Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 223

Emil nodded: "I think yes, if he really doesn't want to embarrass us, he can stop Nina when he first speaks, why does he have to wait for her to finish?"

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and showed the same smile.

Wang said that when you face someone you don't want to have a deep relationship with, just keep smiling.

Anyway, they are powerful and ignorant, and this group of people will not offend themselves.

Sure enough, Kane immediately changed the subject, as if the words had not been said.

Because it has been agreed before, the twins will still travel with Kane's team on the next journey.

They observed that this team was obviously centered on Kane, the captain.

Aside from that little thought, Kane is indeed a qualified leader. He is powerful, enthusiastic and generous, and he is also calm in the face of various crises.

He is a very good man indeed.

I'd appreciate him if he didn't always stare at me with that affectionate look in his eyes. Essia secretly told her brother that.

Kane's mind was not hidden at all.

In addition to the young Nolan, the Carter brothers and Nina realized that Kane seemed to have an admiration for the beautiful great magician.

They are very happy to see the two of them together - after all, if Miss Essia likes Kane, their team can have one more powerful member.

What could be more loyal and stable than a lover?

However, the twins saw Kane and Nina's relationship from day one.

And strict.

Love is loyal and equal.

Instead of being as shy and moved by Kane's hospitality as in the original plot, Essia was resentful.

She didn't understand, why would Kane pursue someone else with Nina's beautiful and loyal partner?

Something even more puzzling happened to Isiah.

It was a quiet evening when Nina came to her.

Everyone has rested except the Carter brothers who were in charge of the vigil.

The moon was bright, and the twins were sleeping under a big tree farther away.

The gentle footsteps of the warrior could not hide the spirit of the five senses, Aishia opened her eyes and looked at Nina quietly.

Nina was startled and whispered, "Master Essia, can I have a chat with you?"

Esia yawned: "But I'm sleeping, can't we talk tomorrow?"

Nina pleaded, "It's not very convenient during the day..."

Nina has a slender figure, pretty facial features, and usually speaks neatly and deeds neatly. Essia quite likes this girl.

She got up and followed Nina into the jungle behind her.

"What do you want from me?" Essia asked her.

She thought that Nina was avoiding people, and she looked unspeakable, and it was a private matter about girls.

I didn't expect that what Nina said next greatly shocked the three views of the underage elf.

"Master Kane likes you very much, I have never seen him like a person like this." Nina said to her.

Esiah: ? ? ?

She looked at Nina in surprise: "If I'm not mistaken, you and Kane should be in a relationship, right?"

Nina showed a happy smile: "A person like Master Kane is destined not to stay for a woman. With my identity, how dare I ask for his wife? "

Esiah: ?

She looked at Nina in confusion, not quite understanding the thoughts of this human girl.

But Wang said, don't meddle in your business when you are out. The relationship between her and Nina is just a little bit better than the chance encounter. So even though Essia thought Nina's thoughts were strange, she didn't say much.

She could only keep smiling: "Just be happy."

Nina secretly looked at Essia's expression, but Essia's expression made her unable to guess any form of the other party.

Esia asked her: "So Nina, you came to me at night just to tell me that Kane likes me?"

When she asked this sentence, don't say shy blushing, not even a little uncomfortable.

Nina bit her lip and looked at her: "Miss Essia, can you accept Master Kane's pursuit?"

Esia raised her eyebrows, feeling absurd and annoyed at the same time.

"Let's not say what I think." She glanced at Nina sharply, "What position do you ask me from? You want to find another partner for your man? "

Are all human women so generous?

Nina lowered her head a little uneasily: "I don't mean anything else, I just... see that the young master is not thinking about it these days."

Esia sneered: "So you can't bear it, come to let me accept him?"

Nina was apprehensive.

These mysterious twin brothers and sisters, although powerful, have shown very good personalities these days.

It was the first time she saw Aishia colden her face.

She was a little scared, and said indifferently: "I didn't mean that, just, just..."

"You don't need to explain." Isiah felt that chatting with her made her whole body uncomfortable.

She said directly: "You are willing to share your partner with others, it is your own business, I can't control it. But I can't. I think you didn't come to me tonight, you go back Bar."

This is what she said, and she has made up her mind to leave the team with her brother after dawn.

It was horrible.

These people are not very normal.

Wang said that people will influence each other. She was afraid that she would become abnormal if she stayed with them again.

However, Nina completely misunderstood what Essia meant.

She raised her voice a little: "Miss Essia, do you mean to mind my existence?"

Esiah: ?

She didn't understand Nina for a while: "What did you say?"

Nina seemed to have made up her mind, looking at her firmly: "If Miss Essia can't accept my existence, I can choose to leave."

Esiah: ?

What the **** are you talking about?

For the first time, the little princess of the elf tribe couldn't maintain her elegant demeanor and looked at Nina in astonishment.

Nina thought she had hit Aisia's mind.

She knows how to move herself: "As long as Master Kane can get what he wants, as long as he can be happy, I can do whatever I want."

Isiah: "…"

She finally understood what Nina was saying.

After understanding, nameless anger filled Aisia's heart.

"Shut up!" She coldly looked at Nina, who was stunned, "What do you think of me? Can you dispose of the things you give away?"

Nina hastily denied: "I don't..."

"You don't have it in your mouth, but you think so in your heart."

"Listen." Isiah was extremely angry, but her tone became more calm, "I don't care how much you think about your young master, you treat yourself as an object without self. It's none of my business. But you shouldn't put your set on me."

, ranting nonsense in front of me, thinking that I like your young master? Do you still mind your existence?"

Esia sneered: "Do you think a little too much and take yourself too seriously?"

Nina looked at her in astonishment.

In her heart, Master Kane is naturally the best man in the world.

How could anyone dislike him?

Isiah didn't know if Nina's behavior was instructed by Kane, she didn't want to anger unrelated people, and restrained her anger.

"While I can restrain my anger, please disappear from my presence immediately."

Nina realizes that she may have broken Kane's business.

She quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Miss Essia, I didn't mean it, all this has nothing to do with Master Kane..."

She was speechless.

The invisible wind flew out of the woods, tied her limbs, strangled her neck, and suspended her in mid-air.

The surging magic alerted the others, and the torch was lit.


Kane discovered the situation of the two at the first time, he looked at Aishia vigilantly: "What happened?"

Others also got up, saw this scene, drew their weapons, and surrounded themselves.

Only Emil stood by his sister's side for the first time.

He doesn't need to know what happened, anyway, at this time, he will always stand with his sister, that's right.

"Humph." Isiah sneered, the wind dissipated in the air, and Nina was stunned.

"Nina!" Kane hugged her quickly, looking at the wound on her neck with some distress, looking up at Essia, "Esia, Nina is young and straightforward. , if she accidentally offends you, please don't have the same knowledge as her."

"She did offend me." Essia felt that she still couldn't do what Wang said, don't anger others at will.

For example, at this moment, thinking of Nina's previous words, she looked at Kane and felt disgusted.

She closed her eyes and said indifferently: "I'm tolerant enough, if I want to care about her, do you think she can live until you guys wake up?"

"Brother." Isiah turned her head, a little aggrieved, "Let's go, I don't want to be with them anymore."

Emil didn't ask anything: "Okay, let's go now."

Seeing this, Kane quickly retained: "You two, what's the matter..."


An arrow flashing coldly pinned to his feet, interrupting his words.

Emil sullenly said, "You upset my sister."

So, don't say anything more.

The two brothers and sisters turned around without looking at the others, and disappeared into the darkness.

Several of Kane's teammates looked at each other.

Carter scratched his head, a little dissatisfied: "They are too overbearing, aren't they even willing to listen to explanations?"

Nina burst into tears: "I'm sorry, Master, I just wanted to talk to Miss Aishia, did I, am I causing you trouble?"

She is Kane's first woman. At this moment, there is still a wound on her neck, and she is still in shock. Kane's heart suddenly softens, where can she blame her?

"None of your business, how is your injury? It's not serious, right?"

The youngest Nolan squatted on the ground and muttered, "But, Mrs. Essia has a good temper, and she is not an unreasonable person at all."

He stared at Nina, who was a little guilty: "Sister Nina, what did you say to Lord Essia to make her so angry?"