
Chapter 355: change (8)

After returning to the base with five card creators who were good at material handling and matching, they were all assigned to Ru Qiu. The pressure of Ru Qiu's actions has been greatly reduced.

These Card Makers are indeed worthy of the Card Makers with the title of material processing and matching. Each of them is extremely efficient, and even two of them are more efficient than Ru Qiu. The five people combined, the production capacity is even more terrifying.

On the first day they made 200 bottles of Kamo.

They know the price of the material as usual, and after a little calculation, they are surprised to find that they have made a kame worth a billion euros!

Where have these card creators been so extravagant? On the first day they entered, they prepared kamo worth one billion euros, which they never dared to think about before. This also makes them have an intuitive feeling for the strong financial resources of the new owner. They were excited and full of confidence in their future.

If they can continue like this, even if they specialize in material processing and proportioning in the future, they will definitely be able to obtain more advanced titles, and they will not need to worry about the problem of eating in the future.

Among the card creators, they have always been unhappy. They used to be assistants to others, which led to an unbalanced skill system, and they were only good at material handling and matching. Although the work they are doing now is not fundamentally different from the previous one, the level of materials they handle is far from comparable to what they used to be, which has greatly helped their skills grow.

Since they have all experienced various setbacks, they know that the world is cold and warm, and they are all very realistic. Although Ru Qiu is younger than each of them, they have no dissatisfaction. They know that this opportunity is rare, and they all work hard, hoping to master as many skills as possible.

They are so diligent, and the most direct result is that the production of Carmo has skyrocketed!

Two hundred bottles on the first day, two hundred and fifty bottles on the second day, and an astonishing three hundred bottles on the third day!

Xi Ping was frightened every day, watching the consumption of more than one billion a day, and the tens of billions on hand would soon be spent. And Qiao Fei's more than 180 billion can't be counted on in the short term. Fortunately, Xi Ping received a payment of 70 billion yuan from the Snowflake Repair Group because he had just completed the first list of the Snowflake Card Repair Group.

Burn it...burn it...Xi Ping murmurs like a nerve every day. The speed of spending money is much faster than burning money.

Due to the large amount of materials consumed every day, Xi Ping had to buy a lot of materials from Yipin. Mr. Steinle had an old face and a smile blossomed. The Snow Filariat Kaxiu Group changed from one of their suppliers to their biggest customer in the Skar area overnight. How could he not smile?

Batches of materials ordered by the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group are continuously sent to the Snow Silkworm Valley.

Chen Mu could no longer be as calm as a few days ago. Two or three hundred bottles of Kamo a day, for him, is a terrifying workload. He made a rough calculation that he would have to work at least twenty hours a day to consume all the Kamo.

A bottle of Kamo is five million oudi. If it is not used that day, the kamo will deteriorate, which means that the five million oudi has no effect.

The thought of five million made Chen Mu's eyes red! How many one-star energy cards do you need to make to earn them?

Chen Mu gritted his teeth, widened his red eyes, exerted his strength to suckle, bit his head, and made cards one by one.

Ru Qiu has been very happy these days. She was forced to such a miserable state a few days ago. Unexpectedly, the situation has changed in the blink of an eye. With five subordinates, she lived a very leisurely life.

However, women always hold grudges, which is probably the natural surname of all women, and Ru Qiu is no exception.

The thought of how badly she was oppressed and exploited by Chen Mu a few days ago made her teeth itch with hatred. So, these two days, she didn't give herself a vacation at all, on the contrary, she devoted all her time to making kamo. Seeing the daily output of Carmo, she was extremely proud.

Although she couldn't see through her own boss, she also understood some of his surname characteristics. She believed that Chen Mu would never let the finished Kamo go bad and wasted anyway.

Sure enough, there was no need for her to urge her, so Chen Mu went all out and made cards like crazy. All the pressure was transferred to Chen Mu, and Ru Qiu became more and more complacent and in a good mood.

In a small dark room, working continuously for a long time, Chen Mu's expression was sluggish, but the movements of his hands were as precise and fast as machines.

Bagnell looked at the Kaxiu who were standing neatly and straight in front of him, with a rare look of satisfaction on his face.

"Tell you good news. Your first training has been completed, and the results of each group have come out. You, all qualified! And the other good news is that you are free to choose to leave or stay."

There was a slight scratching among the Kaxiu, but these days of training made them remember what discipline is, and no one moved or spoke.

"Not bad!" Bagnell's expression of satisfaction increased, with a bit of a smile: "You have passed my last test. Now I declare that you are all qualified. According to the terms of the agreement, now You can choose to leave or stay. But" he said, "I'm here, I have a few words to say."

His eyes slowly swept across every Kaxiu, with a faint sarcasm on his face: "When I first saw you, you were terrible. You were a mess, no spirit, no discipline, even I saw you before. Even the most primitive bandits can't compare. And you, afraid of hardship and tiredness, if you get hurt a little bit, you just scream, and there is no difference between you and the girls!"

"To be honest, I looked down on you at that time. In my eyes, you are not worthy of the title of Kaxiu! You are cowardly, courageous, afraid of death, and uneducated. I have never seen such a bad person! Hehe! , and these guys who can't even compare to garbage are actually called Kaxiu!"

Many of the card repairs below suddenly showed indignation, and some even wanted to breathe fire in their eyes. However, due to Bagnell's silver power, these Kaxiu forced themselves to endure.

"Am I wrong?" The sarcasm on Bagnell's face became heavier, and just before Kaxiu was about to run away, he suddenly raised his voice: "But, you haven't reached hopelessness yet. Look at you now, and think about your past. No matter how hard your training is, you can complete it, because you have already completed the most boring and difficult physical training! If you were in the past, would you be able to do it? Well-rounded, moderate in advance and retreat, and know how to cooperate with the team! In the past, were you able to do it?"

"Think about the guys who left because they couldn't bear the pain. They will regret it. Because they lost the opportunity to grow into a man and prove themselves! They are timid and afraid of pain, and they still live their lives. They live like mud without knowing it! And you, you have defended your own dignity with your actions! Whether you choose to stay or leave, you have enough reasons to be proud!"

The card repairs below couldn't help but straighten their chests.

"In other respects, I have nothing to say. If you choose to stay, you can see the terms of treatment immediately. I believe it is enough to satisfy you. In other respects, I have no other guarantees and promises. I cannot guarantee that you will be alive, There is no guarantee that you will be famous. The only thing I can promise is that I will make you a real Kaxiu!"

After speaking with a solemn expression, Bagnell said solemnly: "Then, now is the time for you to choose!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't look at these Kaxiu again and left.

The final tally was completed quickly, with 1,500 Kaxiu choosing to stay, while more than 600 Kaxiu chose to leave. This number has greatly exceeded Bagnell's expectations. In his opinion, it is not bad to have a thousand people choose to stay.

But Bagnell soon became worried about another problem, and that was the cards of Kaxiu.

1,500 card repairs, which means 1,500 cards, this number has greatly exceeded their expectations. They had estimated that 1,000 cards would be enough, but this time it's more than half, and the problem is bigger.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became anxious in his heart, and hurriedly went to Xi Ping to ask him how the boss planned to solve the card problem.

In the black-and-white world, only the lines are constantly changing, and the perceptual oscillation of the condensed nib is so clear in Chen Mu's field of vision.

how many days? Chen Mu can't remember.

His brain was blank, except for the cards, except for these few card textures that he had already cooked, except for the oscillation law of perception. He couldn't hear the outside world, and the world in his eyes lost its color, leaving only black and white. Like a machine, he doesn't know how to get tired and doesn't know how to stop.

He draws over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over controls the perceptual oscillations!

He didn't notice the awe and admiration that Ru Qiu gave every time he put Kamo on his table. He also didn't notice some subtle changes in the perception in his body. It is as if it has been repeatedly quenched for thousands of times. Although the surface is not different from the past, the interior is already as tough as steel! He didn't notice that those fine and varied perceptual oscillations that used to be extremely difficult and needed to be carefully controlled are now completed inadvertently every time.

He also didn't know that what made Ru Qiu awed and admired was that under his dull puppet-like gaze, there was a tenacious and focused heart breathing.

(To be continued)