Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 272

Shaun has changed.

This is an idea that came to all the members of the hunter organization after seeing Sean who was picked up from Huaxia.

He used to be an extreme faction in the organization, and the biggest goal in life is to eliminate all the blood races on the Blue Star. Because of this, he has many supporters in the organization.

These supporters of Sean, for the past two decades, have been waiting for his return.

The Sean who came back is no longer the Sean he used to be.

These words, it is not very strange to say these words in the mouths of Chinese people who are known to like blood clan.

But the same words popped out of Sean's mouth, and the effect was nothing short of terrifying.

"If we didn't have a special method to make sure that Sean was not dropped, I would have doubted that the Huaxia District had used special means to deal with Sean, and now there is only one It's just a fake." Someone said angrily.

Sean is dead.

At least in the eyes of the hunter organization, this young man who was once given high hopes by them, and even dared to assassinate the blood prince alone, is dead.

The remaining person is no longer their compatriot.

Mu Xing went to the dark world.

Here is the same as he was twenty years ago, as if nothing has changed.

The signal of the light brain has disappeared since he left Blue Star, and now the one on Mu Xing's wrist is just a beautiful decoration.

The blood tribes who followed Mu Xing couldn't help frowning.

To be honest, after living in Blue Star for a long time, they will feel that it is really meaningless when they return to the dark world.

Archduke Drake sighed.

This is the root of the blood race after all, even if he is dead, he still loves it.

Other vampires obviously thought of this as well, looking sullen.

Mu Xing looked at the unchanging moon above his head, and suddenly said: "The dark world is too desolate. You said, how about we cooperate with Huaxia District to transform our hometown. ?"

Archduke Drake looked startled.

He looked at Mu Xing hesitantly: "But Your Highness..."

He was still a little worried.

Mu Xing understood his thoughts.

He smiled and said, "I've been thinking about this for a long time."

He has wandered around the dark world several times. This world is huge and desolate, and the number of major races is very small.

More than 90% of the places are wasteland.

Under the wasteland, there are many minerals that the dark race can't use at all, but it is very precious to human beings.

"We're not asking for help, we're working together."

Mu Xing said: "No matter how powerful the Huaxia District is, things about the dark world are destined to be impossible to publish. Only a very small number of people know the inside story. What we need to pay is the dark race. There is no use at all, huge mineral resources."

After clearly understanding the value of the dark world, the Huaxia district will only block this secret more strictly than the blood clan.

The dark world is too big to swallow in Huaxia, but who would be willing to share such a thing with others?

The magical entrance to the dark world is only known to the blood race, and it is opened.

Not even today's hunter organizations.

The blood races are all excited.

Looking at the brilliant technology of human beings, how could they not want the dark world to become like that?

It's just that there are too few members of the blood family, and they can't do it alone.

When returning to Blue Star, the assistant of the light brain on Mu Xing’s wrist suddenly made a suspicious voice:

"It was detected that the optical brain lost the signal for no reason, and the self-examination program was started... Start self-examination... Drop, self-examination failed."

Guangnao dripped a few times in confusion and told Mu Xing that it was going to the main brain to troubleshoot.

Mu Xing wanted to laugh a little, he said to Guangnao: "You contact your master and say that I have something very important and I want to cooperate with Huaxia District. Please contact the relevant personnel to get in touch with us. "

The authority of the blood family is extremely high, and Guangnao said that it has been received.

At this time, Mu Xing's sea of ​​consciousness moved.

The light group that had been sleeping all the time woke up in a daze.

He seemed to wake up for a while, and after a while, he slowly received the plot of this world.

He looked at Mu Xing and asked in a daze: "When is the plot going now?"

Mu Xing said casually, "You are getting more and more sleep lately."

Guang Tuan yawned and said lazily, "I will be able to sleep more and more."

When he can't stay awake at all, this long journey should be over.

The light group suddenly woke up a lot.

He hesitantly and uncertainly asked: "Did I miss any wonderful plots while I was sleeping?"

He told Mu Xing about Sean working at the zoo.

Mu Xing did not expect this development,

He stayed for a while before saying, "Oh, he assassinated me twenty years ago, and was caught by Huaxia District, and spent twenty years in prison."

He pondered: "Guangnao told me that for the past 20 years, they have taught Shawn ideological and moral education every day. It seems that the educational results are very gratifying."

Light: "…"

Not long after, a spirited old man came to the residence of the blood clan.

The old man is also an old acquaintance of the blood clan.

After saying hello, Mu Xing said: "Mr. Xu, what I'm about to say is very important. Can you guarantee that the people standing behind you at this moment are all worthy of absolute trust? "

The old man known as Xu Lao smiled: "Please rest assured, Mr. Prince, I can be told important things by you personally, how could I not be cautious?"

He was fully mentally prepared to listen to what Mu Xing said about the "big event".

Three minutes later, Old Xu's expression changed.

An hour later, Elder Xu, who walked out of the blood clan residence, had a frighteningly serious face.

Getting into the hover car, he said in a deep voice, "You should be very clear about how important today's matter is. I don't need to say anything extra, this news cannot have any A little bit of wind has spread out, understand?"

"Got it!"

One day in the year 3055 of the blue star calendar, a team of several hundred people from the Huaxia region came to the residence of the blood clan, and walked into a teleportation array flashing with purple light.

In the long, long, long history, it was recorded that this was the beginning of Huaxia District taking off again in the era of super technology, leaving all competitors far behind.

All Blue Star people recognize that the choice of Huaxia District to cooperate with the blood clan was undoubtedly an extremely correct and extremely important decision.

The history of the dark world describes this day even more legendary.

Dark races call this day the beginning of a new era.

Thirty years later.

Dark World.

Countless bright lights were lit on this land all night, and the entire dark world was bathed in a gentle glow that would not make the dark race uncomfortable at all.

In the beginning, the dark races who were accustomed to the darkness were not used to such brilliance.

These lights can be turned off and only occasionally turned on during big festivals.

Afterwards, who doesn't like such a bright and beautiful world?

They studied the soil and water quality of the dark world, and improved the water and soil with purification equipment. The dark world is now full of harmless trees and flowers.

The most surprising thing about this change is the pocket tree people, because they have a very high degree of favor with humans, and they are even willing to follow humans to Blue Star to help them improve the survival rate of plants and fruits Yield.

The Chinese even tried to find a way to establish a signal network in the dark world.

Now, you can also access the Internet in the dark world.

The dark races have just discovered a new world!

It turns out that life is so interesting, who fights?

Humans have done so much for the dark world, and they are brought by the vampires.

These simple-minded dark races don't have much complicated thoughts at all, they only know that the blood race brought humans, and humans made their lives better.

They are very grateful to the blood clan, and several clans gathered together to discuss for a long time.

Except for the Moon Immortal who could not find the entity at all, and it was difficult to see traces, other races took the initiative to find Mu Xing. Indicates that they are willing to surrender to the blood clan.

Mu Xing: "…"

Archduke Drake: "…"

Mu Xingchong winked at Duke Derek: "Uncle Derek, we can be considered as, in another way, to unify the dark world?"

Archduke Drake could not refute.

For the dark race, human beings are simply the Virgin: they have done so many things in the dark world, and the rewards they ask for are just some useless stones that the dark races can't use at all.

For Bluestar, there is no better trading partner than the dark race.

They just paid a little bit of infrastructure achievements, and they got huge mineral resources, which are larger than the entire Blue Star reserves.

In the dark world, there are still many ores that Blue Star does not exist.

There are several substances in it. After research, it has helped Huaxia District overcome several difficulties that have been stuck for many years.

Perfect win!

In addition to the blood family, no one can open the entrance to the dark world and Blue Star, which is also the eternal trump card and confidence of the blood family.

Because of this relationship, the cooperation between the blood clan and the Huaxia region can be said to be unbreakable.

The hunters on the Blue Star wait and wait...

When the previous generation is old and the next generation is grown up, there is no chance.

And once, the most highly anticipated Sean…

He is now the director of the Oceania National Zoo. It is said that he has devoted his life to the protection of rare species and is very popular.