Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 1312: Qin Quiet vs Zhan Qing

Chapter 1312

He didn't expect that he would fall into Ian's hands.

This son, who has nothing but good looks, will turn against him one day.

"It's not a day or two to deal with you. I have been waiting for this day since you killed my mother."

Ian's voice was still soft and shrill, extremely cold.

"You think you killed me, can you live? Without me, can you live to this day?"

Shangjue the black bear sneered, and then looked at the quietly sitting there lazily.

"People who come here, don't want to go out alive, and no one can go out alive, especially you, Queen QX!"

Quietly, his finger was lightly nodded to his head, looking at the black bear Shangjue with a faint smile.

Bian Ce put the medicine in the well last night, because there is a lot of wind and sand here, and everyone is used to drinking more water.

When Quietly arrived here to talk to Bian Ce, he noticed the well.

Seeing that everyone used the kettle directly and filled with water there, she planned to prescribe the medicine.

Although this method is not on the table, but it is very time to treat it very much.

These people have obviously rebelled, so there is no need to be polite to them.

The most important thing is to take this place without any effort, quietly and very willing to do it.

Since they want to fight here, they must have their own territory.

No matter how shabby this place is, it is a secret team after all, and the basic equipment is there.

There were very few people in this team, so before dawn, they basically fell down, all **** and locked up.

This kind of wild gentleman would definitely not do it, but if she could do it quietly, she was just a woman, but not a gentleman.

To say that Bian Ce can understand her is quite surprising. I have to say that Bian Ce is also good at playing, an unexpected wild way.

"There is no need to worry about the black bear Shangjue, let's go on the road with peace of mind!"

Quietly saw the extremely heavy killing intent in Ian's eyes.

It is a kind of hate that needs to be released, a hate that has been backlogged for too long.

"Ian, you dare to kill me, your brother will not let you go, those people will not let go..."

Quietly watched the black bear Shangjue fall down with staring eyes...

I also know quietly that the Black Bear Shangjue is just a little shrimp, and those people are the most abnormal demons.

"Your brother is building a team underground?" I quietly noticed that Ian was very excited when he heard Lord Black Bear say about his brother.

"Well, he was controlled by drugs." Ian said while looking at the black bear Shangjue lying on the ground.

Quietly frowned, Ian grew up in such an environment, his father, his brother, are his closest relatives, but they are also his mother-killing enemies.

"He is also a cold killing machine. Even though he is disabled, those people are very satisfied with him. Many important things are left to him."

"My father wants to listen to him..."

Disabled? He stood up quietly and slowly, and asked, "Is he a robot hand without a right hand?"

Ian looked quietly, narrowed his eyes like water, and nodded.

Quietly, a sneer appeared at the corners of her lips, she could finally figure out the questions she had been thinking about forever.

Why did Kuroba take this task back then...

Quietly in his eyes, there was a brutal killing intent.

"You are wrong, he is not reused by those people, but the fact is that he is the biggest boss behind the scenes."

This whispered whispered teeth.

Ian looked quietly, with an incredible expression on his face.