Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 1283: Qin Quiet vs Zhan Qing

Chapter 1283

"Don't worry me!" Bai Mo confessed these words before hanging up the phone.

After quietly hung up the phone, the light in the dormitory suddenly went out.

Quietly, immersed in grief, immediately felt the danger.

If it weren't for a bad mood, she wouldn't be completely unconscious.

The fierce palm wind swept across the back of his neck, and it was too late to try to hide quietly.

Just like that, he was stunned abruptly.

A second before fainting, he whispered quietly, "Uncle Nine..."

Very small voice, in the darkness, the man's silver-gray eyes were filled with bloodthirsty excitement.

"Little things, it's time to go home!"

When I quietly opened my eyes again, what caught my eyes was a completely unfamiliar environment.

Everything in the room is white, white dazzling...

Quietly trying to raise his hand to cover his eyes, but found that his hands were handcuffed.

"Fuck..." Quietly tugged the handcuffs and glanced at it, not ordinary handcuffs, but specially made ones.

Because I just woke up, this whole body is white, making quiet watching dizzy.

When I shake my neck, I feel the pain in the back of my neck, as if it is broken.

It's really cruel to start, if it's not a veteran, that kind of force can break her neck.

Quietly, only the right hand is handcuffed, and the left hand can move freely.

She touched her neck lightly, fucking, it hurts...

Then quietly touched his head with his hand...

Her hair...

short hair……

Quietly touched again, confirming again, at this time she is indeed short hair...

Quietly's hands trembled a little, and she had indeed thought about cutting her hair short before.

Because she thinks short hair is more handsome and convenient.

However, Jiu Shu likes her to have long hair, which can be found from his always like running his hands along her hair.

All, even if I want to cut it short, but I still endure not cutting it.

This will be cut by someone else. What is the difference between cutting her hair and cutting her head?

How dare to cut her hair...

She shaved off his hair so much.

"Black Feather, come out, you come out!"

Yelled quietly and coldly.

There will be no one who can tie her up, except for the lunatic Kuroba.

"Kuroyu, you are forcing me to kill you."

She twitched her wrist, handcuffed her wrists, and frowned because of pain.

When she quietly saw a camera in the corner of the wall, she pointed her **** at the camera, and then made a wipe of her neck.

She once gave her life to Kuroba, which means trust.

However, after Kuroba had a murderous heart on her brother last time, a crack appeared in this trust.

Kuroba wanted to catch her last time, she had warned him.

However, he is still **** today, and since he doesn't want this friendship, then don't be it.

If he must tear his face, she will stay with him to the end.

Treating brothers, always quietly, when they can't bear it, they will do it.

Because she can quietly be a brother, it must be a fateful friendship.

She has given her true feelings, true love and righteousness, and she is unwilling to break this brotherhood unless she has no alternative.

When Kuroba took her up and cut her hair on his own terms, it was equivalent to cutting the brotherhood between them.

Because everything he is doing now is beyond her tolerance.

Probably because I cried too much before, and quiet eyes hurt.

Especially looking at the whiteness of the whole body made her very uncomfortable.