Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 470: Washing

The essence of the dream teacher is to borrow fakes to repair the truth.

Because the early days involved too much in the fantasy method, the dreamers are also the most people in the world who know how to cover themselves and distinguish between true and false.

The more advanced the dreamer, the more he hides himself in the layers of fog, which makes people look at the end.

Before the killing of the seal, it was entirely out of surprise, but also just caught up with the Eagle City, and both sides were all playing cards, and they were caught in the real body.

Otherwise, let Fang Yuan arrange himself and murder a seven-fold virtual sacred, it is not such a simple matter.

The hiding power of the body of the dreamer is completely proportional to the cultivation.

At the time of the revision of Fang Yuan, even if it is disguised as an ordinary person before the Sixth Emperor, it will certainly not be recognized. This is where the gap lies.

But at this time, he is going to the Yingying City Camp, not only the seven-fold sacred, but perhaps even the saints!

This hidden effort is very likely to be exposed.

"If you say the law of concealment, there is also a set of esoteric sects of the Eight Swordsmen of the Master. At this time, I will spread out the most, and at most, I will go through the ordinary seven-fold sacred sacredness, and if they are elders, if they are suspicious, they are still inevitable. Will find flaws, even more dangerous in front of the saints..."

In a cave, Fang Yuan sat cross-legged, and a hint of dark silver dreams appeared on his hand.

"At this time... if you want to enhance my hiding ability, you must look for it from the source of all the power of the dreamer!"

He looked at the dream power in his hand and fell into depression.

This is the power of pure dreams infused from the heart of the world.

Compared with the dreamer of ordinary dreamers, it is stronger, purer and more evil!

"On the contact with the demons, in fact, the world of the Earth's stars at this time is even further than the world of the big dry. After all, once opened a passage, although it can not pass through the entity, but there are also a lot of dreams!"

Such a dream power surges down, and with the several syllables of the opposite Black Emperor, it makes a large group of powerful people who are comparable to the five or six sacred sacred, and even the scenes at that time are very clear in memory. .

"The dreamer of the big world is to communicate with the world of the dreamer in the world of God. He gains a little bit of radiation and integrates with the world to form his own dream power. But the earth world is different, in the void channel. At the moment of a brief opening, the demons have once passed through, infusing a lot of pure dream power! Real dream power!"

Fang Yuan sees his true dreams.

In the world that has become wide, a corner seems to be forgotten and has been firmly blocked.

The seal center is a small lake full of dark silver dreams, with a fascinating glow, pure and evil.

"The dream power that was infused by the demons was almost intercepted by me by 30%..."

Fang Yuan is very confident about his ability to estimate: "In the big work at this time, I am afraid that no one dreamer can match me..."

In his view, the invasion of the demon world is roughly divided into three stages.

In the first stage, the prey enters the field of vision. In this stage, the creatures in the world are stared at, and as long as they are mentally capable, they can feel the existence of the dream power and gain various abilities.

In the second stage, the channel was opened and slowly expanded. The beginning of Fang Yuan’s opening is this pure energy and spiritual channel, so the dream power can come, and the black emperor can only stay depressed on the other side.

If the channel is not closed, but it is expanding, it will enter the third stage. Just like the spirit world, open the real dimension channel, allow the physical object to pass, and start harvesting the world!

The Earth Star World would have fallen into such a trap, but Fang Yuan planned in advance, but delayed the date of the harvest.

But this time it is different, many saints gather, and the five major alliances put down their prejudices in an unprecedented way, obviously not just to open a temporary passage.

They want to really break the dimension, let the devil world come and get everything they want!

People will ignore the dangers at hand for the sake of their interests, and they think they can control everything!

Even if you change a world, it is the same.

The high-level cultivators at the top of the Earth World are like this. Nowadays, the more powerful dreamers of the Dagan are 80%.

"The danger of the demon world, really no one knows?"

At this time, Fang Yuan took a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I am afraid I know it, but what is the relationship between the destruction of a big world? The dreamers only want to go to the real source world and get more and more gains!" ”

Those dreamers who are entrenched at the peak of Dagan have been waiting too long, have been trapped for too long before the bottleneck, and even become numb.

Only a new world, the original world of the dreamer, can make them feel hope, no longer a pool of stagnant water.

As for the consequences? Who will consider it?

Perhaps the low-level dreamer will think about this problem, but the high-ranking person has never worried about it.

With the power of the seven sacred sacred, there are real dreams, blessed land, and caves... Even if the world is destroyed, drifting in the void, they can still get very good.

This is the sigh of all and the trump card!

"The dreamer, the world is so bad... Of course, what does this have to do with me?"

Fang Yuan stared at the trace of Meng Yuanli in his hand, but suddenly decided to start refining.

At this time, only this most pure dream power can increase his illusion ability, hide his feet, and even sneak under the saint's eyes.

"The power of the big dry dreamer is the power of the dreamer who has been diluted once, so it is easier to control, and it is easier to cultivate resistance... but it is useless. Once the real two doors open, the huge amount of surge Dream Yuanli, for all dreamers, is an opportunity and a poison!"

Fang Yuan thought of his own dreams in the first few days, the process of taming the dream power, and the understanding in the world of the earth.

When the two worlds truly coincide, all the dreamers must go through a process of taming again, and they are not gradual, and they will suffer the most horrible pottery from the beginning.

“So, familiar with all of this in advance, the benefits are still a lot.”

Fang Yuan looked at the hand of the dark silver power into the palm of his hand, and then went back to his limbs, and even had a mood to think: "The foundation of the world is based on Yuanli, and the foundation of the demon world lies in the dream power. From the perspective of equal order, it is clear that Meng Yuanli is better than Yuan Li. Is there a higher level of power after Meng Yuanli?"

The next moment, he was slightly embarrassed and caught in the illusion.

From dreamers to dreamers, it is a long process.

It is necessary to overcome the dream and truly grasp the power of the dream power, and the real dream teacher.

In this step, all the dreamers have passed.

However, Fang Yuan suddenly found that his understanding may be biased.

When he was happy and accepted this real dream from the heart of the demon world, he really felt that the devil was like a sea.

Just like being sealed and remembering, reincarnation is reincarnation.

Soon, in a dream, he became a baby, born and raised without any worries. He forgot the dreamer, forgot the master, forgot the eight swords, and forgot everything about himself.

Fortunately, a little clear in the knowledge of God, finally awakened in his 20th year of adulthood, so that he can recover.

It was only a moment when I was awake, and in the next moment, he fell into another dream.


"It’s like a dream, it’s a mystery!”

In the meantime, I don’t know how many years have passed. Fang Yuan’s mind is more and more firm and transparent. Like a diamond, a voice is like a big bell, and it echoes in the ear.

"The devil's avenue? The summit is the best, as long as there are sentient beings in the world, will it not die?"

In the meantime, a realization is generated in his heart.

This sentient being, no need to be human, not even a creature.

Mountains and rivers, the world of stars, have their own thinking!

As long as there is thinking, there will be emotions, and emotions will last forever!

The devil is not dead, the devil is not destroyed!

"It really is a road to nowhere, but unfortunately not what I asked for!"

Fang Yuan was shocked and opened his eyes.

At this time, he is still sitting in a cave with a good end. Even the time has not passed for a long time: "The devil is not my wish, compared to the ‘orthodox’ of the demon world, I am still willing to walk the road of dreams!”

At this time, the micro-microwave of the dream element within the sea is no different from the previous one, and there seems to be a lot of unclear and unclear changes.

"This is, after all, it is over!"

Fang Yuan’s thoughts moved, and the sealed dark silver pool was boiling. A large number of demons and dreams were absorbed quickly and turned into pure power of dreams.

Not bad!

After a different change, Meng Yuanli began to absorb the pure power of the demons and even began to digest.


At the same time, Fang Yuan’s body also showed a fascinating brilliance, which was all over the body.

"The basic training has been completed."

Fang Yuan touched his face and suddenly waved his hand to reveal a layer of water curtain.

In the water curtain, a plain young man emerged, his face was unremarkable, but he seemed to become handsome.

"I am taking great risks. At this time, the transformation of the dream power in the body is higher than all the dreamers, even if the saints are like this..."

This is the harvest of the Earth Star World Experiment. The other saints do not have his chance. Before they have opened the heart of the Devil, the Dream Power is indeed inferior.

"Based on this brand-new dream power, the method of constructing illusion is enough to conceal the nine-fold virtual sacredness. Even if it is a holy dreamer, as long as it is not specially investigated, it will not find flaws!"

Fang Yuan’s mind was moved, and the momentum of the whole person was changed.

The original ethereal dream temperament quickly dissipated, and disappeared in an instant.

And on his body, muscle knots, qi and blood masculine, a martial artist's temperament began to fill.

"The dream teacher is repairing, it is enough to show off the four or five weights. Anyway, there is a martial plane to cover up..."

Fang Yuan stood up and looked in the direction of Yingying City. It seems that Zhizhu is holding: "I am already waiting for the siege of Yujing City."