Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 1458: Qin Quiet vs Zhan Qing

Reference 1458

He is alone at home now, quietly away, and Sinan is not coming back either.

He's alone every day, and it's annoying to death.

Zhan Qing took a sip of wine quietly, with a cheerful expression on his face.

"Are you free?" Kuroba asked Xi Yin, who had been silent for a while.

"Ah, very idle."

Xi Yin is indeed relatively idle now. Su An is good for company affairs, so you don't have to worry about anything.

In fact, if it weren't for Su An, it was Kuro Yu's sister, who was pregnant with another man's child.

He might take her away, but if he rushes to the above two points, he can't touch her.

Su Anhao has been pregnant for more than three months, but still works normally.

Hei Yu once approached Xi Yin and asked him to give Su An a good time off, and stop letting her work.

Xi Yin had to do all the things he did quietly for Kuroba.

However, who thought that Su An didn't agree, she said that she had to work to have money to raise her children.

Xi Yin told her that he would pay her a regular salary every month and let her go home to have a baby.

Su An's good answer is, "No need."

Su An's ignorance of good and bad made Xi Yin angry for several days.

In the end, following her casually, Su An was in charge of the company, and he was relieved.

Because of Su Anhao, Xi Yin is very relaxed every day.

"You go to the company to work in your free time, and don't have to do everything well."

Hei Yu's current relationship with Su An is better than before, but the sibling relationship with Xi Yin and Quiet is still incomparable.

"No, I'm... the boss!"

Xi Yin looked at Er Hei Yu with a speechless expression on his face.

Xi Yin knew that Black Feather still thinks Su An is good, and the child in his stomach belongs to him.

Because Black Feather had been asked to check before, which man Su An had had a better time with.

However, it turned out that there was no contact with men.

There is no other reason, just because she is ugly and dressed up old-fashioned, so no man likes her.

Hei Yu even asked people to check if Su An was overpowered, or she would become pregnant for no reason.

The result was no. Every day Su An passed through the monitoring system and found no abnormalities.

In the end, even if Su Anhao had undergone artificial insemination, they were all checked, but the result was no.

After checking all these, Xi Yin set his target on Xi Yin again.

Because Su Anhao is his special assistant, he is with him almost every day, even on business trips.

The most suspicious person is Xi Yin, and he may decide what to do if he drinks too much.

How did Hei Yu ask Su An, she didn't say who this child was.

And Xi Yin also firmly denied that the child was definitely not his, and Su An was so ugly that he would definitely not touch her.

"No, don't look at me like that, Su An is really not mine, I swear!"

Xi Yin didn't know how many times he had said this.

"If it's not yours, you won't be able to find a second man."

I don't know how many times Kuroba has said this.

"No, if you think about it every day, I'll just marry her..."

"I'm responsible for the child in her stomach, okay? I'll change your mind and think about it, okay?"

"You don't feel tired every day. I can't breathe even if you suspect it."

Xi Yin said angrily.

He was definitely making a joke, who knew that Kuroba took it seriously.

"Okay, you marry!" Hei Yu said just a few words.

However, Xi Yin stood up directly in surprise, why was he surprised, because Hei Yu never made a joke.