Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 125

Among the many comments, this one got extra attention from Mu Xing.

In fact, he thought about it.

There is only one rose, but that rose is too precious and rare, it is extremely difficult to dig out.

Hundreds of guards from Xingwang are guarding it, so it is very safe.

But this gardenia will be different.

It is valuable, it is still a small single plant, easy to start, easy to transport.

Today's Chiyuexing is like a child swaggering through the market with a heavy treasure.

Besides, there will be more flowers.

After thinking about it, Mu Xing submitted an application to the federal government for the formation of the Chiyuexing Planetary Self-Defense Force.

An additional application for federal asylum - that is, as a taxpayer, to apply for the permanent presence of a federal army to guard the safety of the planet.

With the current situation of Chiyuexing, there must be many soldiers willing to come over for this errand.

As the owner of Chiyuexing, Mu Xing went to see them in person.

Seeing the man in the lead, he let out a "huh" and hesitantly clicked on the bracelet to confirm the information he had seen before.

"I remember, the commander of the federal garrisoned regiment this time is surnamed Hang?"

Hang Jin took off his gloves, bent slightly, and stretched out his hand: "Hang Jin, Colonel of the Third Army of the Federation, accepted the commission of Chiyuexing, and will be responsible for protecting Chiyuexing's stability in the next five years. Mu Xing Sir, long time no see."

Mu Xing looked up at him: "Hang Jin?"

Hang Jin said in a low voice, "the last time was special and I couldn't use someone else's name, sorry."

Oh, so he's not that scumbag. Mu Xing thought.

He doesn't have any anger at being deceived. Looking at Hang Jin's injury last time, he knows that he must be performing some dangerous mission.

In that case, it's not too much to dare to reveal your real name in front of strangers.

On the contrary, because Hang Jin is not the scumbag in the original plot, he feels much better about him.

He smiled, stretched out his hand and shook it cheerfully: "Colonel Hang Jin, please take care of me in the future."

Mu Xing is quite generous to the Third Legion who will stick to Chiyuexing for the next five years and maintain the stability of Chiyuexing.

So, less than a month after arriving at Chiyuexing, the soldiers of the Third Corps came to the park under construction in batches and walked through the hundreds of millions of netizens asking for But the Gardenia Road.

I also saw the unique miracle rose in the whole interstellar!

Of course, everyone must sign an agreement before going, not to damage any plants, and not to pick flowers, otherwise, Mu Xing will directly sue to the federal court.

But it turns out he thinks too much.


Let alone touch it.

Before leaving, Mu Xing also gave them a packet of rose tea.

This is something that money can't buy!

The soldiers of the Third Legion, one counts as one, couldn't help but post a dynamic show on their social account.

Not only did it provoke the jealousy of countless colleagues, but it was no surprise that it became the first in the popularity of Star Network.

[? ? ? Why didn't I apply for the military academy, why didn't I become a glorious federal soldier, or I would have the opportunity to go to Chiyuexing! 】

[The soldiers of the Third Legion who did not get the quota are here, these guys, when the vacation period is over, they must be slaughtered! 】

[Wuwuwu I saw those photos, I want to go too. 】

【Rose tea! I admire, is this made of flowers? Is it for sale? 】

【Excuse me, is it too late for me to sign up for the army now? 】

[Gardenia is really beautiful, I go to the live broadcast room to **** flowers every day, it is beautiful and fragrant, and people feel dizzy after sitting for a while. 】

I also think it's pretty, but I can't stand the scent, it's too strong. 】

【I really like this fragrance, it smells so good. 】

Hang Jin also made a special trip to visit Mu's house, and one came to apologize for his concealment at the time to thank him again for saving his life.

The Mu family didn't really care about this. On the contrary, the person stationed at Chiyuexing is an acquaintance, and there is a life-saving grace, and they are also relieved.

This is the season of May, and Mu Xing has planted large tracts of evening primroses, skyflowers, roses, roses, daisies... and dug out one in batches. The huge artificial lake is transplanted with lotus leaves full of lakes.

If all goes well, from this May until October, there will be no shortage of seasonal flowers in the park.

There are Eya people here, it is impossible to exist here is an accident.

Even because of the existence of the little Yiya people, the flowers here will bloom much more vigorously than normal, and the flowering period will be longer.

All kinds of green trees used to beautify and improve the environment are directly transplanted into wood regardless of the cost, and the price is relatively more expensive, but nowadays Muxing’s daily live broadcast room is at least seven-digit income investment Below, it is also affordable.

I am willing to spend money, labor is a tireless intelligent robot that can work day and night. The greening and construction process of Chiyuexing is advancing at a terrifying speed.

At the beginning of July, this flower park has been basically completed.

There are no other buildings in the whole park except for the pavilion seats for people to rest at intervals.

Infrastructure is irrigation system and roads.

In order to keep the mystery and surprise the audience, after making an appointment with the audience, Mu Xing closed the live broadcast of the relevant progress in the park more than half a month in advance.

Viewers can still watch other split screen content.

For example, Chiyuexing has leased more intelligent robots, and the tree planting team is growing. The audience in the live broadcast room has roughly calculated that with the current scale of tree planting robots, it is possible to add hundreds of thousands of trees to Chiyuexing every day. And this team continues to grow.

There is also a demolition live broadcast, which is another robot team responsible for tearing down all the buildings in the former human gathering area of ​​Chiyuexing and transporting the garbage away from Chiyuexing.

There is also the original intention that the popularity will always remain high, the courtyard of Mu Xing's house.

This is the place where many people first know about the live broadcast room of Yiya, and it is also where Miracle Rose is located.

The blooming period of this flower is not normal.

The audience in the live broadcast room seems to be used to all kinds of unreasonable things on Mu Xing.

For example, the flower seedlings bought in the same place, his 100% can survive and bloom, while the audience bought 100% can not bloom.

[Think about it too, if we can all do it, how can flowers be so rare? 】The audience thinks so.

On the first night when the park was built, Mu Xing walked in alone.

It is full of lush trees, and the yellow sand is isolated from the outside. Now it is the most beautiful piece of pure land in Chiyuexing.

Maomao and Maimai sat on Mu Xing's shoulders, watching all this with bright eyes.

"This is the first park."

Mu Xing looked at the two elves in front of her with some embarrassment: "I want to give her a name. Is it called Maomao Park or Maimai Park?"

The two little Yiyas were taken aback.

They looked at each other, leaning together as if discussing something.

After a while, Maomao fluttered his small wings and flew to the height of Mu Xing's eyes, and said, "Me and Maimai think it can be called Xingxing Park!"

Mu Xing shook his head: "That's not good, these flowers are the credit of Maomao and Maimai, and the money for these constructions is also earned by Maomao and Maimai."

He refused to use his own name.

Maomao and Mai Mai glanced at each other after hearing the words, and couldn't restrain their excitement.

Mu Xing looked at the two little Yiya people and muttered together again.

After a while, Mao Mao said with a serious face, very particular: "I am a gentleman and an adult again, and I can't rob a little girl who can't even speak. Mai Mai Park."

Mike's eyes are shining.

Mu Xing nodded: "Okay, it's called Mai Mai Park!"

Maomao was happy and a little sour, so she took the initiative to fly to Mu Xing's ear, kissed him gently, and seriously emphasized: "Then we will build another park in the future, and it will be called Maomao Park. !"

Hey, how can one have the heart to refuse it?

Mu Xing naturally responded with a smile.

He is standing on a stone bridge at the moment.

Pointed lotus buds.

Mai Mai, who got the naming rights of the park, was obviously very happy, Mu Xing watched her small figure fall on a lotus leaf, her small body was flying among the lotus leaves, with a starting point behind her Dotted green fluorescence.

She opened her mouth suddenly.

Mu Xing couldn't hear the sound, but she could guess that she might be singing something.

He didn't care too much, lying on the railing and enjoying the night scene with interest.

The crimson moonlight suddenly became brighter.

The wind is blowing.

The clouds and mist were blown away, and the layers of lotus leaves swayed lively.

Mu Xing saw a little green light.

From a distance, he thought it was a summer firefly at first.

Soon, little by little, it became a small piece.

From all directions, they gather here.

Mu Xing couldn't help standing up straight - because he could see clearly, it was not a firefly.