
Chapter 137: 3 people 1 beast

Mu stared at the beast in front of him, the muscles all over his body were tense, the speed on his hands was activated, and five small thunderballs happily surrounded him.

His knowledge of the jungle is pitiful, and he has no concept of what this beast is called and what characteristics it has. However, he did not despise it, on the contrary, his face became extremely ugly.

This beast is about the size of a calf, with strong and strong limbs, and a bunch of black hair on its back. The most terrifying thing is its two tails, each of which is almost as thick as Chen Mu's arm, and the tip of the tail is a Black barbs shaped like scorpion tails. This beast stared at Chen Mu with a bad expression, the two tails at the back swayed regularly, the whole body crouched down, and was about to pounce. Chen Mu could even see the saliva dripping from its fangs. w novel chapter update fastest

Compared with the body shape, Chen Mu doubted whether the bipolar lightning ball card could stop it if such a huge beast slammed into it.

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu turned around and ran.

Pressing **** the feet, the whole person swishes back like an arrow, and elastic shoes play a very crucial role at this time. Still in midair, Chen Mu hurriedly switched to the [Big Loach] card. The trees on both sides were quickly retreating, and Chen Mu, who was flying high, was finally relieved. Once flying, this beast should not be able to catch up with him. w "Fiction" novel chapters update the fastest

As if he knew what Chen Mu was thinking, the beast let out a roar just at this moment, so frightened that Chen Mu almost fell from the air. Not daring to look back at all, Chen Mumao flew forward with all his strength. The beast behind him made a startling roar from time to time.

At this moment, Chen Mu looked like a loach, slipping through the trees in an unusually slippery way. Different from his dexterity, the beast behind him slammed on and on, completely ignoring the thick trees, and the sound of densely breaking trees reached Chen Mu's ears in front of him, making Chen Mu's heart skip a beat.

I'm just a newbie! Chen Mu wanted to tell this beast.

"What sound?" Bo Wen suddenly stopped. His perception is stronger than Cheng Ying's, so he can detect movements farther away.

However, this movement was obviously a bit big, and Cheng Ying also noticed it.

The two raised their heads suspiciously and looked ahead.

Rumble. The ground seemed to be shaking. The tremors became more and more severe, and the voice became clearer and clearer. The two looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Bo Wen's eyes lit up: "Chen Mu!"

Chen Mu flew over to them with an embarrassed expression. good chance! The geometer in Bowen's hand immediately switched to the [Qian Yanbo] card, and this time he couldn't let him escape from his hand no matter what.

At this time, the ground trembled fiercely, and both Bo Wen and Cheng Ying felt unstable. There was a loud noise behind Chen Mu, the dust was flying, and there was a series of sounds of extremely dense trees breaking.


Chen Mu's frantic expression made Bo Wen, who was about to attack, hesitate for a moment. Chen Mu's calmness and calmness left a deep impression on him. He didn't seem to be moved at any time or under any circumstances, and Chen Mu in front of him looked like another person. He pondered, if there is any situation that can make Chen Mu so shocked, it must be quite scary.

It was the beast that was chasing behind Chen Mu that he glimpsed after a slight hesitation.

"Double hook beast!" Bo Wen's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face changed drastically. He hurriedly switched the ground card in the meter to the airflow card, turned around and ran away. As soon as he turned around, he realized that Cheng Ying was already in front of him, and the airflow was fully open. Follow Chen Mu closely.

You are still too young! Bo Wen's face was ugly.

Three people and one beast, three in front and one behind, launched a pursuit battle in the jungle.

At this time, where can I take into account the convention of not being able to fly in the jungle. At this time, there is no time to think about the grievances between him and Chen Mu.

Three people present the glyph. Chen Mu was at the front of the trio, Cheng Ying and Bo Wen subconsciously followed him, and the trio flew forward frantically. among the three. The most calm is Chen Mu. His small-range dodge score is the highest, and the [Big Loach] card is good at changing directions. Bo Wen and Cheng Ying are in the same position. Bo Wensheng is strong in strength, but flight training such as small-area dodging has always been the weak point of long-range card repair. Although Cheng Ying's strength is not as good as Bowen's, his actual combat experience is much more than Bowen's, so the positions of the two are similar.

The faces of the two were pale, and there was not a trace of blood. They were closest to the Double Hook Beast, and the incomparably clear sound of trees breaking behind them reminded them clearly all the time that the Shuang Hook Beast was very close to them!

Bo Wen and Cheng Ying could not wait to grow a pair of wings, but they did not dare to increase the speed further. If the speed was increased again, they would collide directly into the tree trunk and die.

Bo Wen suddenly had a flash of light in his mind and shouted, "Let's fly up!"

Chen Mu, who was in front of him, was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Bowen meant. He was chased out of breath by the double hooked beast

At this point, although the double-hook beast has amazing strength, it can't fly to the sky, and I believe it will soon get rid of the double-hook beast.

"Don't!" Cheng Ying screamed to stop the two, her voice was full of fear.

Chen Mu and Bo Wen were stunned for a moment, Chen Mu was fine, but Bo Wen almost hit a tree.

Cheng Ying carefully controlled her airflow, staring straight ahead, not daring to be distracted, panting, and quickly explaining: "There is something more powerful in the sky!"

Chen Mu and Bo Wen hurriedly dismissed the idea of ​​flying upwards. Neither of them had experience in the jungle, so naturally they didn't know the situation. But this does not prevent them from making judgments. Cheng Ying still refuses to fly into the sky at such a dangerous time, which means that what she said must be true.

The double-hooked beasts behind him roared again and again, and the three people in front were pale and fled. This double-hooked beast is also extremely powerful. It ignores trees at all, breaks trees when it encounters trees, and breaks trees when it encounters trees. It is extremely powerful. Its physical strength is also extremely abnormal. After chasing three people for six hours, it did not show any signs of fatigue. The three flying people felt that they could not bear it, and they all complained secretly in their hearts.

The movement was so loud that the smaller animals they encountered along the way were all terrified and ran wild, but not a single beast dared to come out to deal with the double-hooked beast.

For nine hours, the three of them showed obvious fatigue, and they flew in such an environment for nine consecutive hours, which was something the three of them never dared to imagine before. But under the approach of death, the three of them did it all.

And this double-hooked beast finally showed a hint of fatigue. It has begun to no longer rampage like it did at first. Although it is still in hot pursuit, the movement is much smaller.

The three did not dare to relax, and they were almost at the end of their lives. The worst is Cheng Ying, her face is pale, and her pupils are beginning to dilate. Among the three, she is the weakest. Bowen's perception is the strongest, but because he is not familiar with this way of flying, the waste of perception is serious. In addition, he and Cheng Ying chased after Chen Mu for three days and three nights without rest, and they were already in a very tired state.

In contrast, the best situation is the novice Chen Mu! Because of the elastic shoes, he moved faster in the first three days, and he had enough rest to recover his physical strength. And among the three, he is the most accustomed to this kind of flying, and the [Big Loach] card is also very suitable for the current situation.

Ten hours later, the double-hooked beast's breathing was loud and thunderous, and its physical strength was also unable to keep up.

For eleven hours, Cheng Ying's flight looked shaky, as if it might fall from the sky at any time. Bo Wen's face was also incredibly pale, and his lips were starting to dry. Chen Mu's condition is a little better, but his eyes are also dull, and the wounds on his body have not completely healed. After such a tossing, it is actually not much better.

As for the double hooked beast, it has already begun to foam at the mouth, and its pupils have begun to dilate.

Twelve hours later, the Double Hook Beast finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground with a bang.

Almost at the same time as the double hook beast fell to the ground, Cheng Ying fell from the air and passed out. Fortunately, the flying height of the three of them is very low, only about one or two meters from the ground, which is no Bo Wen wants to stop, but the perception has lost control, and the remaining momentum is not weakened. Pierced into a pile of bushes, a shrill scream suddenly sounded. Bo Wen's screams were too sharp, and Chen Mu, who was almost exhausted, was suddenly startled and fell from the air.

Falling to the ground, involving the wound on his body, Chen Mu gasped in pain in pain. The pain made him sober a lot.

His lips were already cracked and he had been flying nonstop for twelve hours. He was so exhausted that he wanted to fall asleep, but he insisted on gritting his teeth. Bo Wen's situation is unknown. At this time, he passed out, and he died here today.

Chen Mu's flight just now was completely supported by one breath, and now he fell from the air, and the breath dissipated, and only then did he realize that his body had reached a state of exhaustion. Not to mention perception, there is no strength to move a finger. If he still has perception in his body now, he must give it to Bo Wen.

After a full five minutes, Bo Wen climbed out of the bush with difficulty. His face was as pale as paper and his eyes were scattered, which was obviously a sign that his physical strength was exhausted to the extreme.

The two stared at each other, but neither of them had the strength to move.