Cannon Fodder is No Longer with Me

Chapter 55

After confirming the master-apprentice relationship, Yue Fubai was not in a hurry to teach Mu Xing anything.

Instead of asking him: "What do you think of magic repair?"

Mu Xing thought for a while, and according to some rumors the original body knew, said: "Bad, evil, bloody."

Not a good guy anyway.

But he added: "Master is not."

The more white she said with a smile: "You said that, yes, it's not right."

Mu Xing raised his eyes and looked at him.


He rubbed the soft top of his apprentice's hair and said, "Demon cultivator, cultivating the magic way. It's never the word magic cultivating that is bad, but the many monks who cultivate the magic way."

Mu Xing did not speak.

He is not a real child after all, and his understanding ability is much stronger than that of ordinary children. But after all, he had never come into contact with what Yue Fubai said, so he just focused his head up and listened to him.

It's not easy to talk too deep to a child if it's too white.

He thought about it and said, "In terms of cultivation methods, there is no essential difference between the basic methods of cultivation of monks in the right way and monks in the magic way. The difference lies in the 'dao' chosen by the monks."

"What is Tao?" asked Mu Xing.

Mu Xing thought this was a very deep topic.

"The monks of the right way pay attention to conforming to the will of God and suppressing their own desires. You see, as soon as they arrive at the foundation, they start to eat grains, do not eat five grains, do not indulge in pleasure, and have a pure heart and few desires. People, live like an imaginary 'immortal'."

"And we are cultivators of magic, and what we cultivate is our own will. If we follow our heart, who cares what Heaven's way?" Do you understand what I mean?"

Mu Xing thought for a while, then nodded: "I understand. But according to what you said, there is nothing wrong with cultivating the magic way. If that's the case, why are there so many bad magic cultivators? rumor?"

He gave Mu Xing an example.

There are two magic cultivators, born with **** power.

One of them chose to conceal his identity, went to the mortal empire, and used the imperial examination as a way to enter the officialdom.

The more blunt he said: "For a cultivator for decades, it is not worth mentioning. But it's so slow to walk through it in a normal way."

So another magician, he chose to take a shortcut.

He used magic to confuse the emperor of the dynasty.

In just one month, he became one of the most powerful men in the dynasty.

But there will always be people who don't agree with him.

Loyal ministers accept remonstrance, straight ministers scold villains in power.

A mortal is nothing but an ant in the eyes of a monk, how can he bear it?

Those who did not obey him were removed by means, and he tasted the pleasure of death of those who rebelled against me in the power.

Only ten years, the prosperous empire was disturbed by him, and the people were not living.

Mu Xing thought seriously.

Mu Xing suddenly came back to his senses: "Having a strong power, but indulging his own behavior and desires too much. Is this like the reason for the poor reputation of the magic cultivator?"

The more floated the white palm: "My disciple is really smart!"

Mu Xing's eyes brightened as he looked more and more white: "So what is Master's way?"

He thought for a while: "Love beauty? Love Chinese clothing, love chess, calligraphy and painting? Love Fengya?"

He said a lot in one breath, and the more white he tapped on his small head with a folding fan: "As a teacher, I just want to be a rich and idle person."

Mu Xing thought about it for a while, isn't he really a wealthy idler?

"What about me?" He started thinking about himself seriously.

's picture scroll.

He threw the picture scroll away, and the picture scroll slowly unfolded in the void.

The more white and sly smile: "If you can't figure it out, let the teacher help you."

In the prosperous city of Yangzhou, the wealthy businessman Mu family has added a young son.

Mu Xing thought blankly: Am I reincarnated again?

He always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it carefully.

The little boy is the youngest son in the family, and he is also a cute, smart, and loving family.

The little boy nodded immediately: "I like it."

It didn't take long for the Mu family to offend the powerful and the family fell into disrepair.

He doesn't feel depressed either, because he can read and write, he goes to the village scholar's house to help copy books, and when he gets a little reward, he saves it to buy delicious food to nourish his family.

Outside the picture scroll, the whiter he looked at the poor disciple, and another option was crossed out in his heart.

Mu Xing knew that the only way to improve the current situation at home was to study. He was diligent and hardworking.

Zhuang Yuanlang was riding a horse and parading through the streets, and countless young girls threw flowers at him. As soon as he looked up, he could meet a few pretty faces who wanted to talk.

"Do you have a favorite woman?" Someone asked him in his ear.

Mu Xing looked confused and shook his head: "No, it's so complicated to talk about hobbies."

The more white: "…"

Time goes forward.

The young champion was appreciated by the emperor. In just a few years, he made his way through the ranks and entered six divisions. However, he was already a confidant of the emperor when he was weak.

Sitting in the chair, the paler frowned.

This apprentice has a really strange personality.

This is also a method used by many magic monks to help their disciples find their own way.

Just now in this illusion, Yue Fubai has arranged many things for the little apprentice that mortals yearn for most: wealth, beauty, power...

Ke Mu Xing accepted all of these well, but he didn't particularly like it, and he didn't want to give up when he lost it.

I didn't see Mu Xing's special love.

He was not in a hurry, and continued to "arrange" his apprentice's life.

Mu Xing's sick aunt couldn't hold it anymore.

He tried his best, and even invited the imperial doctor in the palace to treat him, but there was nothing he could do.

A close relative passed away, and he held a funeral for his mother with a sad expression.

Above the funeral, the strange voice asked him again: "Are you unwilling?"

Mu Xing replied blankly: "Why not?"

"I'm not willing to let the life of mortals be short, and I'm not willing to keep those who want to keep."

The more white: "…"

He sat up slowly.

Mu Xing's "life" continues.

Because of her current death, Mu Xing has to wear mourning for her mother for three years.

He retired from officialdom and returned to his hometown.

There are beautiful mountains in his hometown. When the weather is good, he often goes for a walk in the mountains.

One day, a hunter in the mountains dragged a silver wolf home and was seen by Mu Xing.

Mu Xing couldn't bear it: "This silver wolf is very pitiful."

The hunter refuted his words: "Sir, you have pity on this silver wolf, but do you have pity on me? If I don't hunt this silver wolf and strip its fur for silver, my whole family will be starved to death."

Mu Xing stopped talking.

Months later, when Mu Xing was wandering in the mountains, he heard a miserable cry.

It turned out to be the hunter a few months ago, who was bitten on half of the shoulder by a silver wolf who saw it, and was howling under the sound of the silver wolf.

Seeing Mu Xing with a sword in his hand, the hunter hurriedly asked for help: "Sir, please help me drive away this beast! This is the companion of the silver wolf a few months ago!"

Mu Xing did not move.

He quietly watched the hunter die under the claws of the silver wolf.

The silver wolf's golden eyes fixed a look at him, but didn't say anything. Just like the hunter a few months ago, he dragged the hunter's body away.

Someone asked Mu Xing: "Why don't you save people?"

Mu Xing looked at the desolate back of the silver wolf: "I didn't save the silver wolf a few months ago, why should I save the hunter today?"

The voice said: "The hunter hunts the silver wolf for his family's livelihood, and he has difficulties."

Mu Xing said: "There is also a reason for the revenge of the silver wolf."

The voice said: "But a human."

Mu Xing froze for a moment, then asked: "Human, what happened?"

After saying this, he felt that the world was spinning.

He looked at Mu Xing with a complicated expression.

Mu Xing rubbed his eyes blankly, he had no idea what just happened:

"Master, what's the matter?"