Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

v1 Chapter 194: Expeditionary army, set off! Subscribe

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S: I’m sorry, QAQ... the shiitake mushrooms will be exchanged before half an hour

The idea that Su Jiameng was worried that she was torn apart was really not groundless. The survivors of Augustus' team were gearing up to block her, and then forcibly killed her again. Especially when these guys knew about the final battle situation from their dead companions, this idea became even stronger. A guy like Su Jiameng who doesn't know where the lower limit is, he can't be too shameless!

In order to win... he even took out such a brutal trick as a yin leg, and it seemed like a shrew. Alas, people who knew her or didn't, couldn't help but want to feel sad for Su Jiameng's little integrity.

Although Gu Ningxun complained vigorously, he still had a wooden face on the surface, and he solemnly nodded and said, "No problem, after Miss Su exits the field, she will go off the line and hide. Wait for half an hour. Go online..."

Su Jiameng wanted to raise his hand and pat him on the shoulder to express his appreciation for him for being so acquainted. It's a pity that she just raised her hand and accidentally pulled the internal injuries of her body.

Seeing the rare and lively Su Jiameng, Gu Ningxuan's mouth was stained with a fleeting smile, and even the black eyes were stained with starlight. The space was distorted for two or three seconds, and Su Jiameng and Gu Ningxuan were teleported out of the playing field.

Su Jiameng decisively applied for virtual network treatment when someone let the door open. Before she could reminisce about the pleasure of being "cured", she heard a messy footsteps heading here, and she said to Gu Ningxuan, Here you are!"

Gu Ningxuan's gaze fell on the shoulder she had photographed. Someone had already left the line and fled. Seeing the angry group of people, he slightly reduced his exposed warmth, and asked in a cold voice, "What do you mean by this posture? Want to settle accounts in private?"

"You can't care about this, right?" The leader is one of the nine vice teams on Augustus. He is also a very powerful guy, but his personality is a little impulsive and easy to be irritable. "You say first, the woman goes Where is it?"

"It's offline." Gu Ningxuan told the truth. The other party choked on his bachelor's answer, and he continued, "But Miss Su will be online in half an hour. If you can wait until that time and are not afraid of death, you can Block people here."

As a witness and "victim", Gu Ningxuan also knows how fierce Su Jiameng's combat effectiveness is.

Even if the group of people in front of them went together, they might not be able to block the thief's cunning, let alone use force to make the other party die. On the contrary... after waiting for half an hour, someone is relieved, and the mental state is fully charged. It is still a big question who chases and kills whom!

Gu Ningxuan's attitude of "barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes" caused the other party to be internally injured, but when he thought of a group of adults chasing and killing a girl who looked like a loli, it didn't look good. If things get worse, others will not attack Su Jiameng, but will say that they can't afford to lose... Thinking of this, the face of the deputy captain who leads the team is even more ugly.

For a long time, the deputy captain gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be proud, even if you can't find her trouble now, isn't there still that challenge post? When the time comes, you will be challenged in a row, and see if she can hide or not! Where else can she hide? go!"

Gu Ningxuan was silent, and challenged the post? Su Jiameng will indeed not run away, because she is still expecting to squeeze credit points from the group of unlucky ghosts who practice hands. The more people who challenge the better, she will not push the credit points of the door to the outside.

But... after experiencing such a tragic melee, it is estimated that Miss Su will not accept the challenge request of the melee again, right?

After all, the team of the First Affiliated College of Sirena only promised to help once. If there are still challenges in the future, I am afraid Miss Su will worry about the participants. Gu Ningxuan sullenly, sent away the trouble-seeking gang of Augustus away in a few words, and was about to go offline to take a break, but found that he was blocked...

"What's the matter?" Gu Ningxuan asked the group of people in front of him coldly. Although there are not many surviving contestants in the First Affiliated College of Sirena, it is still spectacular to get together, "Mr. Qin, can you explain this?"

"Where is Xiaomeng?" K3 stretched his head and looked at Gu Ningxuan. He didn't see a familiar figure, and couldn't help but be a little confused. "I remember Xiaomeng was with you in the end. It should have been reported together. The playing field?"

"Miss Su has been offline, in order to avoid being blocked by those guys." Gu Ningxuan explained again.

K3 nodded clearly and said, "Xiaomeng is born with a terrible instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. She is correct in doing this. She is always more comfortable to avoid the wind than staying here. We are so anxious to rush over, but also afraid of Austria. Those guys in Gus became irritated. By the way, some of us are going to go out to celebrate. You will inform Xiao Meng when you come."

Gu Ningxuan was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but think of someone's embarrassed attitude during the two "celebrations". The corners of his mouth smiled, and the whole face softened a lot. "Mr. Qin, don't worry, I will inform Su of this news later. Miss."

Liu Lanyue and the others are in a better mood today. They are all students from the No. 1 Affiliated College of Sirena, but with such a team, they were lucky enough to get rid of the top three melee teams of Augustus! Although she is not the main combat power, she has also paid a lot, so she is deeply proud of this victory. Immediately waved a big hand, and said boldly, "I will treat you today!"

Although they are all a group of local tyrant students who don't need money, the people who have dinner to celebrate the gods are all ordinary small expenses, but other people bleed and treat, this thing is also very delicious to eat! Listening to Liu Lanyue's boldness, a group of people laughed and said they would drain her wallet.

"No problem, if you eat less, you lose. If you eat too much, you lose. If you eat too much, it's yours! It's rare to be happy today, so you don't need to be restrained!" Liu Lanyue waved and said, although there was still a haggard color on her face , But the eyes are bright and extraordinarily energetic.

Which of the guys here is not the guy who insists on doing a lot of exercise every day? The greater the amount of exercise, the appetite will also increase. If you really open your stomach to eat, one person can easily pile up an empty bowl that is more than two meters high! Saying it is a rice bucket, there is no sense of disobedience at all.

Seeing more than 30 people coaxing to leave, Gu Ningxuan's eyes flashed lonely like nostalgia, and soon disappeared. Having nothing to do for the time being, he went to the vending machine beside him to buy a few cans of beer and went to the bench in the corner.

It was about to open, but found that there was a guy sitting next to him, and the other party took him a can of beer on his own initiative!

"This... sir?" Gu Ningxuan had a good temper, but it was a can of beer. But when he saw who came, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise, "Why don't you go over and celebrate?"

"A group of young people are playing there. I, an old guy, won't join in the fun." Gu Ning pretended to be vicissitudes of life and pours beer down his throat. This beer is brewed with the special product of Venus and has a unique taste. "It's you, why don't you go there?"

"Unfamiliar." Gu Ningxuan's answer was still honest and bachelor.

Gu Ningzhi nodded if necessary, squeezed the empty beer can into a small ball, threw it into the trash can several meters away, "Since I’m not familiar with it, it’s okay if I don’t, or it’s always Embarrassed in the cold, I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

Gu Ningxuan was noncommittal. After a while, a slender, white hand with thick calluses appeared in front of him, with two cigarettes between his fingers. He flushed, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I don't smoke."

Smoking can reduce anxiety and stress to a certain extent. Gu Ningxuan is not good at it, but smoking is very rare. And since staying in Su Jiameng's house, he has touched this thing less often when he knew there were two meat buns in the house.

When Gu Ningzhi heard it, he took the cigarette back, lit himself to smoke, and randomly found a topic, "When I saw you, I felt very kind, and couldn't help but feel good. I think you look like my brother..."

Gu Ningxuan, who was hit up with him, was silent. He was not a person who was good at speech. He really didn't know how to continue with some conversations. Just like now, he really has no interest in dealing with such awkward touch-up lines.

Someone didn't go on to say that this made Gu Ningzhi a little embarrassed. However, his face has always been thick-skinned and cold, and it's not a big deal. "I heard Miss Su say that you seem to be working at her house to help. I have seen your strength. If you let go of your hands and feet, you will definitely make a difference in the future. You Are you willing to waste your great years on meaningless things?"

"Whether it makes sense, everyone's opinion is different. At least I don't think the life like this is meaningless..." Gu Ningxuan retorted dissatisfiedly, who Su Jiameng's intentions of maintenance are very obvious, so Gu Ning can't ask for it. Good face.

"Just live in such a muddle-headed way? Have you ever thought that you are... still far behind her?" Gu Ning tentatively tentatively said, "That person is too big, and there is no one who lives in the corner." The qualification made her stop her gaze."

"I have my own plan... I have to worry about this gentleman." Gu Ningxuan said with a cold face. He didn't even drink the rest of the beer, and left the line directly. It was quite a bit of...

Gu Ningzhi amusedly opened another can of beer, and sighed faintly, "You are young, it is beautiful..."

"Oh, I can't tell, you are old?" A familiar low voice sounded behind him, and Gu Ningzhi turned his head and raised his beer to the person who came, with a cynical smile on his face.

"People are not old, but the heart is old." Gu Ning tweeted twice, sitting still and looking like a rascal, "Besides...I'm just coming out to participate in a competition. Do you want to catch me?"

Li You sneered, "If I hadn't come to catch you, I guess I wouldn't see anyone tomorrow."

Gu Ning chuckled, "Is my character so bad?"

Li You said, "Trust me, the truth is definitely worse than what I said." RS

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