Business Manager

Chapter 971: This sour is authentic

"Hum, look for death!"

Feng Chen saw a killing in his eyes, one sideways, avoiding Liu Ming's kick, and then a sweeping autumn sweep sweeping the legs of the church to kick Liu Ming's abdomen.

I have to say that Liu Ming's reaction speed was relatively fast. He couldn't get a single hit, and immediately avoided it. He hit the ground with one foot and leapt high, avoiding the attack of Feng Chen.

However, even if Liu Ming escaped Feng Chen's blow, Feng Chen was not idle. He fell toward the ground in an inclined shape, and when his body was about to touch the ground, his right hand slammed on the ground. When he slammed hard, his entire body was suspended in the air, three feet above the ground. When Liu Ming jumped from above him, Feng Chen saw the timing, and his eyes flashed violently. An upright "broken son's feet" Liu Ming's crotch kicked away.

This broken son's feet are not ordinary, this is an upright and difficult movement.


No surprise, Liu Ming was kicked by Feng Chen and then lost his balance in the air. He fell heavily to the ground, his face became sore and purple, his hands were draped over his crotch, and the whole person was lying on the ground trembling and moaning without illness. The pain was beyond words and could not be described in any words. It's simply exploding.


Feng Chen looked coldly at Liu Ming who was covering his crotch on the ground, raised his foot, and then kicked him on his butt. Liu Ming's eyes were about to stare out of his eyes, and his face suddenly became extremely red. . Feng Chen's foot has exhausted 80% of his strength.

Under the foot of Feng Chen, Liu Ming, like the football kicked out, rolled out about ten meters away.

Needless to say, his chrysanthemum is 100% swollen, and his **** has become a problem for several days to come.

"Well ..." There was a constant mournful voice in Liu Ming's mouth, and the sound that fell in the ears of the people was "horrible, terrible!"

Even when the pigs were killed in the New Year, the pigs were not so bad. It can be seen that Liu Ming was really hurt.

After Liu Ming fell, he never stood up again!

Don't look, don't ask, don't think, don't say, Liu Ming has completely lost his self at this moment. At this moment, in his heart, what Huo Yuan, what kind of master, and what princess he completely forgot, he only knew I was in pain in both places.

"His ... so cruel?"

Feng Chen's foot scared the crowds. They faintly heard the sound of broken eggs. Even Huo Yuan and the Qingyang Taoist trembled their eyelids. It was too hard.

"What are you guys doing? Come on!"

The generals named by Liu Ming just now saw that Liu Ming was easily knocked down to the ground, and that they were still knocked down by Feng Chen in this inferior way, and they felt intimidated and involuntary. The chrysanthemum was tight, and he was afraid to step forward, for fear of following in the footsteps of Liu Ming.

However, Huo Yuan did not dare to disobey.

Just after Huo Yuan's words fell, a long and thick man with five big and three thick arms moved his neck and pulled his fists. Then two fists with the sound of the wind, one punch was facing the dust-proof face door, and one punch was aligned. Feng Chen's chest smashed into Feng Chen without hesitation.

As soon as the five big and three strong men came up, he used one of his best moves, and it was also one of his killing moves. Under this move, not many people can hide, as long as the opponent is hit with a fist, Even if it is a half body failure, even if it touches a little skin, it will break it.

At the same time, he did not underestimate Feng Chen, and Lions Bunny also used all his powers to understand that he should not underestimate anyone.

If you are arrogant, you are likely to be killed by the enemy and die.

"This boy, you got the fat three, it's been planted!" Some soldiers who knew the five big three were thick and saw that fat thirty one's shot was such a direct life-threatening sigh.

Feng Chen didn't move at this moment, just stood still, watching Fat San who was rushing towards himself unmoved.

When Fat San's fist came in front of him, he suddenly took a step forward and kicked it.

Fat San saw Feng Chen take the initiative to step forward, and now he felt a joy.

But he still had time to make an attack, and Feng Chen's figure shook, and Fat San had already been kicked by Feng Chen in the chest, and his fist was clearly able to hit the dust, but he didn't know why, even A corner of the cloak of dust was not attached.

Then Fat San felt a huge force hitting his chest.

His heart sank abruptly, and he scolded: Your uncle!


Under the huge impact, Fat San's body flew up, and Feng Chen kicked it and flew a few meters away, then the whole person hit a pillar, and the whole pillar was directly broken by the waist. Crashed.


Fat San's fangs grinned, and there was a moan in his mouth. He clearly felt that several ribs had been broken from his chest, and the blood in his mouth continued to overflow from his body.

Some Huo soldiers who were still lamenting for Feng Chen did not leave Fat San's body from the moment when Fat San took off. When the big tiger fell to the ground, the two eyes coincided. Mimi, with pain in her face, her mouth twitched subconsciously.

"Two seniors, you see ..."

Huo Yuan was extremely tense in his heart. He once wondered if the poison he gave himself was fake, parallel imports, or something special, shouldn't it make me play.

Isn't it repeatedly emphasized that drinking this poison will lead to general weakness? It didn't look like he was weak all over.

"General Huo, you can rest assured that this person will not last long. If it is necessary, I will kill him by waiting!"

The original serious expression on Qingyang Taoist's face was gradually disappearing. Instead, Feng Chen's bravery made him very surprised. He thought for a moment that if this person did not drink the poison, it would not be true for them and Goudao Dare to pack tickets to win the dust.

But if you take poison, no matter who you are, no matter how powerful you are, it will not last for a quarter of an hour.

This person is so powerful that the cultivation method must be unusual. If this person can surrender the cultivation method, hehe, it is really a worthwhile trip.

I have to say that the abacus of Qingyang Taoist is really good.

On Li Mengshu's side, don't look at her as a weak woman. She raised her hands, she was not weak, she was deadly, and there were no twenty or fifteen Huo family soldiers who died under her sword.

Within a short time, there were at least 30 people lying on the scene, and Yin Hong's blood flowed to the ground, and the scene was a mess.