Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 250

Chi Xiao got the word, flapped his wings very happily and left.

Mu Xing thought, they may wait until the weather gets better before coming to the Dahe tribe.

But he never imagined that the Owl Clan could not even wait for dawn.

There were long queues of birds in the air, and under the leadership of Chi Xiao, they all migrated to the Dahe tribe.

At that time it was not yet dawn, but the people of the Dahe tribe were awakened by this movement.

Mu Xing also looked at the large group of strangers standing in the tribe with drowsiness.

Chi Xiao was a little embarrassed: "When I go back and talk to the clansmen, everyone is in a hurry..."

Mu Xing watched, in the owl clan, there were several cubs who had just reached their knees, next to the adults, shivering in the cold wind.

Golden Lion understood: "With such a heavy snow, your clan has no place to stay, right?"

Chi Xiao lowered his head sadly.

They don't have such a strong and tall house as the Dahe tribe. When a heavy snow fell, everything was submerged.

Mu Xing sighed: "Golden Lion, take them to the activity room, make a fire, and get something to eat."

The Great River Tribe soon lit up.

In several large houses that are connected to each other, firewood is burned, and the big cats skillfully set up pots.

Soon, the fragrant broth boiled.

The people of the Owl Clan looked eagerly at the tumbling broth in the pot.

They are curious about everything about the Great River Tribe.

They are now in a beautiful and warm house, no longer have to be frozen, and have hot broth to drink!

Chi Xiao couldn't help but ask: "I used to be in the sky, passing by the Dahe tribe, you are not like this."

Hua Yue was quietly teasing an owl cub, and said proudly: "Of course! Our Dahe Tribe is what it is today, all guided by the witch god!"

He said what Mu Xing said and the changes of the Dahe tribe.

Chi Xiao heard a look of longing and envy, and quickly reacted: Now he is also a member of the Dahe tribe.

He was suddenly happy again.

slept over.

I have no vigilance at all, and I am not afraid of the Dahe tribe selling them.

Mu Xing also has no temper with these simple orcs, so he took some things to cover them, and went out by himself.

It is dawn.

The people of the Dahe tribe woke up.

The adult clansmen consciously find things to do on their own.

Even without the mysterious magic power reward, it is a happy thing for these little cubs to grow up carefree.

The people of the Owl Race were probably really tired, and they slept until dinner time.

Although the golden lion was stingy, when he made dinner in the evening, he specially arranged for the owl clan and called them all up for dinner.

A patriarch of Chixiao dignified, holding a steaming wooden bowl, crying.

Mu Xing: "…"

Chi Xiaowu said: "This broth is delicious... How did you make it?"

Golden Lion gave him a disdainful look, the pride in his voice could not be concealed: "Of course it was taught by the great witch. I can say that only our tribe can make cooked meat so delicious! "

Chi Xiao nodded vigorously, and said that after the Xiaozu joined the Dahe tribe, they would definitely work hard and contribute to the tribe!

As long as there is such a good broth!

Mu Xing felt that he was not so firm when he said he joined the Dahe tribe last night.

Unexpectedly, just a bowl of broth, he became so loyal.

The most outrageous thing is that with such an unreliable patriarch, no one in the entire Xiao Clan felt wrong, and nodded along with Chi Xiao's words, thinking that their patriarch was right.

This is probably… selling for food?

The Owl is not exaggerating at all.

After eating and drinking enough, they officially lived in the Dahe tribe.

The Great River Tribe patrols the territory...

And, really eat very little!

This is also what the Golden Lions are most satisfied with.

One day, Chi Xiao, who was hovering in a large circle outside, suddenly frowned and came to Mu Xing worriedly.

"I found an old friend of mine who passed out in the snow."

Chi Xiao's friend is called Xiong Hei, and the animal type is a black bear.

He lives with more than twenty of his clan.

The black bears and the owls have different recipes, and they get along fairly well.

This group of black bears usually do everything slowly and unhurriedly, and even hunt until they are hungry before going out.

If it weren't for their enormous strength and strong fighting power, Chi Xiao would almost suspect that they would starve to death by himself.

The snow also completely disrupted the lives of the black bears.

They have thick fur and fat, and are more resistant to cold than the owls, but this can't stop them from eating in the snow and drinking the north wind for several days.

Chi Xiao stared at Mu Xing with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Mu Xing: "…"


Two hours later, the Dahe Tribe dug out more than 20 clansmen with extraordinarily strong fighting power from the snowdrifts.

Golden lions are said to be very dissatisfied, because these black bears eat so much.

Then the Golden Lion got into a fight with Xiong Hei.

Mu Xing found out about this later, and Jinshi didn't say the final win or loss. Anyway, the golden lion later accepted these black bears, and even became very good friends with Xiong Hei.

The owls and black bears are also honest and responsible, knowing that their lives were saved by the Dahe tribe, and when the weather is better, they will take the initiative to hunt outside, trying not to hinder the tribe.

Mu Xing didn't know what strange skill he had touched, or what aura he had on Chi Xiao.

In short, when the winter ended, Chi Xiao brought two more tribes.

The spring breeze was blowing at that time, and survival became less difficult.

But as soon as the orcs of the two tribes saw the house and life of the Dahe tribe, they heard about the "magic" of the great witch Mu Xing, and Chi Xiao described that the broth of the Dahe tribe was particularly delicious …The orcs said nothing, not even the slightest bit of restraint, and strongly demanded to join the Great River Tribe.

If it's winter, the Golden Lion may have some opinions, but now that it's spring, and there's no shortage of food, he doesn't mind the tribe getting bigger.

Now, the Dahe Tribe is a medium-sized tribe with more than 2,000 people.

The magic power in Mu Xing has grown a lot because of the joining of these tribes.

The Dahe Tribe has to arrange so many new tribesmen, and they are very busy every day.

At this time, Mu Xing looked at the "future" again.