Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 278

Mu Xing said to him: "Wang Carpenter's family doesn't like me, and it didn't take long for me to be picked up by their family. Without a formal household registration document, I am not the Wang family. Sister Gu, if When you meet Carpenter Wang later, can you stop him from taking me away?"

Gu Wanyin gently touched the top of Mu Xing's hair.

She pondered, and when she settled down at her cousin's house, she had to send someone to inquire about the situation near the carpenter Wang's house, and then go to the county yamen to ask if anyone had lost a child.

She thought, even if Xingxing is an orphan, as long as there is an uncle or relative, it is always her own family, which is better than growing up in someone else's home.

Because she was careful, when she arrived at the Zhen family mansion, Gu Wanyin didn't let Mu Xing show up, and let him be carried into the inner courtyard with Qiaoyin who was asleep.

Wait, it's noon.

Gu Wanyin took her sister to see Master Zhen, Mu Xing stayed in the yard, and Fuxiu had quietly sent someone to inquire about the situation.

It's exactly what Mu Xing said.

The servant in charge of sweeping said that the carpenter Wang, who came here to work, lost a son today. The son looked like the little golden boy under the Buddha's seat, and he didn't know if he was kidnapped by some kidnapper.

I know where the carpenter Wang's house lives, and Fuxiu sent someone to the carpenter Wang's house to inquire.

When asked about the child, he only said that his daughter-in-law had been in the house for three years, and it was only two months ago that she finally had a body.

No one knew he had a son.

But everyone in the house said that Carpenter Wang had a child like a fairy.

Gu Wanyin has a bottom line in her heart. If you really value this child, it is impossible for Carpenter Wang to not tell his relatives, friends and neighbors.

Gu Wanyin thought about it for a long time.

Officer. If you want to come to your relatives, they should not be in Qushui County."

I don't know how such a small child ended up in Wang Carpenter's house.

Mu Xing didn't need anyone to serve, so he took a small spoon to drink porridge, Gu Qiaoyin, who always wanted people to take care of him, saw this and didn't let the nurse feed him, so he asked for a spoon to imitate Mu Xing's appearance eat by yourself.

Gu Wanyin and the wet nurse are overjoyed.

Listening to her words, Mu Xing put down the spoon and blinked at her with a pair of big eyes.

Gu Qiaoyin also put down the spoon and looked at her sister a little uneasy.

She loves this little brother.

I don't want him to leave.

Gu Wanyin only felt soft in her heart when she met these two clear eyes.

She smiled warmly and asked Mu Xing: "What imprints do you have on you, something special?"

Mu Xing thought about it for a while, there are several golden scales on his chest, which will be displayed in special circumstances, usually it is a golden mark, like some kind of special birthmark.

Gu Wanyin laughed: "This is easy to do. I plan to tell the outside world that you are the child of my grandfather's aunt who married far away. You were born and lived abroad by accident. I never found it. This time, what happened to be met by me is our fate. "

Her grandfather's family was convicted and ruined a few years ago, and now there is only one little aunt who married far away in the northwest, who is her mother's concubine.

Otherwise, Lin wouldn't dare to be so arrogant.

The mountain and road are far away from my little aunt, and there is no way to check it.

When the time comes, she will write a letter explaining the reason. This kid doesn't need to go to the genealogy, and he doesn't need to care. It's okay to say that he recognizes a godson to the outside world.

Gu Wanyin added: "My little aunt married a husband who happened to be surnamed Mu, but he has some fate with you."

Mu Xing did not expect, but in just one night, Gu Wanyin, a stranger, thought so much for him, and even thought about his serious identity.

In this way, even if the Wang family wanted someone, the Gu family would have every reason to stop it.

He couldn't help feeling a little moved, stood up, and bowed his hands to Gu Wanyin seriously: "Thank you, Sister Gu."

Gu Qiaoyin clapped her hands and shouted happily, "Little cousin, little cousin Xingxing."

Although she didn't understand so much what her sister said, Xingxing became the son of her little aunt, and she still understood.

The child of the little aunt is the little cousin.

Gu Wanyin gave her younger sister a loving look and said, "I want to thank you too, since I met you, Qiaoyin has become much more lively."

Mu Xing never fails to be liked by the cubs.

He said very confidently: "Sister Qiaoyin will get better and better in the future, and Sister Gu will also get better and better. I am blessed, and everyone around me will have good luck. of."

He wasn't lying.

He couldn't see the luck of Gu Wanyin and Gu Qiaoyin, and guessed in his heart, this may be because he has a relationship with the Gu family sisters now.

But she can see the luck of the people around them.

Compared with the first meeting, the layer of black steel ring representing the ominous ominous above the heads of Fuxiu and other maids is not so dark.

Gu Wanyin said: "In this case, after breakfast, I will take you to formally meet Mr. and Mrs. Zhen."

In that room, Mama Wang also got the news.

She hurried over and said suspiciously, "Miss and such a cousin, why haven't I heard the news?"

Gu Wanyin smiled lightly: "Mammy is not my mother's dowry old man, it's not surprising that you don't know some old things about the Cui family. It was mentioned in the letter that my poor cousin, who was born with a golden birthmark on his chest, was very strange, and I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize the stars."

She pulled Mu Xing to sit in front of her, with a proud tone: "My little cousin was picked up by a carpenter before. Mammy, look, look like this, the style of the whole body , where can a child from a small civilian family have it?"

Mother Wang looked at Mu Xing carefully and was surprised.

Gu Wanyin said it well, this beautiful appearance is really not like a poor family can raise it.

She pondered for a moment in her heart, and felt that such a milk doll would not affect Mrs.

With a smile on her face, she said flatteringly: "Master Biao is indeed a dragon and a phoenix. I see that it is rare to find such an outstanding young master in the Duke's mansion. It is indeed the blood of the Cui family."

Gu Wanyin's expression of deep understanding made Wang Mama secretly pouted.

Are you serious? No matter how beautiful your Cui family is, you would have collapsed long ago. Do you think you are the cousin of the famous Cui family with hairpins in the past?

Gu Wanyin did what she said. After breakfast, she took Mu Xing to Zhen Mansion.

The eldest son of Mr. Zhen and Mrs. Zhen have been married for several years, and they have grandchildren.

At their age, they like beautiful and smart children the most.

Mu Xing looks good, she is very smart, smart and polite, she suddenly makes the old couple even more happy, looking at that appearance, I just wish that Mu Xing was their child.

Gu Wanyin took the opportunity to bring up Mu Xing's "life experience" and make a clear path.

Mrs. Zhen heard that such a good boy had such a rough life, her tears could not stop falling, and she hugged Mu Xing and rubbed it.

Mu Xing: "…"

He sat obediently in Madam Zhen's arms and blinked with Gu Wanyin.

Gu Wanyin is also an acting school, and at this time she smiled with relief: "My cousin is young and has suffered a lot before, don't look at him now, he is afraid of his body I lost a lot of money. My aunt is far away, and it will take more than a month to travel. I thought, I will take him by my side first, take care of him for a period of time, make him more sturdy, and then send him to reunite with my aunt. "

Mrs. Zhen hurriedly said, "That's exactly what it should be. It's not a bad moment left or right."

At this time, a maid next to Mrs. Zhen walked in, and when she saw Mu Xing, her eyes widened: "You, aren't you the son of Carpenter Wang?"

She went to the mansion and asked the housekeeper for an account book yesterday, and happened to meet Mu Xing.

Such a good-looking child, once seen, it is difficult to forget. What's more, he was actually the son of Carpenter Wang, which was even more surprising.

Mr. Zhen and Mrs. Zhen looked surprised.

Gu Wanyin knew that she would encounter such a situation, but she was not surprised, and she also showed a surprised look on her face.

She asked, "What king carpenter?"

He looked down at Mu Xing again: "Xingxing, do you know this mama? Do you know the carpenter Wang she said?"

Mu Xing, who had been obediently in Madam Zhen's arms, had a very frightened look on her face.

Gu Wanyin looked worried and explained to Mr. Zhen and his wife: "I saw Xingxing on the official road outside Ronghua Town yesterday. He was a small child, sitting on a stone, surrounded by the sun. The sun is very pitiful. After I confirmed his identity, I also asked him about his previous experience, but when I asked this child, he was very resistant and refused to say anything. He just kept saying that he could not eat enough.

She made it so obvious, how could she not understand?

Mrs. Zhen said angrily: "It must be the family who raised this child, and I dislike that it is not my own, so treat him badly."

She said distressedly: "I don't know how much suffering we are such a good star."

After a while, we are good stars.

The light group is lying in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it is glorious: After a while, it is our good star. The physique that Xingxing recruits normal people like has never changed.

The mother still didn't know what happened, Mrs. Zhen couldn't ask anything, and asked the housekeeper to come.

Butler Wen was surprised when he saw Mu Xing, he didn't understand how the son of Carpenter Wang, who had been missing for a day, was in his house?

When she heard Gu Wanyin say that Mu Xing was the lost child of his aunt, butler Wen showed a sudden realization.

"So it is." Butler Wen himself thinks this identity is much more reasonable, "I said that Carpenter Wang looks like his daughter-in-law must be a fairy to give birth to such a handsome child as Xiao Gongzi. "

He remembered yesterday and frowned: "Besides, the carpenter Wang lost his son yesterday, and he was still the only son, and he didn't show much anxiety. He didn't even ask the reporter to go. I also wondered. , it wasn't his own."