Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 104: Showdown (recommended)

"It’s really a break from the iron shoes, it’s all time!”

Within the quiet room, Fang Yuan slowly put down the jade, and his face was a little bit stunned.

"The hard-won thing, in this form, came to my hand..."

He shook his head and took a bit of joy.

According to Huang Furen and his words, he was oppressed to the extreme, and finally he couldn't bear it. He took a chance and flew the jade slip and fled all the way to Youshan.

Just because the gods are not enough, they can't break through the jade, and they don't know what secrets are stored inside.

But for Fang Yuan, this is not a difficult thing at all!


This is the name of the classics in the jade, an entry to the alchemy master, not only detailed records of the habits, medicinal properties, and handling techniques of tens of thousands of common spirits, but also a unique set of identification techniques. Specially assist the alchemy teacher to judge whether the spiritual material is cherished or not, the toxic geometry and so on.

After all, the spirits produced in this world are so strange that they are not necessarily all-inclusive.

"Of course, the most precious thing is the commentary of the alchemy teacher inside, and the handling of some spiritual materials... For Huangfu Renhe, it should be something that cannot be found!"

Fang Yuan thought about it, and immediately decided to pass this spirituality to Huangfu Renhe in the future, and it was counted as the original owner.

"It's a pity that this kind of person does not know the gold inlaid jade, otherwise it will directly explore the blue, this gimmick should also be able to see a little mystery, of course... so it will not fall into my hands!"

He was lucky enough to think about it, and there were some hidden concerns.

It is also a small trouble for the mysterious spirit or the spiritual power to look at Lan Ruo.

Of course, he has already helped the wild wolf to help, can you trace it down, or do two things.

And, such a good seed, Fang Yuan is really reluctant to let go.

"The way of the dreamer can't be passed lightly, but there isn't a single spiritual practice in my hand..."

He thought irresponsibly: "It is good for me to cultivate more loyal subordinates. Of course, there is no way to do it. It is best not to let the girl go to practice the blood magic, think about some embarrassment. people……"

"Think about it, I have a valley, I want someone to have a spiritual material, and there are **** doctors, pharmacists, exercises, and external forces. It is really the first strongest in Aoba. If I belong to the sect of the spirit, Even if you only know a part, if you encounter a big battle, you must take it with you..."

Fang Yuan touched his chin and suddenly became speechless.

I have to say that the **** is different, and the position and attitude of looking at the problem are completely different.

Why he is sitting on the side of the valley now, naturally, do not want to see the spirit of the sect of the sacred fortune, want to cut the flesh.

"Young Master! They are here!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Sheng’s whisper came from outside the door.

"Let them go to the lobby and wait, I will be there soon!"

Fang Yuan opened the door and suddenly saw Zhang Sheng holding the cockroach.

This person has been rehabilitated by himself, and he has been reluctantly mending Dantian. At this time, he has restored the strength of the master of the house, and it is also a force that can be used.

In the hall of the Glen.

At this time, Zhou Wenwu, Yu Xinlou, Huangfu Renhe and others are all there.

Huang Furen and his affairs are not related to himself, but he can still drink tea slowly. The Yuxin Building is a little bit anxious to turn around the circle. Zhou Wenwu is most uneasy.

"Adult is coming!?"

Seeing the arrival of Fang Yuan, three people got up and saluted together.


Fang Yuan nodded, sitting in the main position, and waved his hand.

Seeing this, Zhang Sheng immediately took the door, he was guarded at the periphery, and the door could not be quietly broken for four days.

"Let's say, but what about Ling Zong?"

Fang Yuan directly opened the door.

"This is indeed the case. Guilin Zong has already issued a general mobilization order, ordering the martial law in the cities of Qinghe County, accepting the expansion of the Guiling Army into the station, and each family will also be apportioned and contribute!"

Zhou Wenwu smiled bitterly.

At this time, he directly called Lingzong, and it seems that he is also dissatisfied.

"Oh? What does it blackmail you?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan came to a little interest.

"The major families in Aoba City, each with one hundred and two gold, and the spirit of the grain, must also send the highest combat power, waiting for the temporary city owner to send!"

Zhou Wenwu’s face is stinking.

Originally, the family had just had a good start, and it was going to be hurt by this. It was especially difficult for him to play **** the field. It is a strange thing to have a good face.

"My family is slightly better than my brother!"

Yu Xinlou said with a wry smile: "It was just a lot of money and materials that were extorted, and then vacated a few shops that were purchased and handed over to the temporary urban master..."

"You are all like this. It seems that my valley is inevitable..."

Fang Yuan sank, and suddenly asked: "Temporary city owner? The original county respect?"

The former county magistrate, but a good old man, perhaps because there is not much real power, is very good with people, as long as it does not completely subvert the order, everything is a glance at a glance, it is the local favorite.

Since the Qinghe County was reversed, naturally, it did not recognize the former bureaucratic system that was very weak, and immediately changed the county to the people, and even changed the name.

"The city owner?! It sounds like a private soldier!"

Fang Yuan slammed his mouth: "How? The quota for my valley has not yet come down?"

"This is natural!"

Zhou Wenwu said: "The influence of adults in Aoba Prefecture is not comparable to me, and there is no home in the county. The foundation is not there. Naturally, I can leave at any time. I am sure that the city owner will not dare to push too much..."

"Young Master, Pearl asked to see, it is a female guest outside the valley!"

At this time, Zhang Sheng’s voice came from the outside, calm and honest, and made Zhou Wenwu a glimpse.

Although he had long known that the adults had taken over an old man, but from the perspective of today's voice, the other side's internal strength is superb and deep, and it seems that it far exceeds its own appearance.

"Women? Who is it?"

Fang Yuan glanced at Zhou Wenwu, and his heart suddenly showed a hunch.

Zhang Sheng retired and said a few words with Pearl. The thick voice came again: "Lin, Lin Leiyue!"

"Sure enough, she!"

Fang Yuan did not have the slightest accident: "You must step back! Let me see her!"


Several people replied in unison, and they avoided it. It didn't take long for Pearl to lead a woman into it, and quickly offered tea, and left behind.

"Lin girl, please sit!"

Fang Yuanyi waved his hand and looked calm.

Lin Leiyue is looking at this neighbor's brother who is known as a childhood friend. He always feels that the other party has changed quickly and completely unexpectedly.

In particular, this kind of calm and self-confidence is completely a long-term high-ranking, self-sacrificing and talented, and even if it has broken through the internal power level, it still has to be blamed.

"My valley is remote, but there is still a good cup of tea, please!"

Fang Yuan picked up the tea pot and took a sip.

This tea of ​​hospitality is naturally impossible to use Lingcha, but it is also very good, and the fragrance is fragrant.

"Good tea!"

Lin Leiyue drank his mouth, his eyes suddenly brightened, looking at Fang Yuan, and it seemed to be a bit stunned and determined: "Family brother, sister, this time, you may already know?"


Fang Yuan shook his head, and some smiled: "You want to be a king to fight for the hegemony, even if you go, what is it with me?"

"Under the whole world, it is the king's land, the land of the soil, is not Wang Chen! Although the valley is not in the Aoba City, but also under its jurisdiction, this brother can deny?"

Lin Leiyue argued with reason.

At the same time, my heart is silent: "I am good for my brother, otherwise, really tear the face and provoke the master to shoot, then I really feel sorry for my uncle..."

Thinking of his own efforts to discourage Master's efforts, the other party is still so unappreciated, and there is some indignation.

"This is..."

Fang Yuan touched his nose and looked at Lin Leiyue with a smile: "What about the conditions of this time?"

"Of course it is Ling Mi!"

Lin Leiyue bite the silver teeth: "At least five hundred pounds, of course, I will not want you to be asked by Lingzong, will be redeemed at the market price, and, Fangjia brother, you are a doctor, you also move to Aoba Castle This is also for your safety considerations, so as not to be hurt by small ones. Of course, during the war, I also asked my brother to take care of my wounded..."

"After the incident, not only the entire valley, I can also be the master of Lingzong, the future three generations of Aoba masters are assigned to you, how?"

When she finished, she looked forward to Fang Yuan and looked at it. It must be said that this condition is definitely more relaxed than other people.


Fang Yuan’s heart sneered, and he deliberately made a hesitation: “This is really a dilemma, let me consider one or two...”

The name of the **** doctor is not blown after all.

This influence, as long as he does not reveal the family migration, rely on the Governor of the Mountain, and so on, even if the teacher does not dare to push too much.

‘This has to be considered? ’

Lin Leiyue’s dissatisfaction deepened a bit and he got up lightly: “You can also consider five days. This is the limit that Lei Yue is fighting for. After five days, it’s not Lei Yue!”

After talking about the threatening words, she glanced back at the back hall, apparently also found a few hidden people, which led to the salute and walked out of the hall.

"Oh... this buddy month, when it’s been a few days, the lord is really different..."

Fang Yuan touched his chin and felt some toothache: "It is too fierce!"

"I am waiting for incompetence!"

Later, Zhou Wenwu came out a few times and his face was reddish.

"This does not blame you, I am afraid that when Zhou Wenwu came to the valley, he was followed up..."

Fang Yuanchang’s export gas did not feel too much pressure.

After all, even if the teacher sings in person, he can't beat it.

More than enough to advance and retreat, naturally pitching without fear.

As for what these men and the foundations are, they can be rebuilt if they are ruined. If they die, they can recruit again. There is really nothing to regret.

Of course, this is the worst case. As for this, you can keep it, or try to keep it.