Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 39

After eating, Mu Xing asked the doctor about her condition in front of her mother and how long she needed to stay in the hospital.

His attitude to actively face the disease obviously surprised Zhu Lanjun very much.

After the doctor left, Zhu Lanjun said to Mu Xing: "Xingxing, don't worry, your father and I have contacted the most authoritative team of rehabilitation medical experts in the world. We showed them your case. , Experts say that in your case, there is hope for the legs to recover."

Mu Xing gave her a reassuring smile: "I'm not worried, I'll recover well, don't worry mom."

My son is not only optimistic, but he doesn't even object to calling him by his nickname.

You know, Mu Xing has never been allowed to call him this slightly cute nickname since he was in high school.

Zhu Lanjun couldn't help thinking: This injury made the stars a little more fragile. It seems that you are also relying on your family a lot and getting closer?

What did she think of, she thoughtfully asked Mu Xing: "Xingxing, your girlfriend..."

The family knows about Mu Xing and Qin Leyi's love affair.

Zhu Lanjun doesn't like Qin Leyi, it doesn't mean that she is conservative or has too high vision, Mu Xing must find a good girlfriend.

As a woman, she has seen her son and his girlfriend get along, and she always feels that the feelings between the two are not equal.

She couldn't see how much Qin Leyi liked Mu Xing.

In fact, it is true, Mu Xing has been in a car accident for so long, Zhu Lanjun has never seen Qin Leyi come to see him once.

She said in her heart that it is impossible to have no grievances, but Zhu Lanjun is now full of her son, and has no time to deal with the other party.

Mu Xing heard her words and said calmly: "Mom, correct your name, now she is an ex-girlfriend."

Zhu Lanjun was startled: "You broke up? When did it happen?"

Mu Xing said: "Before the car accident, she cheated, and Cheng Qian was seen by me."

If the original body is Mu Xing, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to say, he loves face and feels ashamed.

But for Mu Xing, this kind of thing is not ashamed. People who cheat are still afraid of shame. What is he afraid of as a victim?

Zhu Lanjun was furious when she heard this, and she sharply thought of another point: "Then your car accident has something to do with this?"

Mu Xing thought about it and shook his head: "I was a little excited at the time, but the car accident was just an accident."

Zhu Lanjun immediately snorted coldly: "So that means it has something to do with it. You have been in trouble for so long, and those two people didn't even look at you, wouldn't they feel guilty? "

"Let's not talk about your two-year relationship, Qin Leyi signed with our entertainment company, right? How many resources have you fed her with your heart and lungs in the past few years? Brilliantly held, this white-eyed wolf!"

"No way!" Zhu Lanjun became angrier the more she thought about it, and couldn't help getting up, "I'm going to call this woman and scold her, and then let the company hide her!"

"Mom." Seeing her excited look, Mu Xing had to interrupt her anger, "Calm down, don't hurt your body because of her anger."

Zhu Lanjun looked at him suspiciously: "You won't let her go, will you?"

"How is it possible!" Mu Xing quickly denied, "I don't like her at all now."

He explained: "It's my own business, I'm so old, you can let me handle it myself."

Zhu Lanjun hesitated for a moment and confirmed to him: "Are you sure you have no affection for that woman, and will not show mercy?"

Mu Xing nodded affirmatively: "I swear, I will definitely let them get the punishment they deserve, don't worry."

After her mother left, Mu Xing sent a message to Qin Leyi and Cheng Qian: Won't you come and see me? :)

He closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of the two.

An hour later, the two appeared in Mu Xing's ward.

Looking at the two people who entered the door one after the other, Mu Xing asked: "I have been in a car accident for so many days, you two have never even been to the hospital once, you really won't feel guilty ?"

Qin Leyi's eyes were red: "I'm sorry, Mu Xing, it's not that I don't want to see you, I just...don't know how to face you."

Cheng Qian also smiled awkwardly: "I'm afraid you will be more angry when you see me, and my family's business has been busy recently."

Mu Xing laughed, listening to the two of them, as if with a sarcasm.

Mu Xing didn't care what the two of them thought, he looked at Qin Leyi with a tone of confirmation: "I haven't figured out what I'm doing wrong these days, you To betray me?"

He was really puzzled. After all, in his memory, Mu Xing really liked Qin Leyi.

Why is Qin Leyi not satisfied with the care of such a handsome and rich man?

"Is I not good enough for you?"

Qin Leyi's face turned pale, and she looked at Mu Xing with some anxiety.

Mu Xing said strangely: "Is this question difficult to answer?"

Qin Leyi gritted her teeth and said, "I can't breathe when I'm with you. No matter what I do, I have to report to you, and every step I take must follow your heart. Come on, what endorsement to take part in any activity, you must choose it for me after you have screened it. If you say it is for me to choose, I have no choice at all!"

She stood there stubbornly, raised her chin and looked directly at Mu Xing: "I am a person, not a bird you keep in a cage. Mu Xing, you are too controlling , I have no ego at all."

She still looked very aggrieved.

Mu Xing was expressionless: "Since you are so intolerable, why don't you tell me? Why don't you break up with me"

Qin Leyi choked, what should she say?

The answer is clear to everyone.

Mu Xing did not save face for Qin Leyi: "Because the endorsements and activities you disliked in your words were carefully selected by me, and I even used my connections to help you get them, You couldn't have found better."

"And if you're not my girlfriend, I'm afraid none of these things will be enough."

Qin Leyi blushed and was angry.

She glared at Mu Xing: "What do you mean? You are humiliating me."

Mu Xing's eyes were cold: "To tell the truth is called humiliation? I just said, which sentence is not true?"

"It's quite aggrieved to hear your tone just now." Mu Xing felt that the original owner was obviously even more miserable, "I am really wronged. I am handsome, rich and dedicated, and it is the first time in my life to fall in love. , I will be treated as a resource tool by you, and I will be greened by you. Why do you despise me? "

Qin Leyi was speechless, she glared at Mu Xing angrily, and was about to turn around and slam the door to leave.

Mu Xing didn't even have time to call her.

Only the next embarrassed Cheng Qian was left in the ward.

"I'm sorry, Mu Xing." Cheng Qian said first.

He looked at Mu Xing's leg: "I didn't know you would have a car accident that day."

Mu Xing snorted and laughed: "I don't know either. If I had known that I would have encountered a car accident when I hurried out that day, I would have stayed there and beat you until the truck left."

Chengqian: "…"

At this moment, he is actually very embarrassed to face Mu Xing.

He could only say: "Is there something wrong with you calling me here? If there is nothing, I'll leave first, and you have a good rest."

Mu Xing: "Wait, don't rush to leave. I just want to ask, when did you two start, and how long have you been together? I can't be completely confused, can I? "

Chengqian: "…"

He always felt that something was wrong with Mu Xing in front of him. Could it be that he was hit too hard, causing his temperament to change drastically?

He counted the time embarrassingly, and answered honestly, "It's about three months."

Mu Xing also counted the time. He introduced Qin Leyi to Cheng Qian half a year ago.

That Mu Xing birthday, called many friends together, most of these people are rich children in a circle. Mu Xing also introduced Qin Leyi to them seriously.

He really likes Qin Leyi, and is with her for the purpose of getting married after a good love.

Unfortunately, this sincerity is completely worthless in the eyes of the other party.

Mu Xing felt worthless for the original owner, and the person in front of him was also quite unpleasant, he waved his hand: "I see, it's alright, you can get out. Let's start today. Break up."

Cheng Qian was probably a little guilty, he said to Mu Xing very seriously: "I didn't want to steal your girlfriend, Mu Xing. I really take you as a buddy, I don't want to hurt you, I only…"

Mu Xing: ? ? ?

He looked at Cheng Qian as if he was looking at a strange flower: "What are you? You just made a mistake that most men make? Or just can't bear to reject a beautiful woman with similar interests?"

His tone was disgusting: "You admit that you are a scum, I will treat you as a person, don't take the blame, I look down on you."

Cheng Qian seemed a little angry, but looking at Mu Xing still lying on the hospital bed, I heard that his lower body was paralyzed, so he could only use his words, and felt that he was pitiful.

"You heal well." He shook his head and left under Mu Xing's mocking eyes.

Qin Leyi received a call from her manager before she could drive home.

"Sister Amy, don't you have a day off today and don't talk about work? Why are you calling me again?" Qin Leyi made a joke as soon as he answered the phone.

She has always had a good relationship with her agent.

But the agent Amy, who is usually gentle to her, took a serious tone this time: "Yiyi, did you offend someone?"

Qin Leyi's heart jumped: "what's the matter?"

The other end of the phone said: "The company just gave me a notice that the variety show on the stars and the party at the end of the month that were originally scheduled to be recorded next week have all been replaced. I have appointed you to audition in advance. In that TV series, the quota was also changed to Jiang Zhi..."

Qin Leyi pursed her lips tightly and said hurriedly, "I probably know what's going on, wait a minute, I'll make a call first."

She hung up the phone and called Mu Xing.

Mu Xing, who was playing Xiaoxiaole, was suddenly interrupted, a little upset, and looked at the caller ID again: "…"

hung up.