Call of the Legion

v1 Chapter 272: Great changes in Ironforge

This battle really is not the time.

If you can wait until level 41, Fang Huan will be more confident after the professional advancement, but everything, no if.

There are now three runestones in Fang Huan's hands, two of which were temporarily given to him by Aofo yesterday to facilitate back and forth communication. This thing is easy to use and good to use. It has a long cooling time and requires magic crystals. Or magic gems can be charged.

For Fang Huan, who is teleporting more and more frequently, three teleporting runes are essential.

"I don't know how many goods there are in Aofo's hands, this thing will definitely sell a lot of money."

Fang Huan has successfully evolved into a qualified businessman ...

Before returning to the Thunder Fortress, Fang Huan suddenly received a call request from the poisonous official.

Fang Huan didn't want to bother. He would also be nervous in the face of the upcoming battle, but after the drug dealer couldn't get through, he hanged up the request frantically. The hangup request was repeated so much that Fang Huan chose to connect.

Immediately after being connected, the poison drug official told him a breaking news, "Brother, things are getting bigger. Just now, the human Holy Light Cathedral fought. Not only did dwarves participate in the battle, but the orcs also appeared. Later, Ding Cheng sent someone to Ironforge and found Sorell. Sorell directly killed the messenger of St. Pattin, then took the Black Iron clan to directly judge the human alliance, and left with all the people. Ironforge! "

"Human League has released a mission to chase the Dark Iron clan, and players involved in the mission have also been held accountable. The logistics department guild has been included in the list. It is said that players in the logistics department received a system prompt. Withdrawing from the guild, you will be forced to change your camp, join the orc tribe, and be hunted down by the Human Alliance ... "

"Oh, that ’s wonderful. The only pity is that the resurrection point of the hunted-down player has been transferred to the land of Un'Goro, the orc's base camp. He was killed at most once. Alas, I was thinking of bringing them It ’s all up to level 1. "

Do it!

Isn't it, just for a long time, so busy in Ironforge?

Also, how did the logistics department get involved? Wouldn't it be you LYB who contributed to this?

The poor master Wu Feng, who offends you badly, offends this real villain! I do n’t know how to die!

The logistics department was afraid that it would be cold, at least for a short period of time. They were forced to change camps and change the main city. The impact on the guild was unimaginable. It is possible to dissolve the common guild directly. If it is a professional guild, Although it will not be dissolved, its losses will only be greater!

and many more!

How did the orcs appear in the main city of humankind?

Fang Huan thought of the demon appearing in the city of Sun Yao again. Where would he not know the connection between the two?

This is clearly the task of pit people!

The main target of Palando Pit is not the player, but the two dwarven branches of the Black Iron Clan and the Thunder Clan!

Just as Fang Huan had guessed before, Palando now sees it poorly, playing the intention of splitting the human alliance, deliberately provoking the illusion of dwarves colluding with the orc rebellion. The only thing that makes Fang Huan wonder is why Riel so easily judged the human union?

Is it because of the Holy Light Cathedral?

But looking at Sorell ’s movements, it seems to have been prepared for a long time, and the movement of Ironforge is also very strange. The same people in his city moved away from Ironforge so much that no one blocked it? No one talks with humans, this is too abnormal.

"Oh yes, there is another message to tell you for free. Thank you for your previous reminder. Just this morning, Ironforge's NPC was in chaos. I asked people to ask casually, it was Ironforge's. Master, the dwarven kingdom's king-Mattani Bronzebeard is missing, leaving only his two artifacts on the scene-Stormhammer, the dwarves guessed that their king might have died, because only the master died, the Stormhammer Will leave his master ... "

"Today's Ironforge is immersed in a dark cloud. The patriarch of the Wildhammer clan is not in Ironforge and is unable to preside over the whole situation. Sorrell also led people to defect at this time. Soon, the teleportation formation was directly launched, and the Knights of the Holy Light came to pursue. It is estimated that at this moment, there is a battle in the snow mountains near Ironforge ... "

After Fang Huan listened, it felt reasonable. "Did you not catch up and pick up leaks?"

The battle between the Knights of the Light and the Dwarves, as long as you keep up, there will be countless benefits!

Fang Huan's words made the poisonous official smile hard. "Do you think we don't want to? Fools know that it will be good to keep up, but they can't keep up! We don't have your flying props, and the surroundings of Ironforge are all steep and steep. Snow mountain cliffs, let alone catch up, usually you have to be careful when going up and down the mountain. If there is no flying mount for system rental, this place is a Jedi! "

"Only the monsters of the Knights of the Holy Light can ride the mount, and it is not affected at all."

Thinking of the shocking scene of the Knights of the Holy Light, the poisonous official is also a little stunned. It is one of the high-ranking human species. Regardless of its strength, it is the most powerful of all the arms he has seen today. !!

Fang Huan has been distracted to search for the information on Ironforge on the forum. As the movement is getting bigger and bigger, he can take a casual look at the forum. It is full of ironforge great changes.

This kind of event process that almost affects a race will inevitably lead to the change of the next game pattern, and there are still orcs participating in the battle, and the reputation of the camp that was open some time ago. Everything is combined. Many people believe that the camp The first battle between the two is about to begin.

Almost everyone is flexing their muscles, and the excitement is beyond words.

Fang Huan is unwilling to comment on this. The camp war may start, but it will definitely not be so fast. The current game progress is far from enough to support the camp-scale war. Even if there is a battle, it will only be a small-scale task. It ’s not a large-scale front-line hard work ~ ~ The simplest is the level. Today, Fang Huan, the highest level, is only 40. Although the upgrade speed has dropped a lot, it can still maintain a level of progress for several days. According to previous game experience, as long as the level can be moved, the game will not appear in a large-scale battle on a full camp scale. Once one day, the level can't be raised, then the battle will really come.

Now, it's not the time ...

Fang Huan is now afraid for a while. Fortunately, I reacted very quickly. After discovering that the knight of Sun Yaocheng was disguised by the devil, he turned his head and ran, otherwise he will end up now, compared to the black iron clan who had left the country and was forced to change the gate Master Wu Feng is not so good ...

and many more...

It seems that there is nothing wrong?

"Lao Xiao, those in the logistics department should be in disguise. Why were they found at the Holy Light Cathedral?"

He Du Shi smiled, "There is a fee to answer this question."

dry! Retribution is upset!