Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 1860: Xu Huanyan vs Ye Si

Reference 1860

Bai Mo also felt that Xu Huanyan meant that he wanted the child to have his surname.

However, she was embarrassed to speak.

Bai Mo knew that she wanted to let the child raise him in the future. After all, Bai Mo was taking care of them since she had them.

Therefore, in the future, the children have to take care of Bai Mo.

Although I thought a little far away, it was such a simple idea.

"What is the name Bai? The child's name should be easy to remember."

Then Yuan Yu said, "The most important thing is to be nice, and it has to be special."

"What is it called, is it special enough for nothing?"

Bai Mo smiled and replied, just a joke.

"Goodbye, it's so special, it's a homophonic."

Yuan Yu patted his thigh and laughed.

"This is just your son's nickname, how interesting it is."

Yuan Yu muttered twice, "Bye bye, bye bye, that's all, it's so interesting."

"Um..." Xu Huanyan said out at this moment.

She touched her belly with her hand, and then smiled, "He seems to like the name, he moves a lot."

Xu Huanyan smiled at Bai Mo, and then tried to say, "Bye?"

As soon as her voice fell, she could see her belly, and another little drum bag came out.

Looks like a little kick mark...

"Why do you like it, maybe you don't like it, just move."

Even after watching the child move many times, Bai Mo still gets excited every time he sees it again.

"No, I like it, I can feel it."

Xu Huanyan also thinks this nickname is very interesting, "It's called bye bye."

After Xu Huanyan finished speaking, her stomach moved again.

She confirmed again that her son liked the name.

"It's called this, isn't it a bit too casual?"

No matter how Bai Mo thinks this name, children won't like it.

Who would like such a name, bye...

It turns out that bye-bye, he really didn't like his name.

Once, after the Nth time bye, I wanted to change my name.

Xu Huanyan told him that we gave you this name because you obviously liked it.

Xu Huanyan and bye-bye talked about how powerful he was at that time expressing his likes.

After listening, he said angrily, "That is obviously a strong objection, okay?"

A word of goodbye left Xu Huanyan speechless, and it is indeed understandable...

"It's just a nickname, so you have to be free. Is it possible to count it?"

Yuan Yu laughed after hearing what Bai Mo said.

"Da Ming, you two have to hurry up and get a birth certificate."

After Yuan Yu finished speaking, Xu Huanyan looked at Bai Mo.

"Think about it for the two of us at night." Then Bai Mo said.

"Bye bye, this name is interesting." Yuan Yu likes this name very much, he just wants to laugh when he is called.

Seven days to the due date

Xu Huanyan was lying on the bed, feeling uncomfortable tossing over and over.

Bai Mo let her raise the pillow and let her lie down.

"Hold on for a few more days." Then Bai Mo picked up the video recorder to shoot again.

"What else are you taking, I am like this, let the child see it, will laugh at me."

Xu Huanyan used her hand to cover her face, speaking weakly.

It was a bit uncomfortable to toss, and the two children seemed uncomfortable in their stomachs.

Anyway, the tossing is not light, and I don't sleep, just move around.

"Let them know how hard you are at this time."

Bai Mo felt distressed for Xu Huanyan, her belly was as big as a ball.

Xu Huanyan was startled when she had a pregnancy pattern at first, and she cried because of it.