Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 333: Handover

"Ah...this is what?"

He Qing was forced to press, and he had just asked for it. The other party closed his eyes and immediately told him that things had become possible. He went to Sanyangmen to see him.

‘Is this someone deliberately yelling at me? ’

He Qingyu did not speak, seeing Fang Yuan waved his hand, he had a kind of great majesty, did not dare to say more, and came out in a fog.

In my heart, I made a thousand turns and decided to make a decision: "In any case, I have to go to Sanyangmen several times to show my sincerity... As for here, let people look at it first, and then come out and say..."

Immediately back, the lifekeeper once again prepared a gift and went to worship the mountain.



"Exhibition Hall, you go to the mountain gate, if you see He Qing, he will lead him to see me!"

The Sanyang Taoist who was in the middle of the meeting opened his eyes and suddenly said.


Yang Zhantang is very surprised and doesn't know what happened.

"There is someone behind this son, but Jinyang Fudi Town has asked for help, and then said that... I have collected so many resources before, when I see it, if the qualification is acceptable, I will be on the wall!"

Sanyang Dao people lick their beards and look like electricity: "How... you don't want to?"

"Don't dare!"

Yang Zhantang suddenly felt a spirit, knowing that his little movements had been known by Master, and he could not help but plead guilty.

"Your mind, I know, do you think I will pass to outsiders?"

Sanyang Taoist people shook their heads, quite hateful iron is not steel: "The position of the three Yangmen master, sooner or later is yours, but your heart, you need to hone more, can not accommodate people, what achievements in the future?"


Yang Zhantang’s heart was a joy, and he was shocked again. His tears came down: “I will go out and meet the younger brother!”

Since this promise has been made, it is necessary to change the former and make a way that a brother should have.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at his back, Sanyang’s real person meant to smile unconsciously.

This language of transposition is naturally true, but it is only the premise that I have to wait for my end of life. Now, if this scorpion does not break through the four sorcerers, I am afraid that I will be a treasurer of my life and be a cow for myself.

"There is no way...whoever let the dreamer come to Shouyuan for a long time, I have a chance to get a lot of life-saving spirits... One of them wants to be my singer, but I don’t know that I live more than the apprentice. It’s still a lot more, it’s not that I’m pitting you... but that Fang Yuan, is it with the will to refine the fire? Anyway, selling a face is...”

For him, the number of apprentices is one less, it doesn’t matter at all. Is it true that the dreamer is so good?

Moreover, before they are out of the division, there is an opportunity for exploitation. Looking at the face of a friend of the Alliance, it is no problem to accept it. Anyway, it is necessary to drain his house once.

In fact, this is also my own previous thoughts.

Now, it's just that everything is back on track.


"Through this time, I should take over my own site..."

In terms of the fate of He Qing, it is enough to conclude a sentence for him.

Moreover, since the cultivation, not only the body has returned to the peak, but even the three swords within the real dreams have been completely condensed. Before the restoration of the peak period, it is necessary to get the benefits that they should take.

When he took a piece of gold, Fang Yuan immediately went out of the inn.

Outside, there are a few people who are visiting the ghosts, and it must be He Qing’s manpower. Fang Yuan does not look at it and walks directly.

They suddenly look like a blind man, although they are wide-eyed, but they can't see Fang Yuan's figure, they are still looking at the inn.

Jinyang City is located in the middle of Yunzhou, and it is popular among the eight parties.

In the vicinity, there are several famous mountains and rivers, forming an arched position. According to the Feng Shui and the veins on the array, there is also a pattern. This is very good and can condense the gas.

Sanyangmen therefore chose a place as a mountain gate, the same choice, and other medium martial art.

Jinyang Mountain.

Fang Yuan walked among the mountains and the green hills, and the body was breeze, and he continued to go deep. When he arrived, even the people who collected the drug and the hunters did not dare to go deep into the boundary.

Among the deep mountains, the suffocating atmosphere gathers, the beasts are everywhere, all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses compete for beauty, and there is an inexplicable danger.

"Boundary League, Baize Mountain, Shenglianjiao, Evil Gate, Yuanchu Meeting... Even if it is the five major forces of the Dream Master, it is not a castle in the air. It has a deep foundation. Where does this foundation come from? The hidden dragon guard of the Dagan royal family is With the support of the world, the five forces are inferior, but they have also opened up a spiritual blessing in the famous mountains and rivers... Of course, the most important thing is perhaps the output of the seven heavenly sacred spirits and the sacred caves, but these sporadic distributions of good land. Spiritual land is also the foundation of the land, not a small supplement!"

While rushing to the road, Fang Yuan digested the information he had previously found in the Alliance.

"Of course, there are factions in the powers, and the production of their own spirits, or the priority to supply their own people. This is understandable... It is our turn to find a new blessing, even if it is just a custodial, it is not easy! ”

It is even more difficult for you not to be a shackle, but it is exchanged. This is what you said.

When it comes down to a valley, the fog is getting thicker outside, but as a dreamer, it is still discerned. This fog is not a water quality, but a dreamer.

"Sure enough, Jinyang Fudi is here..."

Fang Yuan smiled and strode into the valley.


As soon as I entered the Taniguchi, the surrounding environment was changed. The white gas rose and turned into a fog. There was a five-color symbol flashing through it, which was obviously an extremely powerful array.

"Where is the friend of the road coming? This is the Jinyang Fudi of the Alliance, and the idlers are retreating!"

A vast voice, coming out from inside.

"Well, this time, is it the 99-year-old Jinyang big battle? It can protect the blessed land, nourish the earth, and the effect of being trapped. Of course, the most crucial thing is to bless the main actor and get control of this battle. Although not the Lord of the Blessed Land, it is also a big housekeeper."

Fang Yuan nodded and took out a piece of gold leaf.


This golden leaf puts out the black light, expels the fog, and has another message, and then flows into the array.

A small amount of fog, a large piece of fog retreats, and there is a blessed land. There is another hill in it, and the golden mansions are placed outside. It is very extraordinary.

"It turned out that the new town is coming!"

A stream of light flew from the mountain building and turned into a long-haired man who was fluttering.

This kind of tempering makes the task all fat, and also allocates a thousand acres of private land. This person is very big, and he does not know that it is the ancestor of that line.

"I have seen Jinxiong!"

Fang Yuan holds the gold leaf and his eyes glimpse. He knows the root of the person, and the triple sacredness is far worse than himself. If there is no big refuge, it is a sword that can be killed.

"Haha... the party brothers waited a little, and the old man came to the hospital to take care of the dust!"

The former town governor named Jinxing, looking at some ages, laughing and laughing, as if the old man is one, but the same as the virtual three, Fang Yuan still sees the sadness of his heart.

It’s also a piece of fat meat. It’s so lost. I don’t know what kind of position I will be assigned to the league.

At this time, do not care about these, go directly to the hall, and tell the feast.

"The old husband's ministry is about to be handed over. This is the new town's ambassador. It is also your future master. Don't you see?"

Venus clap your hands, and a group of people will pour into the hall and salute: "I have seen the lord!"

"This life... is really a luxury, there are hundreds of people? All around one person, and the mortal emperor is not far behind..."

At the moment, there are servants who serve delicious food, and the dancers wear a veil, showing a beautiful figure and making a shadow in the hall.

"Come! The brothers and sisters are promising, the old man respects you!"

Venus held a wine cellar and went forward to persuade the wine.

"Thank you!"

Fang Yuan had a cup of drink, like a smile: "The wine is also drunk, and the feast is also eaten. Is it time to discuss how to deliver the goods, especially to check the warehouse?"

A white face on the face of Venus.

The dreamer looked young, but he was not fooled at all.

Historically, this warehouse is a top priority, otherwise there will be a shortage, and it will become a foolish account in the future.

When Fang Yuan saw this, he was secretly laughing. He knew that this old thing was full of pockets, but it didn’t matter. As long as he didn’t get involved with him, he was too lazy to pursue it, but his attitude was still there.

"This nature, this nature..."

After the silence, Venus accompanied the smiling face and ordered the person to take the account book: "This Jinyang Fudi is discovered by the League five hundred years ago, and the establishment of a large array of guardians. At this time, there are 10,000 fields around the Jinshan Mountain. Five thousand eight hundred acres, of course, one thousand acres is yours, there are 127 households, five hundred and sixty-two people, all reading and literacy, practicing martial arts, there are three internal forces, Wu Zong Two..."

As for the Lingshi or something, the cultivation comes from being taken away by this Venus. There is no such thing.

"As for output, this Fudi mountain peak mainly produces Gengjin, which has a share of 500 kilograms per year. The rest of Lingtian produces 20,000 meters of Lingmi, as well as Lingguo, Lingshen and some... The quota in this year has been paid. At this time, there are still three thousand stones in the warehouse, 20 kilograms of Gengjin, and some sundries... The party brothers will be able to accept it!"


When Fang Yuan took over the books, he was not convinced, and he actually nodded.

This predecessor finally had some exercises, and did not leave a mess to himself. Of course, this may have something to do with his own background. Otherwise, he might dig a pit to prepare to bury himself.

"Although there are some mixed accounts, but it is a small matter, so forget it!"

After a while, Fang Yuan saw several problems, but did not pursue it and directly finalized it.

Anyway, this sporadic interest, he does not look at the eye, seeing the other side is still acquainted, it will not be pursued.

"Great good!"

Venus is overjoyed. In fact, the task in the league is not light. He has his hands and hands, and the income is not a lot. Fang Yuan may not be able to see it, but he really has to suffer, and he is a descendant.

At this time, I saw Fang Yuan so atmospheric, but I was secretly envious: "I have a little relationship, but in the end it is no more than this, the end is rich and rich!"