Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 291

【What does it matter to me that he is good at painting? Stop me from looking down on him as a scumbag? 】

[I'm the only one who wonders what the Dawn response means? Are you trying to correct Mu Xing's name? 】

As expected by Mu Xing, this matter is very popular and widely discussed, and the benefits are obvious.

A large number of netizens even knew for the first time, "Oh, it turns out that Mu Xing is not a fictional artistic figure, but a real person in history, and he is still such a powerful painter".

There is also a little surprise: the two paintings are very mottled, but you can still see the content clearly.

But that's not enough.

At most, when someone mentions him, add one more adjective.

—Mu Xing, is that the Hungry Ghost in Color who draws well?

Mu Xing felt a little tricky.

He currently has the memory of inheriting Mu Xing in his mind, but it has been thousands of years, in fact, the memory that the true spirit can retain is not complete.

For a while, he couldn't remember whether he had left any evidence that could justify his name.

—A pessimistic view, even if there is, after so many thousands of years, I am afraid that it would have turned into a loess.

When Zhinao came over again, what he saw was Mu Xing's contemplative appearance.

He thought about it and said, "I read the comments on the human forum, and many people say that your paintings are beautiful."

My new friend is probably sad.

The knowledge he masters tells him that when friends are angry, they need to be comforted.

Mu Xing did not guard against someone beside him, and was startled, seeing that it was the NPC sweeping the floor in the house.

He laughed: "You are a ghost, can you change a fixed image next time?"

He also remembered that every time Zhinao came over, he randomly selected the NPC closest to him, and was made a little big by the name rectification, and wanted to talk about something else to divert his attention.

He asked curiously, "Intellectual brain, what does your body look like? Is it male or female?"

Intellectual brain replied: "I'm just a piece of data, there is no fixed carrier. When the high-level meeting at Dawn was held, it was a cloud of blue energy."

"In essence, I have no gender. But the person who created me gave me a male gender."

Smart Brain explained: "I am the second super-intelligent brain created by Dawning Company. The first one is called 'Wangshu', and they say she is my sister."

"In fact we are unrelated individuals."

In game.

Seeing Guanyin waited for ten minutes before answering the question again.

This time, he drew another question and passed.

As soon as I enter the city, I just feel bright when I don't see Guanyin.

There are many shops and stalls on both sides, and the street market is full of people.

Passing NPC even enthusiastically pulled him to sell: "Objective, come and try my new buns?"

The steamed buns were white and tender, the size of their palms, and they were steaming.

It's a bit greedy.

He subconsciously touched his pocket: "I have no money."

I can't even find the entrance to recharge.

The enthusiastic hawker just rolled his eyes: "What are you looking at when you have no money? Hurry up and go to the side, don't delay my business."

No Avalokitesvara: "…"

To be honest, this NPC's acting skills are better than the actor in the costume drama that was broadcast two days ago.

There are no novice tasks on the game board in front of him.

There is only one hint: in this prosperous Yuanyang City, there are opportunities everywhere. Players, please work hard to discover the secrets of this city. Of course, you must remember to abide by the city rules of Yuanyang City~

Is the pattern so free?

No Guanyin looked at the NPCs in the street, and walked over with a smile on his face with years of experience in the game.

In an hour.

Seeing Guanyin gasping for breath, looking at the ten copper plates in his palm, speechless.

The old NPC on the side said cheerfully: "Thank you, young man, if you didn't work hard for me, I would never be able to sell so many potatoes. You don't need this small reward. polite."

I don't see Guanyin's heart saying that I want to be polite to you.

He was looking for a target on the street, and at a glance in the crowd, he fell in love with this gray-bearded old peasant who was very clean despite his appearance.

With his years of experience playing games, this existence is likely to be a hidden master.

So he stepped forward with a smile and asked if he needed help. The old man praised: "I haven't seen such a warm-hearted young man like you for a long time."

When I didn't see Guanyin, I felt even more entertaining. I stood in front of the old man's stall and sold it hard for a whole hour.

Sure enough, when the potatoes were sold out, the old farmer looked at him with a smile and opened his mouth: "Man, thank you for helping me so much. I don't have anything good for you, I can only..."

No Avalokitesvara: !


Isn’t this a classic routine?

He looked at the old man expectantly, waiting for him to take out some cheats or treasure maps from his sleeves.

However, the calloused hand of the other party touched it for a long time, only ten copper plates were found, and he counted it carefully.

The old farmer looked distressed: "Young man, these are for you, thank you old man."

No Avalokitesvara: "…"

He stood there, watching the old farmer push the small cart away.

No, you really sell a potato?

What kind of master are you pretending to be!

In this game, the physical and mental power consumption is similar to reality.

He stood and shouted for an hour, tired and hungry.

Standing blankly for a while without seeing Guanyin, a gust of wind blew, with the delicious aroma of meat buns.

No Avalokitesvara: "…"

Twenty seconds later, it was a copper plate for two big meat buns.

I don't see the music and think: At least this bun tastes good.

He walked forward with no purpose, and suddenly heard someone calling him from behind:

"The guy in front, please stay."

Seeing Guanyin didn't react at first until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

It is a middle-aged NPC in rich clothes, with the name "Red Sleeve Garden Manager" on the top of his head.

The steward of Hongxiuyuan said with a smile: "Young man, I have observed you for a long time, and I see that you have good strength and work very quickly. My master just needs a few servants, do you want to come? "

Seeing Guanyin's eyes lit up, he asked cautiously, "May I ask who is your master?"

The steward smiled proudly: "My master's surname is Mu, and he is the master of the Red Sleeve Garden."

If you don't see Guanyin, how can you know who the owner of the Red Sleeve Garden is, but it sounds very powerful.

However, there were several NPCs nearby who seemed to be very envious and said:

"The Red Sleeve Garden is hiring, can I go?"

"I don't need wages, I can only ask to see Mu Gongzi's paintings."

"Unfortunately, Young Master Mu doesn't accept disciples."


Thinking of the answer just now, Guanyin finally realized who this Mr. Mu was.

Mu Xing!

A famous painter in history! Regardless of his rumored reputation, the official attitude of "Feng Hua Lu" is obviously positive.

It was specially explained for him.

Definitely important!

He is still the chosen son!

Seeing Guanyin happily followed the steward away.

When he arrived at the destination Red Sleeve Garden, he saw that there were still many players similar to him, and there were actually more than twenty.

The expressions on the players' faces were all excited.

Because the NPC can't see the player communication panel, everyone chats casually:

Little Yellow Duck: God, we should be the first players to meet key NPC characters, right? so excited!

Moonlight and I are beautiful: But this is Mu Xing, he doesn’t recruit us because he covets our beauty, right?


No Avalokitesvara: "…"

Of course there are no ugly people in the game. Although "Fenghualu" allows players to increase their appearance by up to 10%, everyone in the game has fair skin and smooth skin and ruddy complexion. Under such circumstances, everyone can be considered beautiful.

But I don't see Guanyin and I don't have the shame to think that my face can be called "beautiful". Moreover-

He remembered the popular science he saw not long ago: "Mu Xing is a beautiful man stamped by history books. I think it's hard to say who will suffer if we let us go."

"Better up!"


This lady in pink is the one who fed Mu Xing the preserved fruit before, and her name is Han Qiu.

Of course, her personality was replaced by Mu Xing, and Mu Xing's "□□" during this period was completely different from before.


"What a beautiful lady."

"The modeling of this game is too delicate, isn't it? It's so close, I can't see any flaws."

"As expected of Mu Xing's territory, any NPC is a beauty."

There are different messages on each player's quest panel.

The mission of missing Guanyin is to "clean the study".

Then he found that he was very lucky, others were cleaning the garden, some were in charge of the kitchen, and the worst one was cleaning the Gong’s house.

嘤嘤嘤 is a short boy, looking very smart, he blurted out when he heard the words: "Are we afraid that we will disturb the gentleman's red sleeves?"

Han Qiu frowned.

She took a deep look at 嘤嘤嘤: "Where did you hear the rumors? The son is not married yet, and there is no mistress in the house, where did you get the fragrance?"