Business Manager

Chapter 941: big occasion

After knocking on the door, a woman in a light yellow dress pushed in the door, Feng Chen raised her head and looked at this woman, all seeing the surprised face on the other side.

This girl is Shao Ruocheng!

"Girl Shao!"

"Dust boy!" The two spoke at the same time.

"Oh, Shao, you ..."

Feng Shao was really surprised at Shao Ruo's visit.

"Dust son, listen to the people in the house. You have opened a medical museum at the end of the street. Since the last time you said goodbye, Ruoqiang has to thank the dust son for his life-saving grace. This visit is here!"

With a thin face, Shao Ruohao, Yu held her skirt corner, and looked a little shy.

"Girl Shao, please sit down quickly!" Feng Chen put down the wooden piece in his hand, picked up the tea on the table, and poured a cup for Shao Ruocheng.

"Miss Shao, I haven't seen you for a long time!" On the side, Zhou Wenyu, who met Shao Ruojin, greeted her in a personable manner. To him, Shao Ruojiu was no stranger to him. He was a native of Qingniu Town. .

"Gongzi, thank you!"

Shao Ruoxuan greeted him politely. For this person, Shao Ruoxuan had no good opinion. According to legend, Zhou Wenyu has often entered some fireworks lanes and willows since he was sensible.

"Well, brother, sister-in-law, you talk first, I'll go to Tongqinglou for lunch!"

Zhou Wenyu was more intrigued, greeted with a smirk, and left the medical hall.

"Dust son, is this Mrs. Zhuang?" Hearing the **** in Zhou Wenyu's mouth, Shao Ruochi's inexplicable throbbing, smiled at Li Mengshu on the wooden bed.

"Girl Shao, don't get me wrong, she's just one of my patients! It doesn't matter." Feng Chen shook her head and explained.

"Patient?" Shao Ruoxuan was getting a little more and more confused. Didn't Zhou Wenyu call this person a sister-in-law just now?

"Yes, she is one of my patients!" Feng Chen nodded solemnly.

"It turned out that this man's last name was dust, it seems that this girl is not hostile to me!"

On the wooden bed, Li Mengshu also carefully looked at Shao Ruojin. As a woman, although she hadn't touched him, she could feel it. The woman had an admiration for the dust boy.

"Girl, Doctor Chen is right. I'm just one of his patients. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of relationship you think you are."

Li Mengshu on the wooden bed spoke leisurely, explaining.

"Uh ..." As soon as Li Mengshu said this, Feng Chen froze, and immediately turned around. What the **** is this, what is not the relationship you imagine.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone inside?" Just as Feng Chen was embarrassed, there was a rumbling footstep outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Feng Chen was overjoyed, and quickly got up. If this topic continued to talk, it was completely embarrassing to talk about, but he was not good at talking about it.

"Will you be the doctor of Huaxia Medical Museum?"

The old lady of Cuihualou came in wearing a very exposed Chinese suit, dressed in rouge gouache, and a pungent scent suddenly came to her face, looking at Feng Chen and asking.

"Yes, I am. May I ask you?"

Feng Chen looked up and down and asked.

"Sisters, come in!"

After the old man confirmed it, he grinned at Feng Chen, turned around, and sang a word outside the medical hall.

Suddenly, more than thirty long beautiful and glamorous women in Cuihua Building poured into the medical hall.

However, because the area of ​​the medical museum is too small to accommodate so many people, helplessly, a small half of the women stayed neatly and orderly outside the door, but they all lined up in a neat line, waiting for the dust Give them a comprehensive check.

"This is ..." Feng Chen swallowed, and the boss with his eyes glared, suddenly there were so many women. What is this? What's more, these women are dressed up!

"I heard that we have a great doctor in Qingniu Town. No, I'll take them over and see!"

The old lady said nothing about Zhou Wenyu, but after seeing Shao Ruohao in her eyes, she lifted her eyelids and smiled: "Girl Shao, you are also there!"

Shao Ruodai frowned, but nodded, saying hello.

Feng Chen is not stupid. It is not difficult to see from the dress of these women. These women should be similar to the ancient green buildings.

But I just opened the next day. I know that there are not more than one person at Huaxia Medical Museum. Moreover, they did n’t even notify anyone. How did they know that they opened a medical museum here? These people are all here, they don't seem to have such a big reputation!

"Doctor, otherwise you should start, time is money, girls like me have to pick up customers at night!"

The old lady urged, but her "time is money" was true, and he was so good at it.

After the old woman said, she waved to the first woman in the DPRK. The woman understood it, twisted her slender waist and walked to Feng Chen. He smiled politely at Feng Chen, charming and watching Dust shines.

Especially after the woman sat down, the pair of little white rabbits on the chest shook a few times, and the eyes of Feng Chen who looked at them were radiant.

Shao Ruojiu was sitting here like a needle felt, a little embarrassing. She was so uncomfortable with so many daughters of fireworks alley Liu, she was very uncomfortable, stood up and said to Fengchen:

"Dust son, otherwise you'll be busy first, I'll come again someday!"

"Girl Shao, what, sorry, I'm afraid I don't have time to entertain you today. Otherwise, you can go back and sit for a while, and wait for me to treat them. Let me have dinner for you. What do you think?"

Feng Chen touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

Originally Shao Ruojiu was going to refuse, but when she thought of coming over to thank Feng Chen, and she was invited by others, she was also embarrassed to refuse, nodded, walked to Li Mengshu, and sat down.

"Where are you uncomfortable, girl?"

Seeing Shao Ruo's agreement, Feng Chen directly entered the subject and asked.

"So handsome! What a man!"

The woman looked at Feng Chen with blinking eyes, her eyes brightened, staring at Feng Chen with exquisite face, sharp edges and corners, hitting her heart arrogantly, she eagerly rushed to Feng Chen to chat Last time.

"Girl, girl, are you listening to me?" Feng Chen saw the woman's silly appearance, reached out and shook her in front of this woman, wondering.

"Oh, doctor, you say!" The woman was ashamed, and immediately returned to God and asked.

"Excuse me, where are you uncomfortable?" Feng Chen was sitting in a dangerous position. Since people came over to check, first of all, they had to ask them if they were uncomfortable.

"Doctor, I'm not comfortable anywhere!"

The woman groaned, her voice was extremely charming, and after listening, she felt numb and crisp all over her body.