
Chapter 90: by millimeters

Hong Tao, who had just completed the task, was in a great mood. Walking on the road, he activated the communication card and called Zuo Tingyi.

When he saw Zuo Tingyi's serious expression, he couldn't help laughing: "Tingyi, your expression is really ugly."

Zuo Tingyi didn't answer, but said directly: "If you have something to say, tell me."

"Hehe." Hong Tao smiled proudly: "Tangtang's fire mayfly finally has some eyebrows."

It seems that Zuo Tingyi's expression softened a little because he heard something related to Tangtang, but his next sentence almost made Hong Tao half-dead: "Your efficiency is still the same as before, inefficient." Fastest chapter update

Hong Tao was furious and stared at Zuo Tingyi: "You said it lightly, or you come by yourself. Hmph, I would have let you do the loach airflow card by yourself. I found so many people."

"Loach airflow card?" Zuo Tingyi asked with a hint of doubt.

"Fire Mayfly needs this airflow card, but it is a bit difficult. I found Man Siying, but she couldn't do it. Later, I had no choice but to find the boy in the lower grade who helped Lin Feng make loach. The sponsorship class still has such a powerful card maker." Hong Tao also seemed to find it a little incredible. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"Can't Man Siying do it?" Zuo Tingyi's expression immediately became serious. Hong Tao nodded: "Yes! I specifically looked for Man Siying, because I heard that the kid doesn't do loach airflow cards at first."

"Lower grades... sponsored classes..." Zuo Tingyi seemed to be chewing something.

"It's unbelievable!" Hong Tao said with a deep sympathy: "It makes sense. Aren't all the sponsored classes rubbish? There is such a master. I don't think his level is necessarily worse than that of Man Siying. It should be this year. I've never seen a newcomer before. This guy must have some drama in this year's upgrade test." Suddenly Hong Tao thought that Hua Hua's "loach" was still in his hand, and quickly said: "I won't tell you, I want to Go and return the loach."

"Do you have a loach in your hand?" Zuo Tingyi raised his head suddenly.

"Yeah. It's just a collection, what? Are you interested in it?" Hong Tao asked in surprise.

Zuo Tingyi immediately said, "Send this card over immediately."

"Right now?" Hong Tao's expression was a little stunned.

"Yes! Immediately!" Zuo Tingyi felt that he had caught something vaguely, but he changed his mind: "I'll go to school. You stay at school, I'll be there right away." After speaking, he closed the door. The meter dropped.

"It's just a card, there's nothing to make a fuss about." Hong Tao muttered. Chen Mu and Man Siying didn't speak again, and walked silently all the way. Chen Mu was thinking about a problem, but Man Siying didn't know what to think.

Man Siying didn't stop until they approached Chen Mu's villa. Chen Mu also stopped and looked at her.

"I'm really happy to see you. Go away, you offend the Zuo family. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Come on, leave Dongshang Acropolis, and don't come back. Take care!" Man Siying Concerned and gently judo, he smiled sweetly: "Last time. Thank you very much!"

He stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. Hearing her concern and blessings for him, Chen Mu was moved. He didn't say much, looked at her deeply, and nodded heavily: "You also take care!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the villa quickly.

Looking at Chen Mu's retreating back, Man Siying's eyes were a little crazy.

About twenty minutes later, Zuo Tingyi found Hong Tao. The two met at a drink shop at a school.

"Why are you so hot?" Hong Tao asked in a puzzled way.

"What about that card?" Zuo Tingyi asked back, a card that Man Siying couldn't make. How could he have no interest at all? However, the most critical issue is not this. When Hong Tao mentioned that the person was a new sponsored student this year. It caught Zuo Tingyi's attention.

This year, due to the arrival of the Star Academy, many people with complex identities entered the Dongwei Academy, and they. Most of them choose sponsored classes!

For the Zuo family, these people are unsettled factors.

Zuo Tingyi and his father discussed the matter of the Star Court, and they both believed that it was impossible for the Star Court to retreat forever after making so many noises. Xingyuan is to retreat into literature, and they will definitely come to Dongshang Acropolis again, although neither he nor his father know what the purpose of Xingyuan is.

There must be people waiting for the opportunity in Dongwei Academy, and these people are the people they need to focus on. Of course, Zuo Tingyi just wanted to find these people, and he would not take extreme measures. There is no need to fight against the forces behind these people at this time. He is not a mindless person like Wu Tuan, who is sharp, safe, and cautious, or the attitude of the Zuo family towards this matter.

Taking over the huge "loach" airflow card from Hong Tao, Zuo Tingyi was obviously a little surprised by its size. He received the most traditional and formal card-making education, and he had no interest in things like shuttles, and he had never been exposed to them.

This was the first time he saw the airflow card used for the shuttle, which was completely different from the cards he usually made. But for him, it won't be too much of a hindrance to him.

He began to study carefully the texture of the "loach" airflow card.

Hong Tao drank his drink leisurely, he knew Zuo Tingyi too well. Once a card intrigues him, he can study it all night long. For half an hour, this guy wouldn't even look up at himself.

Biting the straw, Hong Tao glanced at Zuo Tingyi who was focused, but sighed in his heart. If Zuo Tingyi was not born in Zuo's family, he would definitely become an excellent card maker.


This close friend of mine has had to start giving up and is far from his ideals. Thinking of this, Hong Tao couldn't help but rejoice in his luck. His parents have always respected his choice.

An hour later, Zuo Tingyi suddenly raised his head, his face seemed to be covered with frost.

"He's Chen Mu!" Zuo Tingyi's words carried a strong chill.

Zuo Tingyi's words almost made Hong Tao spit out the drink in his mouth.

"Impossible! How could he be Chen Mu? I remember the guy's appearance very clearly." Hong Tao said disapprovingly, Yao Ke and Chen Mu had absolutely nothing in common.

"He's Chen Mu!" Zuo Tingyi's words didn't waver at all: "The special structure in this card is very similar to "Encounter". People who know this structure, even if it's not Chen Mu, are people who are very close to him. This is the same technique!" Zuo Tingyi was very sure, there was a trace of concern in his heart, if there were other people behind Chen Mu, the problem would become more difficult.

No matter how powerful Chen Mu is, as long as he is alone, his threat is very limited. But if he belongs to a certain force, or if he has other sects, the danger will skyrocket.

The war between the two forces involved too many things, and it was much more tragic.

Hong Tao never doubted Zuo Tingyi's judgment on cards, and he was also a smart person. He immediately thought of Chen Mu's strangeness, and could not help but suddenly realize: "It's very possible! I said how could he be hostile to me, so it is. He must have recognized me, darling, if I hadn't been sensitive, it would have been true. I can't detect it. This guy is really forbidding, he is a ruthless character. Hey, by the way, Man Siying is so hot with that guy, does she also see literature?"

Zuo Ting's face was expressionless, he activated the meter, and quickly ordered his men to check all aspects of this guy named Yao Ke.

He didn't expect that he found Chen Mu's clues by accident, and his seemingly cautious and prudent behavior made him lose the best opportunity to arrest Chen Mu.

At this time, Chen Mu had already boarded the long shuttle bus to Ami City.

After saying goodbye to Man Siying, Chen Mu didn't waste a second. He knew that his time was very tight. If he could leave Dongshang Acropolis earlier, he would have a higher chance of being safe.

After returning to the villa, Chen Mu quickly sorted out things, and will not come here in the future. Take all the money cards with him, as for the ones that are useful, he always carries them with him. In addition, he also brought some wound medicine prepared by the devil girl.

When he practiced dodging, he was often injured, all relying on these wound medicines, and they were very effective.

With so many things, he got on the long shuttle bus to Ami City. This way is not safe, but for him, his ability is not enough to walk in the wild.

Soon, Zuo Tingyi's men immediately found out all the information about Yao Ke, including the villa where he lives now. Sure enough, they found a lot of strangeness from these materials.

Zuo Tingyi made a decisive Kaxiu of Zuo's family surrounded Chen Mu's villa with the fastest speed.

However, they fluttered.

This made Zuo Tingyi's mood extremely bad. To arrest Chen Mu, the Zuo family spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and even used a lot of relationship channels, but they still found nothing. Finally, he was able to catch him with his own eyes, and let him slip away.

"Master, I found it. He took the car to Amei City two hours ago. It should not be there yet. If we contact the staff of Amei City, there should be great hope." In Dongshang Acropolis, Zuojia's Intelligence gathering ability is very strong.

But Zuo Tingyi, who had always been decisive, hesitated.

Amei City is the sphere of influence of the Ning family. Their history is longer than that of the Zuo family, and their control over Amei City is also stronger. In Dongshang Acropolis, there are still several forces that the Zuo family can be quite afraid of. But in Amei City, no one could pose a threat to the Ning family.

An absolute controller like the Ning family can't tolerate such blatant provocation in their own territory.

What should I do?