Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 184

Gu Zhao tried again, and found that as before, as long as he tried to approach the room, he would appear in a different place for no reason.

He said in a deep voice: "It should be Mu Xing's space ability, it seems to be automatically protecting Mu Xing and not letting others approach."

Yu Wei swallowed: "What's the situation now?"

Gu Zhao slowly shook his head: "I don't know."

He pondered for a moment and thought: Maybe the power is completely awakening?

This is no small feat.

Qin Ying was also puzzled: "Didn't he say that his ability is about space teleportation? What's going on with these plants?"

Gu Zhao arranged for Yu Wei and Qin Ying to guard here and started to call.

Although Mu Xing has not shown aggression at present, no one knows if he will lose control in the future.

If anything happens...they must ensure that they can control him as soon as possible.

In addition, researchers, medical staff…

Mu Xing was lethargic for two days.

When he woke up, he only felt refreshed, and he had never felt so comfortable and light since he inherited this body.

A species he had never seen before.

He was curious, sat up and wanted to take a closer look. Who would have guessed that the vine seemed to sense his thoughts, like a living thing, from climbing through the window to the front of his bed , rubbed his hand affectionately.

Mu Xing laughed out loud.


A tender green flower fell from the vine and landed in his palm.

Even if she couldn't hear her, Mu Xing had a feeling. She realized that Mu Xing wanted to see flowers, so she came close and took the initiative to pick a flower and give it to her dear little master of.


Mu Xing realized something and observed the inside of his body.

The energy of the white ball has increased several times compared to before, which means that his spatial ability has become much stronger.

This is not what Ke Muxing is concerned about.

It was the barely visible green fluorescence before.

The pitiful green light spots that had almost no sense of existence against the white light group before, are now extremely arrogant and fill every part of Mu Xing's body.

Bone, meridian, and even blood, the surface of the skin... You can see the green light spots.

On the contrary, although the white energy group is much larger, it seems to be the complete opposite of the previous situation, being squeezed to the original place.

Inexplicably kind of pitiful.

Mu Xing looked away and landed on the vine in front of him. Sure enough, from this huge vine, he also saw similar green light spots.

Mu Xing held his chin and thought with a puzzled expression: Could it be that I not only awakened the space ability, but also the plant ability?

And looking at the current situation, his plant ability is clearly far stronger than space ability.

He tried his best to review the original plot. Although dual-line abilities are rare, they are not absent.

What's the matter with him, has he finally fully awakened?

Gu Zhao's voice came from outside the door: "Mu Xing? Are you awake?"

Mu Xing finally turned his attention to the outside.

This "look", he realized something was wrong.

Originally, with the help of his powerful and keen five senses, he could roughly sense the surrounding environment, how many people there are, and whether the breath is strong.


He saw it.

All the surrounding plants became his eyes.

In the range of his perception, all the scenes that plants can see, as long as he wants, he can see.

Mu Xing was taken aback.

He felt that this ability was a little too powerful.

At this moment, he found that there were many people around the house.

In addition to Gu Zhao and the others, there were also many soldiers with guns and live ammunition, as well as researchers and medical staff in white coats, Mu Xing even saw Old General Tian who was being guarded by the guards. There were two old men beside him.

Mu Xing, who had no idea what he had done, was stunned.

However, he sensed nervousness from those people, but there was no malicious intent.

He got up and opened the door.

The scene before him startled him: "What happened?"

The whole corridor, no, it should be said that the walls of the whole house are covered with various plants, and many of them are not blooming, and they are not in bloom.

The flowers are very strange. For example, the roses bloomed with pink jasmine flowers, and a rose on the terrace grew to almost two meters high, covered with big red bell flowers, and even the top of the rose Like a Christmas tree, it bears a big red fruit.

It's like a random bunch, but it looks pretty good.

Hearing his words, Gu Zhao and others: "..."

Seeing that Mu Xing was alive and well, Gu Zhao felt relieved and looked strange: "You don't know what happened?"

Mu Xing shook his head honestly.

Yu Wei looked at him carefully and asked: "Mu Xing... Oh no, boss, how are you feeling now? Is there any discomfort? Do you feel full of power? No What is the irritability and impulsiveness of wanting to vent excess power?"

Mu Xing had a question mark on his face.

Seeing his clear and calm expression, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Xing knew that he had slept for two days.

And since I fell asleep, the plants around the villa began to grow wildly and move towards this side, and the room I was in was also very strange, and there was no way to get close.


It is undeniable that the scene at that moment was really grand and shocking.

Gu Zhao asked him: "Is this an ability? I remember your ability is teleportation, which is related to space. What's going on with these plants?"

Mu Xing replied: "I am probably, awakened two abilities. You see."

He said, pointing to the large vines on the wall in front of him.

With his movements, those plants retreated to the terrace like a tide.

In fact, he doesn't need action, just a thought. This just makes the three see a little more clearly.

"So cool!" Yu Wei's eyes lit up.

Gu Zhao pulled out the gun almost at the first moment of the change, and the moment he pulled the trigger, he suppressed his body's instinct and stared at Mu Xing.

Mu Xing pretended not to see his action, and manipulated the vines to put Yu Wei down: "I want to try and see if I can control their attack, it seems feasible at present."

Yu Wei has a big heart, and he doesn't feel dangerous, but stares at Mu Xing with burning eyes, his face full of excitement: "This is too awesome!"

A voice suddenly came from Gu Zhao's ear, he paused and said, "Mu Xing, General Tian wants to chat with you."

Mu Xing nodded: "Okay."

Several old men who were heavily protected outside entered the room, and they looked strange when they saw him.

Old General Tian said cheerfully: "Xiao Mu, this time, you scared some of our old guys."

Mu Xing felt very innocent: "I didn't know that such a big commotion would be made. Fortunately, no one was hurt."

When he spoke, in front of them, he let all the plants return to their original places, but the grown branches could not be taken back, and he could only grieve the group on himself, it seems Gardeners are going to have to be a little more troublesome.

The whole house is dry and bright, and those plants seem to have never appeared.

Such a scene is undoubtedly extremely shocking.

Mu Xing was sensitive to the fact that these people spoke to him with a much more cautious attitude.

After chatting for a while, a medical staff came over, took Mu Xing to a place, and gave him a detailed physical examination and sampling.

"Mr. Mu, preliminary calculations show that your sense of sight, hearing, and smell are 27 times that of ordinary people, and your reaction ability is thirteen times that of ordinary people who have not received professional training. "

Someone held a series of reports and told him excitedly about the various data detected so far.

Mu Xing listened to it for a while, and it probably meant the same thing: he is very powerful now, and his body is in a perfect state.

The man's voice trembled when he read it: "It's a miracle!"

Then he was taken to another place, and someone specially studied his spatial ability and plant ability, and recorded all kinds of dense data.

Mu Xing even "saw" the mutated plants around the house where he lived, and each of them was sampled and taken away for study.

His address has also changed, because someone is going to study the place where he slept two nights to see if there is any difference.

After more than ten days of continuous rotation, Mu Xing sighed.

He made the right choice.

Even if he has now exposed more powerful and shocking abilities than in the original plot, and took the initiative to come to the door, no one coldly regards him as an experimental subject.

Those researchers, every time they look at him, they look like a hero or a relative.

Every time they take blood samples, they will still be careful, for fear of hurting him, and after the end, they have to say hard work, sorry.

His status as "Special Action Team Intern Consultant" has also been normalized, and he has become a special consultant, and his salary is often increased in different ways.

Why did he sigh?

Because of his recipes.

Because of frequent research on his body data, sampling is inevitable.

The food of his dreams is gone.

The Institute specially arranged two chefs to serve him.

Ensure adequate nutrition and nourish the body.

It's just tasteless.

Mu Xing would like to say, in fact, don't be so careful, his plant ability seems to not only be able to control plants, but also automatically warm the body.

Don't say that the people in the research institute look guilty every time, taking a little bit of blood won't hurt his body at all.

Every time they left, those small green light spots gathered in the wound automatically, and his body recovered and regenerated very fast.

Mu Xing finally got the accurate news from Gu Zhao's mouth.

"The order has gone down." Gu Zhao sat opposite and cut an apple for Mu Xing.

This trend seems to have started from the research institute. Every time Mu Xing waited obediently and prepared to contribute his body, those people couldn't help but take something out of his pocket and feed him .

Over time, Gu Zhao and others around Mu Xing also developed this habit, thinking about feeding him something to eat from time to time.

Fortunately, Mu Xing has a great need for energy after awakening, so he can eat without gaining weight. Otherwise, if I continue to feed like this, I am afraid that I will become a fat star.

"From now on, citizens anywhere in the country who find abnormal and repeated fever will report it as soon as possible, and we will arrange a special person to follow up and observe closely."