Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 1598: Qin Quiet vs Zhan Qing

Reference 1598

"Look for shoes first!" Hei Yu said as Zhan Qing was about to walk over.

Because of Kuroba's feelings for Silent, everyone was actually a little cautious about his coming to the wedding today.

After all, that love of death, in everyone's eyes, is the most respectable.

However, there is only one quietly. Without that fate, I can't force it.

Therefore, everyone is somewhat concerned about Kuroba's emotions.

However, on Kuroba's complexion, he couldn't see any pain, he was a person who was very good at disguising his emotions.

And everyone hopes that he can be happy.

They also think that Xin Yi next to him is very good, the big eyes are very cute, the look of strange spirit, reveals aura.

"Shoes?" Zhan Qing looked at quietly while wearing a shoe.

"This is the custom of getting married, hiding shoes, come and come, all come in, look for shoes."

Dawu waved his hand and immediately shouted to the brothers behind him.

"Hurry in and find shoes..." Lucheng followed to greet everyone to come in.

Knowing that this dormitory is not big, there are already a lot of maidens standing there, and it is already very crowded.

Going inside, the dormitory is about to burst because the shoes have not been found.

Dawu and Lucheng greeted each other, everyone roared and squeezed inside, not to mention how lively the scene was.

"Don't come in. Old Zhan can just find it by himself. This dormitory is too small. Don't be squeezed out of oxygen for a while."

Fang Jin, who is always the most reliable, said, these guys don't care about squeezing or squeezing, they just think about whether it is lively or not.

"It's okay, let them go!" said quietly with a smile.

Quietly, I am afraid that she is the least detailed bride in the world.

"Hid you hide the shoes?" Zhan Qing asked with a quiet smile while looking at him.

If it weren't for too many people, Zhan Qing would want to quietly throw it down. There was an urge to tear off the wedding dress because it was so beautiful.

"Kuroba's possession." Quietly squinted and smiled.

If she said that Bai Mo was hiding, Jiu Shu would definitely guess where she was hiding.

When it comes to Kuroba, Uncle Jiu may have to think about it, because Kuroba is hard to guess.

Hei Yu cooperated and directly met Zhan Qing's eyes. In his silver-gray eyes, people couldn't see other emotions.

Zhan Qing is familiar with every corner of the dormitory, and he has gone through the places where he can hide things in his head.

I searched two places but couldn't find it. Everyone looked at each other and smiled without talking.

Quietly, I don’t know that Jiu Shu deliberately, first to find the most impossible place.

But to cooperate with everyone, if you find it directly, what's the point?

"You can't take the shoes with you if you can't find the bride."

The tail whistled.

His whistle turned Fei Du's eyes.

Fei Du found that since the tail fell in love with Tan Yun, it became more and more endless.

Zhan Qing glanced back at the tail, the smile in his eyes with inherent confidence.

This is the dormitory where he has lived for many years. Not to mention that there is a shoe hidden here, even if a needle is hidden, he can find it.

Zhan Qing walked directly to the bathroom, and there was a hidden compartment under the wash basin, where the chest strap was hidden quietly.

Such a memorable place will definitely come in handy today.

Sure enough, Zhan Qing found the shoes...

When Zhan Qing knelt on one knee to quietly put on his shoes, he cried quietly again.

This was not the first time Jiu Shu put on her shoes, but when Jiu Shu gently put the shoes on her, she couldn't hold back her tears.