Card Room

~: Chapter 080:

Chapter 80 Chapter 13

The case of carriage No. 6 has now come to light.

In order to be sure, Yu Hanjiang called Liu Yuming again and asked him if Shu Ping had stolen Lee's insulin in room 2 in the early morning. Liu Yuming was tangled for a while, and probably realized that he could not hide it, so he nodded. "Yes, I saw Shu Ping open the door, take down Li's bag and turn things over, and left after finishing it ..."

Yu Hanjiang asked, "Apart from turning things, has she touched Lao Li's bed?"

Liu Yuming said with certainty "No, she just took the bag from the luggage rack and put it back."

Yu Hanjiang asked, "What about Mrs. Mei? Have you ever been in room 2?"

Liu Yuming was silent for a long time, bowed his head and said, "Yes."

Yu Hanjiang said, "What did she come in, do you see clearly?"

Liu Yuming took a deep breath, his voice was slightly trembling. "The light is too dim, I don't know what she is doing, but I heard a whispering sound, she seemed to lift Li's quilt and clothes, looking for Li's body. thing……"

This testimony is sufficient to determine that it was Mrs. Mei who killed Li herself.

Yu Hanjiang called Zheng Weiguo again. The gambler was probably relieved after eating the IOU last night, and soon fell asleep without hearing the follow-up movement. Niu Dapeng next door also said that he did not hear.

Old Lady Mei killed Li, Yuming Liu and Shu Ping are witnesses. Syringes, insulin and fingerprints on syringes will become physical evidence. Although Yu Hanjiang knew that Shu Ping was also involved, they had already confessed their confessions. As long as Shu Ping asserted that the insulin was bought by Mrs. Mei, she did not know, and the police could not take her.

After putting everyone back into the room, Yu Hanjiang frowned and lost his thoughts.

Xiao Lou asked softly, "How should we choose this case? Do we need to arrest Aunt Shu Ping?"

Emotionally, Xiao Lou didn't want to catch Shu Ping. She was hurt too badly by Li. Besides, Mrs. Mei protected Shu Ping at the last moment, and she took all the responsibilities and let Shu Ping stay out of the way ... but objectively From a perspective, Shu Ping is the person who plans everything.

Yu Hanjiang whispered, "We all know that Shu Ping is an accomplice, but there is no physical evidence. The testimony of several witnesses is also good for her. The child Yu Xinxin only saw her shadow. She explained that she went to the restaurant to find earrings; Zheng Weiguo heard her and Mei The old lady was chatting, she could explain that she was giving insulin to the old lady; Liu Yuming proved that she had been to room 2 and stole the insulin, but there was no murder. "

These testimonies were linked, and in the end, it only proved that Shu Ping sneaked away to steal Lee's insulin in the middle of the night without killing anyone.

The murderer was Mrs. Mei.

Xiao Loudao "Yu team means that we only catch old lady Mei?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "The person who directly caused Li's death is her. The murderer we need to catch is her."

Xiao Lou breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I thought you would catch Aunt Shu Ping too."

Yu Hanjiang said, "In the first place, there is no actual evidence to prove that Shu Ping is a murderer, and Mrs. Mei is a smart person. Shu Ping should have guided her because of her actions, because Shu Ping's actions have been discovered by many people. It's hard to explain what she has been doing for so long in the middle of the night-sneakily stealing insulin is the best reason to fill all the loopholes. "

Yu Hanjiang paused and said, "Secondly, for two scums like Li, I don't think it's worth it."

Xiao Lou agreed with the authentic saying, "Let Aunt Shu Ping pass. Anyway, there is insufficient evidence to catch her. Mrs. Mei has decided to take the blame and resist everything, we should be ... to meet the last wish of the elderly before they die. Right. "

Yu Hanjiang nodded.

A prompt pops up simultaneously in the floating box in front of both people--

The murderer who killed Li in carriage No. 6 was A, Mei old lady; b, Shu Ping; c, Niu Dapeng; d, Zheng Weiguo; e, Liu Yuming, please pass through the barrier to choose the murderer, and put the murderer into the police of carriage 9 Office, waiting for the train to hand over to the police.

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou chose the a option together.

This option also proves that clearing the secret room of Hearts 4 does not require all the people involved in the murder to be seized-it is enough to just seize the person who actually does it.

They left the office and came to room 1.

Mrs. Mei was packing her luggage and saw Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou come over, and the passengers around them consciously made way for them.

Yu Hanjiang whispered, "Aunt Mei, come with us."

Mrs. Mei glanced at them and said, "Wait for two minutes, I still have something to explain."

She gave the food in the bag to the others in Room 1. She handed the photo in her pocket to Shu Ping and gently shook Shu Ping's hand. Realizing that she was about to leave, Shu Ping's eyes were full of tears, and she grasped her hands unwillingly.

Mrs. Mei smiled and said, "It's okay, your daughter will definitely get better, and you have to live well. You are only sixty now, so young and well-maintained. It is the most beautiful old lady I have ever seen, at least live 80 years old is enough, you know? "

Shu Ping nodded, crying silently.

Liu Yuming turned to look out the window, holding back tears; Niu Dapeng, a tall and fat old man, also had tears in his eyes. Others who didn't know, asked "what happened to sister Mei? Why did the flight attendant take her away?" "Sister Mei?"

Mrs. Mei waved her hands to the crowd and smiled. "It's okay, my wife's legs and legs are bad. The two flight attendants are kind and let me take a rest in a spacious place."

She turned around and said to Xiaolou and Yu Hanjiang, "Let's go."

Xiao Lou helped her gently. Others tried to stop her, but was stopped by Mrs. Mei.

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou took her to the police room of compartment 9.

Behind her, a group of elderly people watched her leave—the old back was fading away, her steps faltering, but every step was firm and calm, because she knew that it was all over.

Shu Ping, Shu Ping's daughter Shu Xiaomeng, and Rui Rui's child, Li Mo, will start a new life.

As for her, she will always die. It is no different from being killed in hospital due to bone cancer pain and being shot dead at the execution ground.

Calculating carefully, it is even more pleasant to be shot dead.

Doctors say that chemotherapy for patients with bone cancer can be very painful ... she is painful.

The sun was shining outside the window, and Mrs. Mei narrowed her eyes, and finally a relieved smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

After the 6th car, the atmosphere of the entire tour group became somewhat depressed after the old lady left. The old people stopped talking. They watched Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou silently and took away Mei, and then returned to the scene to take Li Dead body.

The train conductor ordered that the body in the carriage would affect passengers. Now that the case has been investigated, Li's body will be moved to carriage 9 for temporary settlement, and the police will take him away at the next stop.

The train conductor contacted the police at the next station. When the train arrived, the body, the murderer and all the suspects would be taken away by the police.

Originally, according to the setting of the secret room, the police would only come after the train reached the terminal. Since Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang completed their tasks ahead of time, the police would come to hand over the first case tonight.

It was lunch time when everything was settled.

The old people started to eat, and everyone seemed to have no appetite.

Mo Jiaran finally escaped and ran back to No. 4 compartment. The door at the junction of the compartment was blocked before. She couldn't get out, staying in the room confused, and had been sending messages to her boyfriend. Until the body was taken away and the carriage was lifted, she ran back immediately.

Zhou Zheng held her hand and found her hand to be terribly cold. He immediately comforted softly, "It's okay, of course, don't be afraid."

Seeing her pale face, Yue Xiaoquan cared, "What happened?"

Mo Jiaran lowered his voice and said, "An old grandfather died in the No. 6 carriage. The flight attendant just removed the body just now. Listening to the grandparents of the elderly group, this dead person seems to have a heart attack ..."

The real cause of Lee's death was only known to a few people involved in the case. Others were still confused. Everyone said that Li had a heart attack, so the version that Mo Jiaran heard was also a sudden death of an old man with a heart attack.

Yue Xiaoquan froze and said, "Acute myocardial infarction?"

Mo Jiaran nodded ugly. "It should be. I heard that the old man had coronary heart disease and had a stent operation."

Yue Xiaoquan analyzed, "It may also be that the heart arteries have suddenly ruptured."

The two who studied medicine actually analyzed the cause of death of the old man next door ...

Zhou Quan interrupted them and said, "It's not uncommon for an old man in his sixties or seventies to have an accident while traveling. Don't talk about this, let's go to dinner first."

Mo Jiaran didn't want to keep mentioning this, and nodded. "It was unlucky to get up early in the morning to meet this kind of thing. I didn't have time to wash my face, and I didn't eat anything for breakfast. I'm starving ..."

Zhou Zheng held her hand comfortably and said, "You're wronged. I will treat you at noon. Please have a good meal."

The four set out for the restaurant together, ordered several expensive dishes and had a beautiful meal.

8f Jing Weiguang rushed to No. 6 compartment and looked to Xiao Lou and asked, "I heard that something happened to No. 6 car. I am a doctor. Do you need any help?"

The doctor, nc, seemed to have been idle for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it. He rushed to ask if he needed help.

Xiao Lou smiled and said, "No, things have been resolved."

Jing Weiguang scratched the back of his head, his expression a little sloppy. "Do you really need help?"

Yu Hanjiang thought to himself that Professor Xiao is more professional than you, and the on-site autopsy to determine the cause of death does not need you.

He said quietly, "Thank you, no need."

Jing Weiguang said "Oh" and turned back to No. 4 car to continue cooking instant noodles.

Nothing happened in the afternoon. Passengers in Car No. 6 shrank in their own rooms. The entire corridor was empty and Yu Hanjiang was happy. After lunch, he came to Car No. 4 to stay with Xiao Lou.

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "The case of Car No. 6 has been resolved. With so many people in Car No. 4, it should not be a simple plot character. I always have a bad hunch ... it may still be dead."

Xiao Loudao "What do you mean, the next deceased person is likely to be in carriage number 4?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "The two couples have no effect at present. The five-member girlfriends group, although connected with Shu Xiaomeng, daughter of Aunt Shu Ping, has indirectly testified. I think ... the five members of the girlfriend group will not have so much drama, maybe it's not over yet. "

Xiao Lou agreed with Yu's point and said, "Next, we have to focus on car No. 4." He gave Yu Hanjiang the list of arrivals he had arranged before, and said, "There are only 12 people who have taken car No. 4 to the terminal. ——4 couples, Dr. Jing Weiguang, 5 girlfriends, and 2 individual visitors to the concert. "

Yu Hanjiang reminded, "The train will arrive at 21:30 tonight, maybe there will be new characters getting on the train."

Xiao Lou nodded. "Yes, we will pay close attention at that time."

In the afternoon, nothing happened and no abnormalities were found during dinner.

It was not until the clock on the train's LCD screen reached 21:20 that the familiar radio sounded in the carriage.

The gentle female voice said slowly, "Passengers friends, the train is about to arrive at Cangzhou Station in ten minutes. Passengers who need to get off the train should prepare luggage items in advance, take care of the elderly and children, and get off at the right door of the train. The train stays at Cangzhou Station for 15 minutes, please pay close attention to the platform time, I wish you a pleasant journey! "

After the announcement, the passengers started packing and Yu Hanjiang returned to No. 6.

At 21:30, with the roar of the train, the k7311 train stopped at Cangzhou Station on time.

A group of policemen who had received the news from the train captain had waited in advance at the station. They took the dead body, handcuffed Mrs. Mei, and took the owner of the elderly group back to investigate.

The headed police officer came over and shook hands of Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou, saying "Thank you both for assisting in the investigation."

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou completed the transfer formalities with them politely.

After the police left, the doors of the carriages opened, and the passengers began to line up in an orderly way. The child Yu Xinxin also curiously asked Xiao Lou to ask, "Uncle, did the thief in carriage 6 get caught?"

Xiao Lou smiled and said, "Have been caught."

Yu Xinxin waved at him happily. "Great, good-bye!"

Xiao Lou rubbed the child's head gently and said, "Goodbye."

The family of five turned and left, and a large number of individual passengers also got off at this stop.

Xiao Lou found that there were four people waiting in line to get on the bus. One was a smart and capable professional woman wearing a suit skirt; two female college students were dressed up in a simple and refreshing manner; and one was a teenager with a clear-looking backpack.

Xiao Lou asked while checking his ticket, "Did you go to the Moon City to watch the concert?"

Professional women simply said "go to a meeting."

Two female college students shook their heads and said, "We're traveling."

The young man accidentally said, "Do you know the concert? Luo Yan is my goddess!" After he said it, he seemed embarrassed, scratched his head, and blushed and said, "I have loved listening to her songs since I was young. For many years, this concert was a ticket I bought after spending several months of pocket money. Hey, do you like Goddess Luo Yan?

Xiao Lou has not heard of the singer and smiled. "I don't listen to songs very much, but there are many people in the carriage who go to the concert."

The young man was very excited. "Is that right? It seems that there are many like-minded people! My goddess is really charming."

Xiao Lou checked the ticket calmly and paid special attention to his name-Xu Junkai.

After the four got in the car, Zhou Zheng in the couple group also came over and said, "Hello, I see that the elderly group on the No. 6 car has got off all the cars and there are a lot of beds. We can make up the difference and ask for a sleeper. ?"

Xiao Lou turned to Yu Hanjiang and asked "How many empty beds are there?"

Yu Hanjiangdao "A group of university professors who just went up to the meeting just now said that the train conductor said that many people on the 1st and 2nd carriages also need to change the sleeping berths. At present ... there is only one empty bed left, just opposite Mo Jiaran. . "

Zhou Zheng's eyes brightened. "It's great, let's make up the difference and exchange for that sleeper."

Yu Hanjiang nodded and accepted the gold coins he handed over.

The 15 minutes passed quickly. When the two returned to the car again, Zhou Quan of Car No. 4 was helping his girlfriend Yue Xiaoquan to carry luggage. Zhou Zheng also helped Mo Jiaran carrying a suitcase, and the four of them went to Car No. 6. While chatting.

Mo Xiaoquan looked at his boyfriend and said, "I'm okay. I can sleep well on my stomach in the hard-seat carriage. Should we change to sleep? I go to bed in the middle of the night, and you go to bed in the middle of the night?"

Zhou Quan looked at her tenderly, and said, "You are a girl. You don't need to change. Take a good rest."

When Mo Jiaran heard this, he looked at Zhou Zheng and said, "Do you need to change?"

Zhou Zheng stood up right away. "No, no, no, the sleeper is changed for the two of you girls. I don't care about it with my brother. I can fall asleep in the hard seat."

Mo Jiaran was not very happy and said, "The next time you buy a ticket, remember to buy it in advance, so you don't have to suffer."

Zhou Zheng flattered. "Yes, I must take note."

The two brothers escorted his girlfriend to No. 6 carriage and told them to turn around and leave.

Mo Jiaran and Yue Xiaoquan put their luggage away. It was still early, and they couldn't sleep. They sat on the pillows against the pillows. They didn't talk much and played with their mobile phones.

Yu Hanjiang glanced at them questioningly.

The two girls switched to the No. 6 sleeper, wouldn't it be the two who are in trouble?

Next to the No. 4 car, after the two girls changed, Zhou Quan and Zhou Zheng brothers sat together. Jing Weiguang took two seats, 8d and 8f, and the space was very spacious.

The young Xu Junkai, who just got on the car, had a seat right in the front row of the girlfriend group. I heard that the five also went to the concert. The well-known Xu Junkai immediately started chatting with the girls. This guy has a first-rate technology, from the debut single of the goddess to the latest album. The more the chat, the more lively. Soon everyone added WeChat to each other.

Xiao Lou raised his ears and listened to their discussion.

Xu Junkai and the girlfriends grouped together, and talked until the ten o'clock broadcast sounded "Dear passengers, late at night, our carriages will soon turn off, please rest as soon as possible, good night ..."

Xiao Lou's ears sounded the familiar reminder "Crew members of each carriage, please return to car 9 as soon as possible to rest."

If the passers can't solve the case within one day, Li's body will remain in the No. 9 carriage, and the passers will need to sleep with the corpse for one night. Fortunately, they solved the case fast enough. The case of No. 6 car is over. Now that you have not seen the customs clearance notice, it means that something will happen next.

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou did not fall asleep, lying on the bunk and chatting.

Yu Hanjiang Road "Yue Xiaoquan and Mo Jiaran who changed to sleepers are normal. They have been watching TV shows on their mobile phones and fell asleep around ten o'clock. A group of people who got on the bus and passengers who had changed from other cars It was all going to a meeting and there was no doubt about it. "

Xiao Loudao "I have a young man named Xu Junkai who is more high-profile. He went to a concert and talked with girlfriends very speculatively. This little guy would please girls and make them laugh. Others Passengers are also normal. "

Yu Hanjiang frowned slightly. "Unfortunately, we are restricted from moving, we can't get out of the No. 9 car ... Let's sleep first, everything will be said tomorrow."

Xiao Lou smiled and said, "OK, good night Yu team."

Yu Hanjiang whispered "Good night."

The next morning, they were woken up by a familiar alarm.

After having washed and ate breakfast, the two immediately rushed to No. 6 car-everything was normal in this compartment, Mo Jiaran and Yue Xiaoquan were washing their faces together. Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou glanced at each other and quickly came to No. 4 carriage.

Car No. 4 looked calm. Xiao Lou glanced quickly. Some people were standing in line to wash their faces. The five girlfriends fell asleep and woke up. The newly boarded Xu Junkai was waiting at the door of the toilet. Several people were waiting in line behind him.

The two toilets at the end of the carriage were always in a red light.

Early in the morning, there are many people going to the toilet, and it is normal to queue up at the toilet door. However, in the toilet on the left, there are people coming in and out constantly. Everyone who goes to the toilet is probably urinating, and it takes less than 1 minute.

But the toilet on the right ...

It's been 10 minutes, and it's still in the state of someone.

Xu Junkai happened to be on the right side of the line, waiting a little impatiently, and the boy knocked lightly on the bathroom door, saying, "Dude, can you hurry up, I'm in a hurry!"

There was no sound inside.

Xu Junkai continued to knock on the door. "Did you have a bad stomach? Hurry up, a lot of people are waiting outside!"

Xiao Lou was startled, looked back at Yu Hanjiang, and looked at him.

Something is wrong.

Yu Hanjiang's sharp eyes swept across the carriage, and the eight-row brothers disappeared.

Xiao Lou immediately turned back to the flight attendant's office, opened a drawer, and keenly found that the key had been moved!

The bathroom key was still in place, but when Xiao Lou left last night, the key's gear was left, but now it's right.

Xiao Lou's back was cold, and he immediately took the key and turned to open the bathroom. Yu Hanjiang cleared the floor directly and said, "Go to the toilet in the No. 6 car. This toilet may be broken, please let me know."

He was driven away by all the people in the queue nearby, and Xiao Lou took out the key and opened the bathroom door.

Blood was everywhere in the bathroom!

I saw Zhou Quan half lying on the ground, his clothes were disheveled, and his body was completely cold and stiff.

His death was extremely tragic. He was stabbed with a lot of knives and dense wounds, leaving him with almost no intact skin. More importantly, his younger brother was cut directly and thrown into the trash. His mouth was covered by a very common white towel, and the boy's eyes widened, it seemed that he couldn't believe it ... the other party would kill him.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang took a breath.

If you say that Li's death, his face is peaceful, died in the most beautiful dream.

Well, Zhou Quan's death was a cruel killing-the pain he experienced before his death was no less than the torture and lingering!

The author has something to say

There are still questions about the 6-car elderly group, please wait for the plot card after customs clearance, and will talk about some things from the perspective of his son Li Mo.

The story of the 4 car begins.

6000+ fat chapter, there is one more at night, see you in the evening!