Captive King [ABO]

Chapter 72

"Dugujing has seen His Royal Highness the Prince." Dugujing's salute without hurriedness, there is an indescribable charm.

"Prince?" Xiao Qi looked at Xuanyuan this year, then looked at his big brother, and whispered, "Where is there a prince who is always ready to eat?"

"Xiao Qi, as the saying goes, people take food as their heaven, why can't I bring food on my body?" Xuanyuan laughed this year, "but I'm here alone, so you can tell me to argue with each other, don't worry about any false gifts."

"Then it is better to be respectful than to obey." Du Gujing replied, "However, the master has traveled far, and he can't come back for a year or a half. Before leaving, the master told me that I must treat you well. I hope you don't dislike it. "

"I don't dislike it." Xuanyuan suddenly smiled slyly this year, "I hate eating cabbage the most and like eating meat. As long as I meet these two conditions, it is enough."

Dugu was stunned for a moment, and then the spring breeze of laughter blew his face, and he was a little closer than the previous smile, "Here is the dark guard of Lao Mingzheng."

He looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything.

Xiao Qi rolled her eyes secretly, despising this kind of prince very much! Don't you understand yourself? Or approach his big brother through his own mouth? Sure enough, the unmarried ALPHA who came up the mountain is not a good person!

Xuanyuan’s abduction of Dugujing this year went very smoothly. Dugujing was originally the son of everyone. Who knew that the **** who was engaged to him was hooked up by a little Bailian halfway through. He insisted that they be married together in the door, and Dugujing directly dumped his fiancé. With a slap, he taught the other family a severe lesson, and then went up the mountain to rush to his master. Isn't it bloody?

But Xuanyuan didn't think so this year. In his opinion, all of this was a farce written and directed by Dugujing. The people in his family are very old-fashioned, thinking that Omega must marry, and even if Mr. Jing's reputation is noble, can't let the family make more money every year? After Dugu Jing made this out, no one used the face of his elders to force him anymore. He didn't live at home anyway, and his reputation didn't matter.

Dugujing's mother and father died long ago, and it was his father who was in charge of the house, who later married him. He hated the bad things at home even more, and he simply didn't see it. After many years, it doesn't matter if his family even removes him from his name.

But I didn't expect to encounter Xuanyuan this year, a prince who was unexpected but proficient in everything?

When Xuanyuan asked him if he wanted to be the prime minister this year, Du Gujing was shocked, "The prime minister?" But he is Omega!

Has there ever been a prime minister of Omega in history?

"Don't care. History is used to create." Xuanyuan smiled this year, "There are not many people in the court who dare to oppose. Don't worry."

With a queen whose King Qi is invisible, can the hearts of these court ministers stay firm?

So Dugujing obediently took Xiao Qi and followed Xuanyuan down the mountain this year.

According to Xuanyuan's statement this year, he can start as a small official first, then slowly get promoted and make political achievements. Who knows, when Xuanyuan brought Dugujing to the capital this year, he was surrounded by a bunch of ministers with tears in their eyes.

"His Royal Highness, are you finally back?"

"His Royal Highness, get ready to enthroned!"

"His Royal Highness, the emperor has already issued an abdication edict..."

"His Royal Highness, King Qi also told his old man to return home, and went on a tour of the sky with the emperor..."

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom boom!

Xuanyuan shook his body this year, and he knew how his father was so kind?

"Ming Zheng." Du Gujing whispered from behind, helping Xuanyuan stabilize his figure this year.

"What about the brothers?"

"Taken away by the emperor..."

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Xuanyuan gritted his teeth this year, not like this! At least give me advance notice?

"His Royal Highness, please return to the palace to succeed." The ministers knelt in a row.

"...Okay." Xuanyuan turned his head to look at Dugujing helplessly this year, "It seems that you can be the prime minister in advance."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Dugujing smiled.

As a result, Xuanyuan chose a lucky day to take the throne this year, and then Mr. Dugujing Yijing was fatally named the prime minister to assist Xuanyuan this year. If Xuanyuanfeng were still the emperor, it would be impossible for Dugujing to be the supreme minister at once. But now, the new emperor wants to promote a confidant or anything, and he is still the well-known Mr. Jing. If they are really talented, they will also Isn't it a good start?

Xuanyuan quickly assumed the emperor this year in a decent way. In fact, he had already taken over the affairs a few years ago, so he didn't have any trouble doing it? Dugujing was also slightly surprised, no wonder the master told him that he could be loyal to the emperor of this generation before he left.

But bad things are not without it.

The new emperor has ascended the throne, but the lord of the harem has not yet come out! Not to mention the lord of the harem, there is not even a decent servant around the emperor at present? !

This is really a great opportunity!

So in the court, the broad ministers put forward the suggestion of inviting a queen.

This year Xuanyuan watched the ministers under him arguing for the children in their respective families, only to find it very interesting, just like a vegetable market.

"Well, you can talk to me after discussing it. I plan to be the same as my father." After that, Xuanyuan waved his hand and announced his next court this year, completely ignoring the ministers who were messing up in the wind below? Does the emperor plan to marry only one? Don't you have some imperial concubine or something?


"The emperor is very happy?" Dugujing couldn't understand it. How could he be happy to see the ministers arguing?

"Just call me Mingzheng." Xuanyuan said this year.

"...Ming Zheng." When Dugujing called this name, she would always lower her voice unconsciously, with a little lingering lingering she didn't know.

Every time Xuanyuan heard Dugujing call it this year, he would be very happy, but everything was still ambiguous, and he didn't want to rashly scare his prime minister away. There is also the clever ghost of Xiaoqi, who eats his own things while guarding himself like a thief!

In Xiaoqi's words, "I don't have any pressure on others to chase the elder brother, but you and I must guard against it to the end! I still eat things, and people don't care." Typically, just take things and do nothing.

"Even if they choose a person, I didn't say that he must be the queen!" Isn't it interesting to let them bite the dog?

Dugujing looked up at Xuanyuan this year. Is it really good to be so shameless as an emperor?

"I don't want to review the memorials for the time being today, there will be a prime minister." Xuanyuan put on a rogue appearance this year.

"The minister follows the decree."

"At night, I wanted to go out for a private visit on a microservice, so I bothered the prime minister."

"...The minister followed the decree."

"I want to eat the torn cabbage made by the prime minister..." Xuanyuan smiled this year.

The corner of Dugujing's eyes was slightly Yang, "...Chen Zunzhi."

Actually Xuanyuan likes to eat cabbage very much this year, but when he was in Yanshan, he just wanted to see how this omnipotent master in Xiaoqikou could solve it? Who knew that Dugujing really came back every day with a sword to catch prey? Every meal is really meat, and there are no extra vegetables at all.

The hurt Xiaoqi and Xuanyuan have been constipated for many days this year.

Seeing that Dugujing followed her with everything, Xuanyuan didn't feel too good this year. It's no wonder that many people like to be well-behaved and gentle, and his prime minister is really very virtuous.

As expected, the ministers are arguing over the queen's choice. No one wants to put such an artifact in someone's home? Who doesn't know that the two generations of the royal family are exclusively sentimental. Look at King Xian, you look at Emperor Tai, and look at the son of Xian Wang. If there is such a person in the family, let alone become rich and wealthy and enrolled in the jue. Maybe the next generation of emperors will also come out directly.

Who is willing to give up this temptation?

The emperor is really a good move! There is no one among the ministers who can cover the sky with one hand. Most of them are balanced, and no one will give in when you come and I go.

On the contrary, Dugujing gradually showed his talents as Mr. Jing, and soon established a good image among the middle and lower-level officials. Especially in comparison with the situation where some senior officials are holding back each other, Dugujing is really a generation. The idol of freshman officials.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone~!

When a minister had given the power of the whole family, and his son was truly outstanding, he overpowered other sons and became the best candidate to report this candidate to Xuanyuan this year, but Xuanyuan relentlessly rejected it this year.

"You have been arguing for almost a few months. I'm sorry. Within this time, I have found someone who wants to spend my life together." Xuanyuan was very sincere this year. "It's too slow", and directly blocked the minister's words that he was about to say.

"I don't know which prince did the emperor fall in love with?" Yu Shi Shangqian dutifully asked.

Xuanyuan glanced at the hall this year, "What do you think?"

"This...?" Yu Shi subconsciously went to see the emperor's confidant, the Prime Minister, hoping that the Prime Minister would give some hints.

"It seems that Chen Aiqing really won my heart!" Xuanyuan sighed this year, "Yes, I like the prime minister."

Chen Yushi choked, but the emperor said so, and he is not good at objecting now. Who made him look at the prime minister?

However, although the prime minister's appearance is good, he is only in the middle and upper class! The previous King of Qi Yi Chu was at least a great beauty with a national beauty, and they could accept it a little bit, but the Prime Minister...To put it ugly, a little concubine drawn out of their ministers’ family is more beautiful than the prime minister!

"Prime Minister, what do you think?" Xuanyuan didn't care about other people's reactions this year. He only knew that it was impossible for Du Gujing to reject him in front of so many ministers! Otherwise, Xuanyuan would lose the face of the emperor this year, and Du Gujing would definitely be reluctant to bear it.

Sure enough, Dugu Jing's expression changed, and finally he nodded.

"Then Lao Aiqing will have the wedding." Xuanyuan stepped off the throne this year and walked to Dugujing, holding his hand, "I will trouble the queen in the future."

Dugujing's face turned red all of a sudden, and she hardly dared to look at Xuanyuan's face this year, and muttered, "...Chen Zunzhi."

The author has something to say: There is another counterattack event, a reunion event, and it is officially over~(≧▽≦)/~Lalala, the last two will be updated the next day, I will not admit that I am lazy!