Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 1007: Qin Quiet vs Zhan Qing

Chapter 1007

"He just waited for Xu Huanyan's foreign training to come back, and asked him why he was nosy."

"You mean to ask, isn't it naive?"

Lucheng laughed when he said that, emotional matters always make people do naive things and say naive things.

However, I still don't know.

"So he went to catch Xu Huanyan to ask him why he is nosy?"

Shi Lei opened his mouth wide in surprise. He felt naive for this reason.

However, after three years, just to ask such a sentence, it is really long enough.

"Just don't know where Xu Huanyan went? Just his temperament, if he hides in a small village, Ye Si don't even want to find him."

Lucheng thought Xu Huanyan, who didn't deal with people, might do so.

"I think it is more likely for Xu Huanyan to hide in the deep mountains and old forests."

"It's still deep in the mountains and old forests, he will meet a little fox demon again, give birth to a little fox..."

Lucheng said with a smile.

Even with a smile, there is still a faint sadness in his eyes.

The position where Qin Quiet used to sit before eating, now Xiaoye Zhan is sitting.

For three years, all the furnishings in the dining hall have not changed. No, it should be said that nothing has changed in Battle Soul.

However, when Lu Cheng looked up again, he could no longer see the evil and scornful Qin quiet.

"Also little fox demon, why don't you tell Brother Lu, three years of life in the mountains and old forests made Xu Huanyan come back as a little fox demon."

Shi Lei said jokingly.

Shi Lei wants to stay quietly, she should also say the same...

As long as it is thinking of quietly and feeling sad, the meal cannot be eaten.

Shi Lei doesn't know where Qin Qin is, how good is she...

Dawu over there was coaxed by Xiaoye Zhan, and he didn't know the south, east, west, and northwest for a long time.

Xiaoye Zhan is much better than his mother for eating.

Qin quiet is picky about eating, but Xiaoye Zhan doesn't pick anything, just eat enough.

This is also a good result of Zhan Qing's discipline, not squeamish.

"Uncle, will you go play with the water gun later?"

Xiaoye Zhan put his foot under the table, kicked Mu Yi, and asked with a smile.

Although Mu Yi is not Zhan Xiaoye's real uncle, but his relationship with his uncle is just as good.

They all say that the nephew and uncle are relatives, this is not false at all.

"Be honest with your feet and kick around." Mu Yi hid from Xiaoye Zhan.

This child is not honest with his legs and feet, and always kicks when he speaks.

This is inherited from his father, who likes to kick people at every turn.

"Yeah, I won't kick, uncle, let's play with water guns!"

In the recent hot weather, Xiaoye Zhan is obsessed with playing with water guns, but no one else plays with him.

Saying that playing with him is bullying a child...

"What's your idea?" Mu Yi was still so serious about eating, his big eyes squinted when he looked at Xiaoye Zhan.

"I just want to play with Uncle..." Xiaoye Zhan said pitifully.

After hearing Xiaoye Zhan's words, Mu Yi smiled without giving face.

"Which time have you played well with me?"

As soon as this team talked about the words "play with Zhan Shu".

Whoever is not the bitter water, who plays with him, is not played by him in the end.

Don't read the Zhanshu. He was only three years old, and his eyes were so many and bad. When his small dark eyes rolled, it was a bad idea.

"Uncle, I'm so sad what you said, don't you like me?"

Xiaoye Zhan threw down the spoon in his hand, his eyes were red, but he resisted crying.