Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 569: negotiation

The black scorpion and Gee Nie held a long sword and watched the military discussion with cold eyes.

They were trained by Fang Yuan. At this time, there were almost no tens of thousands of people, and they were accepted by the prince without hesitation. They were hired as guest clerk and even participated in this level of discussion.

Even if it is only qualified to attend, it is enough to envy many low-ranking scholars.

"The leader of the Dongyi Coalition Army is the Nine Culprit Department. Its members wear a tattoo and use copper as a soldier. The fierceness is very... The nine murderers are the first major part of Dongyi. This time, all the people are soldiers, and 30,000 people. The leader self-proclaimed the king of Dongyi, who was the ally of the ministries..."

"At this time, the Dongyi army, with 80,000, has invaded the big business, occupied the two cities of Hui and the industry, and all carried out massacres."

"My army has arrived in the water, and in three days, you can confront it!"


The prince is dressed in Fangbo's outfit, and his spirit is high: "Good! The army of the big business is a strong soldier, and the command is unified. The enemy enters our territory and plunders into the wind. The military discipline is bound to be corrupted. As long as the market is set, the battle is right. , I will win!"

In this remark, many aristocrats who are old and heavy are nodding their heads.

Dashang Guoli still has to surpass Dongyi. This time, as long as it is not dangerous, it will be stable and steady, and there is almost no possibility of failure.

Even Black and Ganey are very admired. It is indeed a methodical and correct way of doing things that are light and heavy.

"Our army is camped, we must lay a solid foundation, and the divisions and divisions are separated... In addition, we will arrange for the vigil to prevent the barbarians from attacking the night!"

The prince plate obviously thought about the strategy long ago. At this time, all the articles were said to have a lot of feasibility. Then, with the completion of other doctors, a strict plan was formed.

"As far as this is concerned, with the prince leader leading the army, the big business will win no doubt... Why is the teacher worried?"

Ge Ni looked at this scene and thought silently. Suddenly, Mei Yu picked it up.

Jingle Bell!

In his arms, the sky-blue long sword was silent and stunned.


Ge Nie did not want to think, the long sword stabbed.

call out!

A cold ice sword emerged, plunged into the ground, picked up a blood arrow.


A human head flew out of the soil and landed on the ground, seeing the face of the prince and others changing: "There are assassins!"

"Mr. Gai Nie's swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world. This method of swordsmanship is within a hundred steps. No one can be enemies!"

Many of the doctors were pale, and immediately praised Gai, almost to be the first swordsman of the big business.

As everyone knows, Gagne’s recovery of the long sword is also very strange.

He felt very clear that this sword was not the one he took the initiative, but the sword in his hand seemed to be spiritual, dragging him to find the enemy!

‘This is what the teacher often said is the sword of the people, and the difference between the sword and the sword? ’

Gane silently thought about it.

"This must be Dongyi Assassin!"

Someone looked at the head and saw the black tattoo on the other's face, and immediately made a statement.

The black scorpion and Gagne looked at each other, but they saw the dignity in the other's scorpion.

Although the person is a native of Dongyi, this method of squatting is rare, as if it were intentional.


Because the prince was assassinated, although there was no danger, the alert in the entire military camp increased the number.

On the second day, Dashang Pioneer suddenly encountered the soldiers of Dongyi.

In front, a small city smouldering smoke, **** fire for nine days, there was a lot of crying in the vague.

"Damn! Come a step late!"

At this time, Dafu Lian took over a thousand people and looked at the burning city in front. He gnawed his teeth: "Go ahead, see Dongyi people, kill innocent!"


The army slowly moved forward. Not long after, from the chaotic city, a team of Dongyi people rushed out. They were dressed in various skins, and they were brutal, tattooed, and wield all kinds of weapons, just like wild animals. .

"The barbarians commit crimes in our country and kill my people. This hatred does not share the sky, let's kill it!"

Liao roared and saw hundreds of barbarians killing red eyes, even dare to directly attack, but also furious: "attack!"

After all, he was a bit more rational than Dong Yi. Although he was angry, he first ordered the archers to attack and fired a round of arrows.


Among the Dongyi people, blood-stained splashes, one by one, turned into a hedgehog, and finally made their avid heads clear, knowing that the army in front of them is different from the civilians who can be slaughtered.

"Step by step!"

In the command, the wicked leader, waving a copper hammer flew up.

At this time, he only felt that the original divine power had gained an increase, almost endless, and the copper hammer dance became a whirlwind. Wherever he went, he turned into a meatloaf.


The big laughter, and let the stabbing copper sword cut on the body, although there is no defense, but the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu.

"This is the battle I want!"

He sneered, and a copper hammer went down. The Dongyi people who faced the sword immediately turned into meatloaf.

This person seems to be also the leader. When he saw that he was dead, the original Dongyi people immediately screamed and screamed and fled to the city.

"This city is newly broken, the Dongyi people are scattered, it is difficult to condense... it is a great opportunity!"

In the eyes of the consummation, the light flashes: "Drive them into the city and kill the Dongyi people!"

"Kill! Kill!"

The evil understands the meaning of the old man, and he is the first to be a soldier. He is like a demon god. He drives the Dongyi people into the city and destroys the discipline that was barely maintained.

"Although the number of Dongyi people is more than my pioneer, but at this time scattered, there are only bronze irons, jewels and women in the eyes, how much strength can there be?"

Lian did not hesitate to follow these collapsed soldiers into the city, let go!

He expected that it was not bad. The Dongyi people were originally weak in discipline. At this time, there was no scruples after the massacre. The streets were covered with silk, and the soldiers who held the earthen jars were brave and brave. In front of the battle, it is simply a blow.

At dusk, when the darkness came, the entire city was re-attached to the flag of the mysterious bird, and the original fire was quickly extinguished.


The evil arms waved his arms: "This war we defeated a million people in Dongyi with one enemy and ten! Killing thousands and killing the city, the father has great merit!"

"Oh, huh... I’m thinking about it, when it’s Fang Bo’s theory, what do you have to interrupt?”

Licking and laughing, obviously, I was in a good mood. I noticed the incompleteness of the clothes on my body. It was obviously the scratches of the knife and axe, showing smooth skin. I couldn’t help but frown. "I have to be careful!"

"Reassured, I have to teach the Master to pass the Fa, there is a knife and a gun into the body, look at the world, who can kill me?"

The evil is proud of a smile, like a very uncle who knows how to be tall and thick.


Seeing this scene, Lian can only helplessly sigh.


"The two military strikers handed over, Dongyi first defeated?"

It didn't take long for the news to spread. Mo Ge was guarding a cave, and his face showed a vicious color: "No! It can't make the merchants go so smoothly!"

He is aware of his family's plans.

The merchants can win, but they must be victorious, time-consuming, and even defeated. They are extremely devastated. Even the prince is dead here, it is even better.

But at this time, it seems that the commercial army has such a fascinating taste. How can it not scare him?

"The last assassin was useless. Even if the size of the work was not built, it would be killed. I spent so much effort, **** the military, and sent him to the military camp!"

Mo Ge got up and walked out of the cave to look at the commercial army camp.

I saw the layers on the other side, very ruled, suffocating, like a mountain, could not help but be a big heart, respectful to the people next to him: "You have to ask Juggernaut to shoot!"

This person is not good-looking, but the scorpion is like a star, holding a simple sword, it is Jiansheng Cao Qiu!

It is said that there is a lightning flash in the pupil: "Western Zhou Hou has a great grace, autumn has no thoughts, and is an assassin...just, this is the last time!"

Like him, how can he be willing to be controlled in the future?

"This is natural...there is a saying in the afternoon, as long as you take the first level of the prince, the past things are all written off!"

Moko face a pump.


Cao Qiu was silent for a long time, like a statue.

I don't know when, his voice slowly drifted into Mo Ge's ear: "But you... must go with you!"

"This is natural!"

Mo Ge bite his teeth and promised to come down.

Although he is proficient in the Five Elements, it is by no means an easy task.

Of course, in order to stabilize the trip, or purely for the heart of An Cao Qiu, he also refused.

‘With the bravery of Juggernaut, as long as you can sneak into the handsome account, the prince will die undoubtedly? ’

Mo Ge silently cheered on himself.

As for how Cao Qiu escaped after killing the prince, how the disciples’ disciples faced the next anger of the Shang Dynasty was not within his consideration.


This night will not be calm.

At the same time that Mo Ge and Cao Qiu were about to make a wave of Bo Lang, Fang Yuan also came to the front line to meet a person.

The name of a person is somewhat inaccurate. It should be said that... a god!

Although it was an ordinary jungle, everything around it changed with the advent of the gods.

Jin Ge iron horse, **** drifting, the original jungle seems to have become a huge battlefield.

One by one, the tall, magical warrior, screaming like a tiger, was killed with another army.

"This is the scene of the original Wu Xia hegemony!"

If Fang Yuan realized that he saw the blood of the Wu people flowing, the scene of the general trend would be sneer: "Do you still can't let go?"


In the meantime, the sky is falling, and the golden lotus is in the ground.

The original battlefield disappeared, but only a group of golden light fell and turned into a human form.

Although Fang Yuan has seen the complete form of the lord, the form of this ordinary person is really the first time I saw it.

I saw a middle-aged man standing in the distance, wearing a gold armor, thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks very arrogant, with indescribable charm, looking at the scorpion with the light.
