Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 228

Later, the "Roan Empire History" recorded this war and called it "the most unsuccessful war in the decision-making of the founding emperor, His Majesty Kane".

In fact, this war may not be called a war.

Because there is no large-scale confrontation.

The army of the Roan Empire could not even enter the Silver Moon Forest.

In the original plot, Kane sent someone to use the space scroll to break into the center of the Silvermoon Forest, and took a branch of the holy tree.

In reality, the young and vigorous twins, relying on their own abilities, also used the space scroll to directly infiltrate the army approaching Silvermoon Forest.

After that, I easily found the most gorgeous tent.

Before the war started, they put the long sword on the neck of the enemy emperor.

When Mu Xing heard the news:?

He didn't know whether to complain about the twins being too bold or Kane's poor defense.

A dagger with a silver hilt was placed around Kane's neck.

The craftsmanship of the elves has always been praised. This short sword can easily cut his veins with a single stroke.

He didn't panic, and said calmly: "I heard that elves are a proud and elegant race, and they never disdain to use any selfish methods. I didn't expect that you would also use such nasty methods. ."

Isiah smiled sarcastically: "Don't say such nonsense, agitation will have no effect on us. If we can achieve our goal with the smallest loss, why choose a greater sacrifice?"

What's more, the human beings on the opposite side are so shameless, why do you want to talk to them?

Kane: "…"

The elf is not what he imagined.

Don't cheat.

He sighed: "You put down the dagger first, let's have a good chat. This is where I rest, and there is no one else."

He responded with a tingling pain in his neck.

The sharp point of the knife cut through his skin, and the chill on the blade soaked into the blood.

Kane shuddered, he is indeed a powerful warrior, but he has not felt this kind of taste for so many years of pampered imperial life.

Another male voice hidden in the shadows sounded: "Don't talk nonsense, and don't delay time. You really don't want to swear, we'll kill you right here, and then how come, just How to leave."

No room for negotiation at all.

Kane smiled wryly.

He sighed, raised three fingers in the direction of the sky, and made a martial oath, saying that he would issue an order to retreat later, and promised that in his lifetime, he will not do anything else Offensive to Silvermoon Forest.

For Kane, he is a powerful fighter, and his strength is due to him today.

Even though he is nearly 100 years old this year, he is still strong and strong, precisely because he is a high-level martial artist.

If he breaks his oath and loses his martial arts talent and strength, the first thing he will face is death.

The dagger around the neck was removed.

Kane finally turned around and saw the two people in the dark.

With just one glance, his eyes widened and his expression became complicated.

He recognizes them.

Even if it has been several decades, it is hard to forget the elegance of the elves once you have seen them once.

What's more, for a long time, the appearance of Essia was lingering in his mind.

He looked at Essia with a nostalgic look and sighed: "I haven't seen you for decades, Miss Essia, you are still as young and beautiful as you were... No, you have grown up and are more beautiful than before. The splendor is unparalleled.”

He touched his face unconsciously.

Warriors live a long life and their bodies age slowly.

Although he is over a hundred years old, he still looks like a strong young man.

But the years have left traces on him, and the corners of his eyes have more fine lines, he has become dignified, calm, and still handsome, but the word "youth" can no longer be used in him on the body.

The two elves in front of them are already young.

Rao is Kane, and at this moment, he couldn't help but start to be jealous of this race.

Isiah's tone was indifferent: "You don't have to use such an old-fashioned tone, are we familiar with it?"

Kane looked at her tenderly: "Whether you believe it or not, I used to be deeply fascinated by you."

This made Essia want to laugh a little, but she did laugh out loud.

The bright smile of the elf girl is like a beam of light, illuminating the dim tent.

But the words that came out of her mouth were as aggressive as her beauty: "Don't say that, your fascination is too cheap, I sound disgusting."

Kane's smile froze and his face sank.

Isiah didn't care at all, and said coldly: "I'm not one of your wives, your sweet words will only make me feel hypocritical. A man with dozens of wives is also worthy of Talk to me about love?"

She was holding a shiny piece of paper in her hand, which was the martial oath made by Kane just now, and the oath was formed at the moment of being recognized.

Kane looked at the direction where the two disappeared.

After a while, he snorted coldly and began to gather the courtiers who accompanied the army this time.

Soon, His Majesty the Emperor ordered the return journey, which spread throughout the entire army.

Although the warriors are very puzzled, they don't need to fight with the elves, and they don't need to suffer unknown risks. They are extremely happy.

Kane did not tell anyone the reason for his withdrawal.

But he never imagined that the elves are not human at all.

Before he returned to the capital, the contents of the contract had already spread throughout the streets of the Roan Empire.

Everyone knew that it was the elf who knew his plan, sneaked into his side, coerced him with force, and made a contract.

Kane is embarrassed!

The twins who consciously did something like a "hero" returned to the Silvermoon Forest, but did not receive the treatment of a hero.

More than that.

Mu Xing was very angry, not only severely reprimanded, but also punished them for cleaning the Silver Moon Forest for a year, and they were not allowed to use magic!

Twin: "…"

They were very aggrieved, but looking at Wang Pingdan with a chilling look in their eyes, they dared not say it and ran away swiftly.

When Mayfair found them, Emile and Essia were cleaning up the fallen leaves.

"Alas." Isiah sighed.

"Alas." Emil also sighed.

The two elves looked so frustrated that Mayfair wanted to laugh a little.

Seeing him coming, Emil's expression instantly regained his steadiness as a brother.

"Mayfair, why are you here?"

Mayfair showed a faint smile and asked them: "Brother Emile, Sister Aishia, is it comfortable to be a hero?"

Emil gave him a dull look: "Humph!"

Mayfair said: "Actually, I think you are doing the right thing."

These words earned the twins' gaze.

Mayfair said calmly: "But your handling is wrong."

"What do you mean?" Essia asked.

Mayfair asked her: "Why do you think Wang is so angry?"

Esia whispered: "Blame me and Emil for acting without permission."

Mayfair shook his head and sighed: "Look, this is why the king punished you to sweep the Silvermoon Forest."

The twins looked at him in confusion.

Mayfair told them: "You act without authorization, there is something wrong, but it is not a big problem. Acting without a comprehensive plan, and there is no second-hand preparation just in case, this is the king not. cause for joy."

Mu Xing was not that angry.

But these two little fools have absolutely no idea why he is angry, and they can't even admit their mistakes.

Well, since they are so busy, Mu Xing simply entrusts them with the task of maintaining the beautiful home of the elves.

Mayfair's words, listening to the twins' ears, are like titans.

Emile's eyes lit up: "You mean..."

Mayfair sighed: "In the king's heart, your safety is more important."

Even if the twins don’t go, Mu Xing himself intends to make such a trip. The only difference is that he has absolute certainty that these two little idiots have a passion.

The twins were moved to tears.

Emile: "The king is so nice."

Isiah held her face: "If only the king likes me, my dream is to be the king's partner!"

Mayfair: "…"

Esia muttered: "Hmph, are you not allowed to have a dream?"

Roan Empire.

After returning from Silvermoon Forest, Kane felt that life was not going well.

First of all, his original harem, which was very harmonious, began to be full of struggles.

He doesn't understand why his gentle and beautiful wives are getting worse and worse one by one?

He has many wives and many children. In the past, they were very submissive and obedient, and everything went according to his wishes.

But now, everything has changed.

The wives are no longer submissive, will refute him, and are unwilling to live in harmony with other women.

His children, getting older, have their own minds, and power has become what they want most.

In the beginning, Kane took this as his own charm, and took pride in it.

After all, at his age, he can still attract so many women to be jealous. It is really a thing for men to be proud of, isn't it?

Until that day, Lillian came to say goodbye to him.

Lilian is the granddaughter of the president of the Magician Association, a very powerful magician.

On that day, she came to Kane's palace and looked at him for a long time with a strange, complicated look.

"I'm very confused, what have I been doing all these years." Lilian's tone was confused and dazed.

The tone made Kane a little uneasy.

He listened to Lillian:

"I have been a genius since I was a child, and my family has high hopes for me. Before meeting you, my goal has never changed, that is, to become the most powerful magician on the continent."

Lillian looked sideways at her wand and muttered to herself: "But what have I been doing for decades? Trapped like a canary in a gorgeous palace, like Those skinny women who are vain and beautiful, go to great lengths to please a man?"