Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 301: Double sword

Dachu Yongan four years.

Jinting Lake, the island of the island.

Only Houde, you can carry things!

Originally, the island was unnamed, but after Xu Ting’s occupation, he immediately showed his strong ambitions with his name.

At this time, on the dock, several large ships slowly landed.

A group of refugees moved in an orderly manner, and the surrounding soldiers maintained a basic formation. Obviously, they were also experienced.

The island has a flat terrain. After a while, there is a flat land. At this time, the ridges have been roughly opened and some farmhouses have been built.

Regardless of the fields and farmhouses, they are well organized, horizontal and vertical, full of a great sense of planning.

"grown ups!"

At this time, a few people with a literary appearance came forward to meet.

"Well... done well! How is the situation now?"

These are the outstanding children of the family. They can read and understand. When they started, they have these and immediately form the backbone.

Xu Ting looked at the farmland and took a breath of satisfaction - this is the foundation!

"Follow the fate of the adults, set up a Baojia here, five households, one armor, choose a long, clear responsibility, and once there is a runaway, immediately sit again... At this time, one hundred a hundred have been established, and 20,000 acres have been opened, and each It is necessary to be a strong man, to be a farmer when he is busy, to participate in military training in his spare time... Because of the division of the field, there is a large amount of material support, and the people’s minds are determined, and there are very few things to escape..."

A text will tell you.


Xu Ting nodded. "I broke the water tank of the thirteenth ring dock this time. I have to transport 3,000 people. I have to settle down. No problem?"

Because the military management is implemented, the planning statistics are convenient. This article is only a matter of thinking. It is sure: "The house huts are all built and can only be accommodated when people come... and the island can be opened for 30,000 mu. In fact, there are hillsides, and terraces can be built. This is at least 5,000 acres. When the rice is harvested, you can raise thousands of sturdy!"

This essay is also a Xu family, and at this time the scorpion is hot.

Said to be Ding Zhuang, in fact, is the elite soldiers!

Can send a thousand soldiers! It is even a great power to attack the capitals along the waterway.

Xu Ting listened and was very satisfied.

In fact, it is the military squad. When the soldiers are idle, they are farmers, they are soldiers in wartime, and they also implement military management. They lack the exploitation of many administrative units and large-scale tycoons. Even if they receive half of the tax, they are considered good governance and greatly enhance the central strength.

Needless to say, the rice planted here is still high in yield and can be raised more.

In this way, the cost of the accident will be there.

"However, the thirteenth docking dock is the last alliance of the otters. Under this battle, the scale of the water in the Jinting Lake will be gone, and it will be sporadic."

After entering the Chamber of Deputies, Xu Ting slowly said: "You are all my confidant, I will also say it directly. Nowadays, I am quite political, and the world is exhausted. Everywhere in the town, it is the time of trouble. My family is not asking for expensive. Just ask for peace, but to do this, you must also master the strength."

"This island is the last foundation of my family. Once the overall situation is unfavorable, I will retreat here. I have a reef and an undercurrent, and I can keep it for a while!"

"Now, it is necessary to expand the strength of the island quickly. It doesn't matter if there is no water. Can you go to the counties to collect the people? You don't even have to be the capital!"


After the embarrassment and control of the army, the entire island is under control, and Xu Ting does not shy away from saying secrets.

Of course, the real core and even the wild vision, but no one can say.

"Young Master is wise!"

But Rao is this, but also makes everyone under the tide.

After all, the chaos has arrived, but it is something that anyone can see. This island has a natural danger and a good farmland. Once it is self-sufficient, the people will settle down.

‘Today... Wang Qiao’s persecution is even worse. He has even begun to plan to seal the Houfeng King. It’s just a rebellion. The world is completely chaotic, with this rear and the elite soldiers, and my family has no further hope! ’

Xu Ting looked into the distance, and his heart was dark and hot.


"Humanitarian trends are in full swing... Especially in countries, there seems to be a enchanting figure..."

Fang Yuan squatted in the water, watching this scene silently, but it was thoughtful.

"In the Qi State and the Liang State, it is not the prince's position, but the power of the prince, and the emperor's body is not good, is it all coincidence? 嘿嘿 ...... The demon is really good to calculate, just do not want to dress up for a good!"

Seeing this game, he has slightly speculated that I am afraid that in the top of the country, I have already mixed into the figure of the Yaozu, and it is going to make people feel bad.

But God is getting people!

The three countries were originally destined to be destined, and they should have declined. The dragons and snakes landed and they fought for their fate.

The Yaozu took the initiative, but accelerated the process. Even, even the Yaozu genius, the saints, and the divination secrets were all smeared. The five elements are chaotic, the gods are demon, and the fascination is reversed.

"It seems that the God of this world is even stronger than I thought..."

Fang Yuan looked solemn and no longer looked at the island, but came to a cave house underwater.

The dragon's tail glimpsed, and immediately became a human figure, sitting cross-legged, floating in front of two swords, one green and one purple, all brilliance, chilly, extraordinary.

"go with!"

With a little finger, the two mana surged into the flames and began to madly refine the swords.

"This spiritual sword is not the same as a small sword. It was only suppressed by merit, but also the last point, in order to refine!"

At this time, in the mana flame, the double swords are ups and downs, and the swords are placed outside, and there is a sound, which seems to be still the last stubborn.

"Oh... dying and struggling!"

Fang Yuanyi smiled, the powerful mana swarmed up, with merit, finally completely erased the last trace of the spirit sword.


The two swords moved, completely dissipating Guanghua, revealing a simple body with various quaint patterns on it.

"Good sword! It's really a good sword. It doesn't seem to be as simple as Lingbao. There is a faint congregation of air transport. I am afraid I have to go through a robbery..."

Even the best treasures, as long as they can't be included in the real dreams, are also used by the world for Fang Yuan, and the value is not too great.

Of course, after Xuan Zhendao knew it, he was afraid to jump.

"After such a long investigation, I should know my footsteps? And this sword must be recovered..."

Fang Yuan sneered, and there was a decision in his heart.

At this point, a wave of two swords fell on the hand, and the way.

After the light is restrained, the inscription on the sword is clearly visible, with ancient characters, a purple rope, and a green hill.

"The world is murdering, people have, and their swords are also... Xuan Zhendao refining this pair of swords, it is necessary to fight the law and kill several people, to complete their own robbery..."

Fang Yuan did not need to lick, it naturally guessed the ins and outs of the swords, and suddenly the heart moved, the magic of the mana flashed, the shape of the purple sword changed, turned into a simple scabbard sword, three feet long, purple Vaguely, at first glance, it is the secular soldier who cuts iron in the world.

"The Yaozu is an opponent, and the peers are even more homes... Xuan Zhendao still wants to support the Xu family?"

His heart moved, and suddenly came to the island of the island, the robes converge, turned into the appearance of ordinary youth, just a little, a layer of water fog emerged, suddenly hidden body shape, crossed the perimeter guards, came to the depths of the island.


"Hey... birds, birds, eat more!"

In the jungle, the Taoist who followed Xu Ting’s battle fed the white bird, and his face flashed a trace of desolateness.

Although he was dressed as a Taoist, there was no formal Taoist, but he was born in the wild, named Kong Lu. He had an adventure in his childhood, and he was recruited by the master of the Taoist priests as a disciple.

It’s just that he’s a vein, but he’s a scholastic origin. There’s no serious inheritance. There’s only a simple set of bait to suffocate the law, and the wonders of keeping white birds.

This type of dispersal is often rare, and after several generations, the incense is cut off.

But if there is an adventure, it can also rise and be among the gates.

Kong fell down with Master for half a lifetime, and settled in Kanazawa. Before the dying of the old Taoist priests, it was a coincidence. He sneaked into a few secrets and ordered him to rely on the Xu family to take advantage of the gas shelter and seek opportunities.

At this point, the hole fell into my heart, and I was thinking silently:

"There is a good practice in the public door! By the support of the Xu family, the method of convincing me has been refined to the second floor. Master did not do this before... Now, Xu Gongzi is arrogant and practicing this fine, obviously the ambition is not small, if I can help and take some of the gas, which will greatly enhance the Tao!"

"Now, there are so many strangers in the world, and they have come to vote. I have a long skill, and I can’t do anything..."

He was originally given a heavy weight by Xu Ting, but with the continuous investment of Xuan Zhendao, especially the previous arrangement, he was immediately squeezed out, and it was dispensable.

At this time, I felt the status crisis deeply and naturally looked sad.


Suddenly, the hurricane picked up and the grass swayed. A black snake came out, and the eyes were fierce, screaming and biting into the hole.

"What? So big snake, strange?"

The hole fell scared. The island had been cleaned up before. There should be no beasts. Why is there such a big snake?

At this time, I don’t think about it, I quickly jumped off, and a symbol was taken: "Disease!"


The fire flashed, the black snake slightly slammed, and then the tail flew, and the hole bleeds when the hole falls.

"Go to call people!"

The white bird on his shoulder flew up, flapping his wings, and went to the village, making a scream.

The hole fell, but the head did not return, and the death flew up.

"Is it necessary for me to be killed today? No! I want to revitalize the division! Rehabilitation!"

Thinking of Master's last wish, Kong seems to have strength again, and even climbed the mountain.

This was originally a mound, not far from the village, but also the military management. Not long after, a team of soldiers ran.

"help me!"

When Kong saw the rescue, he immediately used up the last glimmer of strength and yelled at the exit.