Business Manager

Chapter 1698: Jiang Fei Yu Wei's shock

"Uh ..." Yu Wei was terrified, Jiang Fei was stunned there, and Lao Tzu went back to his home. You blocked Lao Tzu's way, and you are quite reasonable.

"I said brother, let's come to the alchemy, there will always be a come first!" There are some Tenjin monks in the crowd, and there are no eyes on Tenjin monks like Jiang Fei and Yu Wei.

"Alchemy? What alchemy?" Yu Wei stunned completely.

"Brother, still pretend to be confused with us here, don't want us to slap you, you better consciously go behind the line and line up!" One of the strong men with God's cultivation came to Yu Wei and took An arrogant expression looked at Yu Wei up and down, with a strong threat in his words.

"You ..." It was when Wei wanted to teach this unbelievable monk, Jiang Fei quickly grabbed him, and then winked at Yu Wei.

"Fei brother, why did you drag me just now, Lao Tzu had to chop him into a brain!" Yu Wei muttered, just like a sorrowful woman, who was humiliated by the strong man just now, and he couldn't swallow it.

He Yu Wei is a monk of the day, and his qualifications are also good. Take the brave man of the **** just now, he is confident that he can defeat this person within three strokes.

After all, as he walks on the verge of death all year round, is he comparable to that of a normal monk.

"Take the back door and go back, I guess it's related to Feng Chen's guy!"

Jiang Fei smiled and thought carefully. The big Korean house actually lived with four of them. Sister Han went to the main city house. Isn't there only one person left in the Korean house, but he was also surprised. It ’s only about twenty days since they left. It ’s not easy for Feng Chen to make such a noise.

"Feige, do you mean that the so-called Danshi in those people's mouths is Fengchen?" Yu Wei asked softly with doubt.

"Otherwise? Will it be clear to ask him after they will go in?" Jiang Fei smiled.

"I'm going, if this guy is really Dan Shi, then it's too special, and it's so special that we don't let our humans live!" Yu Wei rolled his eyes and thought of Feng Chen's abnormal place. He was completely speechless.

Jiang Fei and Yu Wei both came to the back door of Hanfu. Jiang Fei looked around and found that no one came along, took a handprint, moved his heart, a silver light flashed, and an enchantment appeared. One after the other was immersed in the enchantment.

After returning to Hanfu, Yu Wei and Jiang Fei walked towards Feng Chen's residence for the first time.

"Hmm ..." Feng Chen, sitting cross-legged, heard the knock on the door, and swept away, finding that Yu Wei and Jiang Fei were standing outside the door, and a long-lost smile appeared on their faces.

"Fei brother, brother Yu!" Feng Chen got up and opened the door, and arched his hands towards Yu Wei and Jiang Fei, smiling.

"Well ... wonderful ... wonderful ..." Yu Wei looked up and down on Feng Chen with a strange look, and made a strange sound of yin and yang in his mouth.

"Fei Brother, what's wrong with Brother Yu? Are you irritated?" Feng Chen's face showed a harmless expression of humans and animals. After looking at Yu Wei, he looked at Jiang Fei with a questioning tone. Road.

"Feng Chen, your uncle, did you get stimulated!" Feng Chen's voice dropped, and Yu Wei was like a fire *, and immediately blew up.

"Boy, I ask you, what's going on with those people outside?" Yu Wei asked Feng Chen with a look of scrutiny.

"What's going on?" Feng Chen didn't understand what Yu Wei was talking about at all. Naturally, he didn't know that many monks gathered at the door of Hanfu to seek alchemy.

"Pretend to do it, okay, then I will give you a hint!" Yu Wei said, pulling a chair, raising Erlang's legs, watching Feng Chen saying: "Hanfu There were no less than a hundred people around the door. They all came to seek help from Danshi. Do n’t tell me, it ’s an idle egg. It ’s nothing to do! ”

"Alchemy?" After Feng Chen heard Yu Wei's words, a look of relief appeared on his face. He finally knew the meaning of Yu Wei and Jiang Fei coming to find himself, and he thought that something big had happened.

"Feng Xiaozi, I see how you pretend!" Seeing Feng Chen lingering in place, Yu Wei was just like a **** with a high toe, a little bit wry.

"That's it?" But who knew that Feng Chen's answer was not Wei's surprise at all.

Coupled with Feng Chen's innocuous expression of humans and animals, Yu Wei was suddenly utterly intimidating.

"Feng Chen, so to speak, are you really an alchemist?" Jiang Fei went to Feng Chen and asked Feng Chen with a surprised look.

"Fei brother, isn't it the alchemist, what's so surprising about this!"

"Your boy really stands and speaks without back pain!" After Yu Wei and Jiang Fei heard Feng Chen's words, both of them hit a subconscious spirit.

Feng Chen glanced at both of them, poked his lips, and murmured, "I am an alchemist can scare you like this. If I tell you that I am a concoct, I should not scare you to death. ? "

"Wait a while, wait a while!" Although Feng Chen said these words in a low voice, all these words fell into Jiang Fei and Yu Wei's ears without a word.

"What did you just say?" Yu Wei walked to Feng Chen with a serious expression.

"Feng Chen, you said that Que Lingdan was made by you?" Jiang Fei also slowly walked towards Feng Chen with a solemn expression.

"You ... do you know Quelingtan?" Feng Chen thought that they hadn't known Quelingdan when they had just returned, but who knew that they knew about Quelingdan.

However, if you know it, you will know that you and Yu Fei and Jiang Fei will not be leaked. Even if you know it, it will be fine.

"Feng Chen, what the **** is going on here, isn't this quenched spirit master made by Master Aoki of Jixing Danfang?"

Feng Chen looked at the two, smiled, and then said everything about Que Lingdan.

"In this way, Que Ling Dan can be refined by you and Master Aoki? Does that mean?" Jiang Fei asked.

"Yeah! That's right! No one can make it except me and Aoki!" Feng Chen nodded with certainty.

"Feng Chen, you also know my character. Que Ling Dan is a matter of great importance. Have you ever thought of giving Que Ling Dan Dan to the clan for safekeeping or refining?"

The reason why Jiang Fei said this, of course, has some consideration from him. Whether Dan Fang is handed over to the human race or refined by the human race, first of all, at least, it can divert the attention of individual forces. At the same time, if some people keep it, Some people with little ulterior motives in the Xiaoxiao generation dare not go to the idea of ​​quenching the elixir.