander, you don't have to worry about this." But I was obviously unreasonably worried, Kravchenko said confidently: "With the tank brigade, there is also the 6th Guards Motorized Infantry Regiment. Although they There is only one regiment, but its combat effectiveness is similar to that of an ordinary division. As long as they are there, the German sneak attack will not pose any threat to our marching tanks."

"Well, since you are so confident, do what you said." After talking with Kravchenko, I turned to face the other two division commanders and said, "Colonel Sejerikov, Askar Major General Lipov!"

"Here!" the two replied neatly.

"The 51st Guards Division, as the second echelon, departed one hour after the 71st Guards Division departed." Considering that Sergeikov has been with me the longest time, I have an understanding of many of my strategies and tactics. His troops are in the middle, and if something happens, he can support the two troops at the same time.

"Understood!" Sergeikov replied briefly.

"And you, Major General Askarepov." I then said to the commander of the 77th Guards Division: "Your troops will depart one hour after the 51st Guards Division departs. Remember, you must keep one. Regiment, responsible for cutting down trees to pave the way for General Kravchenko’s tank. Understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Major General Askarepov replied with a flat expression: "Please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me."

"Well, now that the tasks are clear, everyone should go back and make preparations." I waved to the four commanders and said, "Remember to keep in touch with us. If you have any situation, report to the group army command in time."

After everyone left, Akhromeyev put a telegram that he had just received on my desk. I quickly read the above commands, and then asked coldly, "Major, who sent this telegram?"

"It was sent by Captain Travkin. Several of our reconnaissance teams are operating near Uman." Akhromeyev said clearly, "I believe the information they reported is accurate."

"What's the matter?" Seeing me with a serious face, Kistyakov hurriedly asked, "Captain Travkin, what did they find?"

"Let's take a look!" I pushed the telegram on the table to Kistyakov, and said: "Captain and they found the Skeleton Division's troops near Uman and they are loading the vehicle, and it is estimated that they are going to the east. Drive in."

"To the east?!" Kistyakov frowned and asked, "Where are they going to the east?" As soon as the words were spoken, he was completely stunned. After a moment, he suddenly exclaimed, " Oh my God, the Germans are going to Kirovgrad!"

"Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander." After he finished speaking, I nodded bitterly, and said, "According to my judgment, the German army's destination is to drive to the vicinity of Kirovgrad, facing the attack. The flank of the 53rd Army of Alexandria launched a fierce attack."

"Then what should we do?" Kistyakov asked nervously.

"First of all, immediately report this information to General Managarov, so that they can take necessary precautions." I stared at the map and said carefully: "At the same time, we must use at least one division's force. The Skeleton Division launched a surprise attack from the rear side, disrupting their offensive steps and ensuring the safety of the friendly flank."

"Although the Skeleton Division suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Kursk, as the trump card of the German army, they must have been replenished enough in these two months." Kistyakov said worriedly: "If We don’t have enough tanks. It’s almost impossible to inflict serious damage on them."

"Didn’t Kravchenko leave the 20th and 22nd tank brigades?" Bezikov interrupted and said: "We will use these two tank brigades to carry out assaults on the sides of the Skeleton Division. I believe we can give them. To hit hard."

I just wanted to say that these two tank brigades are going to be used in the direction of Koroslav, to cut off the line of communication in Kiev Zhitomir. But then think about ~lightnovelpub.net~ If the Skeleton Division really defeats the 53rd Army, then we will have to face a strong German army, and then the entire defensive deployment will be disrupted. . In order to ensure the safety of the defense zone, these two tank brigades can only be called temporarily. Thinking of this, I immediately told Bezikov: "Chief of Staff, you immediately call General Kravchenko and ask him to place the 20th and 22nd tank brigades under the command of the group army."

"Yes!" After hearing my order, Bezikov did not express a different view, and immediately turned to execute the order.

"And you, Comrade Major." I pointed to Akhromeyev who was standing next to me: "You immediately report to General Managarov of the 53rd Army and report this information to him. And he made the necessary defensive deployment."

After the telegram to Managarov was sent, it wasn't until an hour later that the call back from the other party was received. It said briefly: "Got it, thank you!"

After reading the telegram, my heart sank. My heart said that perhaps the 53rd Army’s offensive was so smooth that General Managarov seemed a little disapproving of our warning. After passing the telegram to Kistyakov and Bezikov, I decisively issued an order: "Let the 375th Infantry Division reinforce the fortifications facing the friendly forces overnight to prevent the German troops that defeated the friendly forces from rushing along the road. Elkaser." To be continued.