Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 180

Mu Xing woke up from sweating profusely.

The whole body is like being fished out of the water.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw a simple ceiling lamp.

There is a soft touch under the body, it should be on the bed in the bedroom.

A lot of plot memories appeared in his mind.

Original Mu Xing, an orphan since childhood, was raised by an old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist died when he was eighteen years old. After graduating from university, Mu Xing stayed in the provincial capital of his hometown and became an ordinary office worker.

The peaceful life was broken a month ago.

What's more, it's seven floors apart?

From this day on he started to have a fever.

But nothing is right.

His hearing has become particularly good, his eyes that were a little short-sighted not only restored to their natural state, but even those who are 100 meters away can see clearly.

Damn it!

He went to the hospital again for a full-body examination, but the result was: all aspects of his body were surprisingly good, the doctor looked at the examination report, and almost dragged him to ask, Young man, how did you survive?

He left the hospital in a daze.

He was afraid of the changes in himself, so he quietly revealed to a colleague, Xu Hui, who was very close to him.

Xu Hui is Yuan Shi's senior. Yuan Shi graduated last year and came to this company. Xu Hui was responsible for taking him and was very kind.

Of course Xu Hui didn't believe what he said, until Mu Xing walked through the wall from the living room to the bedroom in front of him.

Xu Hui looked at him in shock, and joked, "Is this the superpower you mentioned in the movie?"

The original body was still in a state of constant fever and weakness at that time, and sighed: "I feel like I'm dying, this super power, don't worry."

Of course he can't go to work in this state. The company is also afraid that someone will have an accident in the company.

Xu Hui occasionally visits him with gifts.

One day later, the original body burned to the point of unconsciousness in his sleep. When he woke up, he couldn't even move. He was lying on the bed and smiled bitterly, was he dying?

His door was suddenly opened.

Two men in black came to his side, injected some liquid into his arm, and his consciousness passed out.

From this day, the original nightmare came.

He woke up on a white bed, surrounded by people in white clothes, surrounded by countless instruments and various experimental equipment.

Since then, for a long time, he has not left this bed.

He probably realized that he had become an experiment.

Blood, spinal cord, body tissues are drawn.

"Memories" of Mu Xing's body trembled as a conditioned reflex.

Afterwards, he was moved from that bed to another place, which looked like a huge bathtub filled with a blue viscous liquid of unknown origin.

The original body learned from those people because his body was about to collapse.

They didn't want him to die, so they hung him forcibly and continued their so-called research.

The original body does not know how long he has been there.

His greatest wish is to die as soon as possible and not suffer such pain again.

One day later, he vaguely felt that there was chaos around him.

There are gunshots, there is a whirring wind, and there are panic footsteps everywhere.

Finally, everything is silent.

He saw several people in military uniforms barging in, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and met their shocked and angry eyes.

Kill me.

He silently prayed.

Mu Xing exhaled and broke away from the nightmare-like plot memory.

Behind, it is no longer the original perspective.

It turns out that the origin of everything is because of Xu Hui.

Others don't believe it.

Xu Hui was anxious, and described the things that Mu Xing told him and what he saw himself.

The people around were dubious, and someone suddenly asked from behind: "What's your friend's name and where does he live?"

Xu Hui half-closed his eyes, not knowing what he said.

Later, he got drunk.

Two days later, when he went to see him at Mu Xing's house, he called for a long time and no one answered the door. He was afraid that someone would have an accident at home and called the police.

There is no one there.

Mu Xing is missing.

Xu Hui was taken to the police station to ask some questions. He only said that Mu Xing was not feeling well recently and was often sick. He also said that Mu Xing always said that he had awakened super powers or something.

He didn't tell the police about Mu Xing's weird ability to pass through walls.

The police can't ask useful information, let him go back, and ask if he remembers any key information, be sure to tell himself.

After returning home for a day, Xu Hui woke up in his sleep and suddenly remembered that he met a strange man in the bar that night.

The accent was very strange, not like a Chinese, and asked a lot of information about Mu Xing.

Xu Hui broke down in a cold sweat. Could Mu Xing's disappearance have something to do with him?

Ke Xuhui still didn't say it.

At that moment, a dark thought appeared in his heart: It would be fine if Mu Xing didn't come back.

As a senior in the company and a senior, he was very happy to take this younger brother with him at first.

But this apprentice is too good, he won a big project when he first joined the company, and the leaders appreciate him very much.

At the end of the year, a project manager was transferred to the headquarters. Originally, in terms of qualifications, he took a step forward steadily.

But the project manager likes Mu Xing very much, and may not recommend Mu Xing to the leader before leaving.

He chose silence.

The original body has lost the only possible chance for salvation.

Mu Xing quietly watched the plot additions that the original perspective did not have.

In recent years, ultra-ancient relics have been excavated all over the world, and human beings have discovered many ancient cultural relics that have never been recorded in history.

Some expert studies have shown that the history of human beings may be longer than they know.

In the vast ancient times, human beings may have had a splendid civilization.

The mutation of Mu Xing's body is just the beginning.

Three months after the mutation appeared in his body, people in China have experienced the same symptoms one after another.

Not only China, but other countries also have similar symptoms.

And these people, after experiencing unstable low-grade fever and physical discomfort for more than a month, their five senses have become stronger, more powerful, and even mastered supernatural power.

It's like a supernatural being in a sci-fi movie.

Everyone was caught off guard.

More and more psychics appeared, and the government had no time to react, and chaos began to occur all over the world.

A part of the psychic feel that they are the chosen person, nobler than ordinary people, they unite with other psychic, set up an organization, ignore the rules and laws of society, and use violent means to satisfy own desires.

They call themselves superhumans.

Human society has been in chaos for a long time. Ordinary people don't even dare to go out easily.

The country of China, where it was originally located, is the fastest response and the fastest stable of all regimes.

The government recruits and integrates superpowers by means of thunder, and organizes a new army to maintain domestic stability.

When many local governments abroad were busy fighting against superhuman beings, China had basically restored order.

The original body is the first awakened ability in this world.

He was three months earlier than the second awakened human.

The person who kidnapped him was from a foreign organization "Zero".

The members of that organization are all crazy desperadoes, there are pervert murderers, unscrupulous bioscientists, and fanatical racists...

In short, there are no normal people.

Since the existence of various ancient ruins, they smelled something wrong and began to look for all kinds of unusual things around the world.

The original body of the awakening period was targeted and taken away by them.

Even, they created a batch of "subhumans" with the results obtained from the experiments on the original body.

These artificial superpowers are not as powerful as the awakened ones, but they are also more powerful than ordinary people.

Zero Organization has become the biggest tumor in the world since the beginning of the era of great chaos.

After watching the whole plot, Mu Xing suddenly realized one thing.

In the original plot, the original body was taken away by people with zero organization during a certain fever and weakness.

And now…

He slowly held his breath.

He heard footsteps.

First floor.

It was two men standing quietly at the elevator entrance.

Their goal is themselves.

Mu Xing's cold sweat fell.

He "watched" the two people enter the elevator, the elevator went up and stopped on the seventh floor.

The two walked out, seeming to recognize the house number, and then stopped at his door.