Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 51: Save people

Since the advancement of medical skills and the desire to take it to the next level, Fang Yuan ordered Zhou Jia to release some news and rules.

Before he built the grasshopper pavilion in the valley, he wanted to ask for medical advice. He had to come here personally and only three people were treated every day.

Moreover, the doctor must pay the fee first, and the valley behind is also a forbidden place. If there is a violating person, it will be directly blasted and will never be cured!

To be honest, such rules are naturally appealing.

But in this world, the strong have the right to speak, and the more strange people than Fang Yuan, the people in Aobacheng, most of them understand this as a quirk of the doctor, and they believe it.

Compared with the small life, what is the rule of the district?

After a long time of habit, the terms set by Fang Yuan were immediately regarded as the golden rule and strictly adhered to.

"But today, it's a bit strange!"

Fang Yuan sat down and looked suspicious: "There are often no ones a day on weekdays. This time, Zhou Wenwu and Lin Benchu ​​have come..."

Reminiscent of the patients admitted recently, most of them are wounds such as swords and fists, Fang Yuan suddenly had a guess.

"Come in!"

"Party is polite!"

Lin Benchu ​​ordered a man to carry a stretcher into the haystack. The above-mentioned warrior was pale and pale, and there was no blood in his eyes. It was like a zombie.

After seeing Fang Yuan again, Lin Benchu ​​did not dare to take it. It was entirely in accordance with the etiquette of the original question.

As soon as he was covered, he was sincere and sincere: "I still hope that the resident will save him and save!"

"The medicine doctor is not dead, this is also known to the forester!"

Hearing Fang Yuan’s appearance outside the staff, Lin Benchu ​​knew that the accumulated feelings of the past had been exhausted, and he could not help but smile, and his heart could not tell the pity.

Fang Yuan did not care for him. He walked up from the front and picked up the white cloth and carefully watched the injury.


From this point of view, I suddenly found a difference.

"How about Fang Jushi?"

The forester’s nephew asked, it seems that he was afraid that Fang Yuan would spit out a ‘no’ word.

"This person...should be a small martial artist who is a martial artist. It’s a step away from the wounded door and the internal force."

Fang Yuan looked at the chest of the zombie man who had fallen down slightly, and shook his head again: "And, cultivation is also a very fierce and fierce boxing method, but I don’t know how to be serious, and provoke the master of the house, not only the chilly fists are counted. Fold back, also with internal damage..."


The forester listened outside, but he sucked a cold breath, and even the voice trembled: "God doctor... You mean, hurt him is a master insider?!"

"What good is it if I lie to you?"

Fang Yuan looked at the forester and turned a blind eye: "Who is the person who injured him? Where is it now?"

"This, the old man does not know... In any case, this person is a spiritual disciple, the zombie boxing is cold, and the Xianxian is quickly treated..."

There was a glimmer of color on the face of the forester, and he was very sincere and sincere.

"This injury... difficult, difficult, difficult!"

Fang Yuan got up and took a few steps, but he shook his head: "I need to know that the trauma is good, the internal injury is difficult, I can't guarantee that I can cure this person..."

As he sighed, a heart outside the forester seemed to sink into the valley.

"But hanging his life, even waking him up, there is still no big problem..."

The next sentence of Fang Yuan also caused the foresters to regain their spirits, and the heart was almost screaming for export.

Fortunately, he also knows that the people in front of this time can not be offended, and quickly take out a box from the cuffs: "I heard that the doctors are interested in all kinds of spiritual and spiritual miscellaneous, the old man is not talented, especially looking for one Zhu Guo..."

"What? Zhu Guo"

Fang Yuan was overjoyed: "The rumor that the raw clothes can increase the internal strength, a rare treasure that has been overwhelmed for ten years?"


There was a hint of sorrow on the face of the forester: "Zhu Guo is a treasure of heaven and earth. How can the old man get the hand? It is a lot of hardships, only to get a core, but also to see the doctor!"

Fang Yuan’s eyes turned over and almost thought that the foresters were outside themselves before retaliation.

However, he still took the box and opened it, and a dark red core was introduced.

This core is about the size of a baby's fist. It has a walnut-like texture on it. It looks simple and unpretentious, but Fang Yuan's fine sense has a spirituality inside.

"Well... it’s true that Zhu Guo is..."

After confirming the spirit, Fang Yuan felt more toothache.

This Zhu Guo is also famous in the Lingzhi, not the comparable of red jade rice, jade grass, etc., the more so, the more demanding the environment.

At least, just look for the land to plant, it will not be able to send buds in ten or eight years.

What is even more painful is that the growth cycle of this thing is very potent, but it is a hundred years. Unless the wild chance coincides, only those big gates that have been passed down for thousands of years are willing to cultivate.

‘If it can germinate, my planting will definitely break through, but why...’

Fang Yuan shook his head: ‘Unless in the Qingfeng Lingdi, with my expertise, maybe there is still a little hope! ’

"God doctor... how?"

Looking at Fang Yuan's face is uncertain, the forester's heart is also seven up and down, he asked.

As a spiritual thing, this Zhuguo nuclear is really a bit of a pit. Why the other party’s requirements are too harsh, he tried his best to collect it, and only this.

"Well... look at what you know with my master!"

Fang Yuan collected the brocade box and took out a cloth bag. After opening it, there were rows of slender gold needles.

call out!

With a needle in his hand, he looked awkward and his body changed.

The forester looked at the scene, but it was a bit embarrassing, as if he had seen the resurrection of the heart.


Fang Yuan’s needle was like a fly, and his hands were turned into a residual image. In an instant, he stabbed the body with more than ten large holes.

The face of Feng Han changed, suddenly a mouth, spit out a black blood.


Although he was awake, it was only a moment, and after a while he passed out, but his body gradually turned to be steady, and there was a bit of blood on his cheeks. Anyone with a clear eye could see it, but he had a small life.

"Thank you for the doctor! Thank you, doctor!"

The forester was overjoyed, and it seemed that he was not very emotional. "When you see the doctor's needle, it is like seeing a teacher.... I can't think of a young doctor, I can do my best to pass the teacher, and when the blue is blue, it is better than the blue! ”

Anyway, I don’t want money, but he naturally talks about it.

‘This set of golden acupuncture points, although I will, but compared to Master, it is completely different, just with the blessing of three levels of medical skills, only have such a magic effect! ’

Fang Yuan’s heart was ashamed, but his face made an inscrutable color, which made the foresters even more awe.

"The patient has been cured, please return outside the staff, not far away!"

Seeing Lin Benchu’s appearance and his words, Fang Yuan is simply a slap in the face and making a guest.


Lin Benchu ​​arched his hand and left with the next servant.

Fang Yuan looked at his back, but it was an old slick.

If you really stay in the guest, this person will not be able to pour the beans in the bamboo tube, and all the knowledge will be confided, and ninety-nine is illusory.

Instead of playing with him, don't go to Zhou.

"Fang Shen doctor!"

After a while, Zhou Wenwu came in and immediately saluted, and the tone of voice was respectful to the extreme.

"Well? Are you injured?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and the golden needle was stabbed in Zhou Wenwu.

"Thank you for the doctor!"

Zhou Wenwu was originally injured by internal injuries. He only felt that the internal interest was not running smoothly. At this time, after a few needle sticks, it was a whole body Shutai, and he was grateful.

"Nothing to mention, what happened on the outside? The wounded people from the three of you have recently been too much..."

Fang Yuan frowned: "And all of them are fighting injuries, and dealing with a Guo family in the district, isn't it?"

“The **** doctor knows it...”

Zhou Wenwu turned his face to solemnity: "Our three families have reached a compromise, we must divide the Aoba County, the villain recuperates, and after getting a group of people, they think of killing Li Wei, Guo Jia is the best target! Before the plan, also Said to the doctor..."

"Yes, but what trouble?"

Fang Yuan nodded.

In fact, he had long known that Guo had problems, but he did not say to the gangs that he was playing the idea of ​​asking for directions.

"Before acting, everything went well. Although Guo is brave, but how is it the enemy of my three families, even Dongcheng Township has to protect the foundation..."

Zhou Wenwu said that there are some doubts: "But since the 3rd, Guo Jia seems to have received strong support. I have suffered heavy casualties... There is still a wonder here!"

"Oh? You said!"

Fang Yuanyi waved his hand.

"I don't know how to return to Lingzong. I also seem to have gotten news. I specially sent a bunch of people to come over. The first one is this zombie boxing, but why..."

Zhou Wenwu shook his head, and it was obviously extremely uncomfortable to be unfavorable to the teacher: "But after the matter is reported here, the Zongmen will inevitably send additional personnel. If there is a problem, the elders will personally lead the team!"

When he said this, he had a lot of confidence. After all, in his view, in Qinghe County, there was no problem that could not be solved by Lingzong.

Nai Fangyuan is quite clear. Behind the Guo family, there is still a mysterious force. On the strength, it will definitely not be inferior to Lingzong.

‘The two strong fights are imminent...’

Although I don't know how Guo Jia was connected to the Zongmen forces behind it, Fang Yuan suddenly opened the fog and saw the current situation.

Even, maybe the old fox in Lin Benchu ​​didn’t know much more than him.

"Zhou Wenwu!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly decided.

"The villain is here!"

In the face of Fang Yuan, Zhou Wenwu was still very ingenious, immediately squatting and listening to his ears.

"The thing behind Guo’s family is not so simple..."

After thinking about it, Fang Yuan still didn't want to have a hard-won death on the outside of his own establishment: "If you have a request, you will naturally try your best, but remember that you can't be intimate, and you can do it yourself, you can do it yourself!"

‘Is it true that the doctors think that the spiritual sect will fall into the wind? ’

Zhou Wenwu’s heart glimpsed, and the other’s deep feelings were unpredictable.