
Chapter 194: trouble

Chen Mu got out of the water, even a calm person like him couldn't hide his joy. Weah still looked calm, as if nothing had happened, and didn't even look at Chen Mu.

"What happened just now?" Chen Mu couldn't help but ask.

"Someone was in ambush at the window, and I scared him away." Weah turned around, walked towards the quiet room, and left a sentence: "It's okay, don't disturb me."

Chen Mu smiled bitterly, and only then did he understand where the murderous aura that made him fall into an ice cellar just now came from. Weah's strength once again shocked Chen Mu. Just murderous aura can be so strong and cold. It's hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if Weah made a full effort! The shock brought by Weah's strength to Chen Mu greatly dampened the excitement of his just breakthrough, which also made him clearly realize that he was still just a rookie.

Chen Mu didn't know what other people were like, but he always had a strong feeling that whenever his strength improved, he realized his weakness more and more. How strange!

This breakthrough greatly exceeded his expectations. Originally, he just wanted to find a way to improve his perception faster. However, stimulated by Weah's murderous intent, he was blessed by misfortune, and his perception soared. Now the perception in his body has improved by more than 20%. 20% was nothing in the initial stage, but for the current Chen Mu, it is undoubtedly a qualitative change.

More importantly, Chen Mu found a correct and effective method. He didn't care whether the extreme training method had the same content as his own exploration results. He only cares about whether his method is useful and how effective it is. And because he was oppressed by death in the water this time, his strong desire to survive caused some subtle changes in his body. One of the most obvious places is that he can stay in the water longer.

He tested it, and now he can stay in the water for about twenty-five minutes in one breath, which is fifteen minutes longer than the previous ten minutes.

As for the specific reasons for this, he did not know. Fortunately no matter what. It's all a good thing, not a bad thing. Chen Mu, who couldn't think of a reason, had no choice but to put this matter aside for the time being, because he had other things to do right now.

Perception increased by 20%. It's like a person who weighs fifty kilograms suddenly has ten kilograms of flesh on his body. This feeling is really not as wonderful as imagined. Chen Mu is now facing such troubles. The sudden increase in perception has also made his six senses more sensitive than ever.

The subtle noises that had been ignored in his ears were now like dozens of mosquitoes buzzing in his ears. Even his pores were suddenly much more sensitive, those tiny airflows in the air. He was able to capture it with unparalleled accuracy. However, the problem is that when he doesn't want to capture, these kinds of information will also be stuffed into his mind in the same way.

His hearing was also greatly improved, and he could even hear Bu Qiangdong scolding other employees downstairs. And it's very clear. And it was unfortunate for him as well.

In just a few hours, Chen Mu could no longer feel any joy brought by the heightened perception. On the contrary, he felt as if he had suddenly fallen into a swamp pit, and there was no room for him to resist. Only suffer silently.

However, although Chen Mu couldn't erase these **** problems, he found a way to temporarily solve the problem - the quiet room. In a quiet room, not only can the outside noise be isolated, but the air flow is much better than here. He had some doubts, was Weah also hiding in the quiet room for this reason?

Ugh. It seems that he has only the advanced quiet room to find a solution to this problem.

Xiaoman is not in the mood to evaluate how well he has completed this tactical action, because the man in black has disappeared! He disappeared as if there was no sign, and suddenly, I lost my sense of him. This almost made Xiaoman jump up in shock.

It is not easy to escape the Kaxiu detection of Xiaoman's level. It's not that she has never encountered a master of concealment, but she has never encountered such a situation - suddenly disappearing during the battle. During the battle, the fluctuation of perception and energy far exceeded the usual level. Kaxiu needs to release his perception, lock, attack, and form an energy body. Every step is inseparable from perception. And if you want to hide, you need to restrain all your breath, which naturally includes perception.

It is not too difficult to put one in and one to close, but in a very short time, such as 0.5 seconds, to complete the whole process from putting in and out, the difficulty is more than ten times greater.

In this world, it is not uncommon for Kaxiu to achieve such a state in actual combat. For example, Peng Hao, the famous [Transparent Man] 30 years ago, the top Kaxiu from Zhongda Shufu, defeated twenty famous Kaxiu at that time within a year and became one of the top players since then. . It is said that during the battle, he can suddenly hide his breath at will, and then attack again, and his nickname [Transparent Man] is also named after this.

But a master like Peng Hao, without exception, is a real top card repair, how much higher than his own level?

Did you meet such a master? Xiaoman immediately rejected this answer. She knows how much she has. If those top experts come, I am afraid that she will be defeated as soon as they meet, and they will not fight for so long.

After thinking about it, the only explanation is that the man in black has unique skills in this area. Xiaoman had no choice but to accept the truth. Although she was a little useless tonight, it also made her regain her vigilance, which wasn't too bad. As for the man in black, she just wanted to try it out.

In one day, when he met two masters in a row, Xiaoman couldn't help but feel a little desolate in his heart. Especially when she thought of the man in black who was similar to her, in front of that cold murderous aura, she could only flee in embarrassment, and she felt uncomfortable. This also means that if you change yourself, this is also the result. What worries her even more is that the existence of such a top expert in Luoyou City is not a good thing for her this mission.

She didn't know if this master came for the same thing. If so, then they have no hope. And even if it wasn't, because of this scruple, she didn't dare to be as reckless as at the beginning. If you accidentally offend this master, the consequences will undoubtedly be the worst.

This is the powerful deterrent of a true master! For no reason, Xiaoman felt a bit of envy in his heart, how could he be able to reach this level one day?

In the crowd, the elegant young man who was always smiling became solemn. His eyes turned to the corner of the tall building in the distance, where the man in black just disappeared.

His heart was more terrified than his expression. Because just now he saw more clearly than Xiaoman, and felt more deeply.

When the yellow light was about to climb to the top of the building, he lost his sense of the man in black. This surprised him, and what surprised him even more was that he could clearly see the man in black at that time. This is a very strange feeling. He clearly sees the man in black in his eyes, but his perception has lost the sense of the man in black.

"Why don't you fight? Oh my God! My bonus!" The fat man beside him was half surprised and half wailing. This also warmed up the young man's frost-like face. At this time, the yellow light had turned into a meteor and flew into the distance. The young man hesitated for a moment, but gave up the urge to catch up.

The young man returned to the residence and found that everyone in the living room was full except him. Seeing that everyone's faces were very solemn, he asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"Hao Yi didn't feel it?" The middle-aged man in the lead gave him a sharp look, his expression was slightly dissatisfied, his cheeks were thin, and there was a shallow scar under his left eye, which also made him It seemed even more indignant.

The young man known as Haoyi was stunned for a moment, then grinned and said, "Uncle Zheng is talking about the master's breath?"

"Well, we're discussing this now." Uncle Zheng nodded, seeing Haoyi looking at him eagerly, he shook his head: "I'm not his opponent." Uncle Zheng said this very naturally and calmly No shame at all.

However, listening to these people's ears, the expressions are all stunned. Uncle Zheng's skill is the best among the pedestrians.

"I don't know which guy is full and has nothing to do. He came to grab a meal with us." Hao Yi muttered.

"The purpose of the other party is not known yet. However, it seems that our plan needs to be changed, and everyone should be careful during this time. Ren Wenzhou can't hold on for long, and I guess he will compromise soon. His attitude has been It started to soften. What we need is to take over the entire Zhongzhou Group safely and smoothly. It is not possible, we take tough measures. Our strength is here, I believe that Ren Wenzhou will choose us in the end. "

Hao Yi couldn't help but interrupt: "What about the experts? Do you want to ask for help?"

Uncle Zheng ignored Haoyi and said to everyone, "A master can't change the situation. We have an absolute advantage now. What we need now is not to fight, but to avoid any accidents. As you all know, recently other Several forces are a bit fierce, and they are on guard, so there is no way to transfer people over for the time being." He paused and raised his voice: "But I believe that even without support, we can complete this task!" Uncle Zheng said. Full of arrogance and sound, everyone's spirits were instantly lifted.

Hao Yi still wanted to mumble, but seeing Uncle Zheng staring at him, he quickly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

He had a bad premonition in his heart.

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I'm going crazy, **** virus! ! (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please log in, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)