Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 686: Variety

In the year of the devil's coming, along with the war with the devil, the first deities appeared in the world.

They can transform themselves into demons and draw strength from killing and blood. Of course, the quickest way is to kill each other.

The most important thing is that divinity gives them enough cover-up ability. It is simply the image of a mortal. As long as it is not actively exposed, even the priest's magic can't be separated unless it is carefully viewed by the legendary pastor or enters the realm of God. !

More and more infected people have emerged, and the Church of Death, which implements the 'purification order', has become the target of public criticism and has to withdraw the Inquisition.

After all, the infection rate of the disease is too high, and there is no effective and convenient protection and treatment. If it is implemented, no soldiers will be willing to go to the battlefield in the future.

This is also one of the characteristics of the source of power, terrible contagious, and almost irreversible irreversibility.

Of course, the process of demonization made by the combination of the secondary source and the demon placenta is not inevitable. At least the power of the true God can be expelled, but there is a problem of efficiency and cost.

Even for the most ordinary soldier 'exorcism', you need a bishop-level priest to shoot, and then look at the number of people in the sea, in case any **** dare to do so, the final result is definitely not enough, the power of bankruptcy .

In addition, the soldiers who have got the demonized disease are just a little strange, the mind is still sober, and even the extraordinary can actively suppress these abnormalities, and there is no difference between them and normal people, and they are gradually accepted by the world, no longer intentionally. Shouting and killing.

Of course, in the darkness of the churches, although the surveillance of such demonized patients has been relaxed, the monitoring of the divine people has been greatly enhanced. Once discovered, it must be arrested and sent to the firearms. This is the true gods. A consistent decision!

As a result, the divine people are hidden more hidden, and the contradiction between the gods and the church gods is also accumulating more and more.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has reached 270 years of the sun, and four years have passed since the day of the evil star.

Stan Principality, storm hills.

The Lun Knight of Fang Yuan’s incarnation rode a horse and patrolled the territory.

For four years, I can't let his body age, but instead look mature and full of charm.

At this point, looking at it, the grain inside the territory was born, the breeze blew, the golden wheat waves rolled, and the docks not far away were faintly visible.

This is of course the design of Fang Yuan, which gathers the scattered serfs and manages them in a unified way. There are high walls around them, and there is a watchtower in the middle. Once an accident occurs, an alarm can be issued immediately, so that the serfs can retreat into the dock to defend.

The appearance of such gullies and high walls suddenly made the original idyllic scenery full of war and killing.

But there is no way, in order to deal with possible demon attacks, this is a necessary measure, and has been learned by many nearby lords, and constantly promoted in the Stan Principality.

"I am relieved to see this year's harvest," I am relieved!"

Fang Yuan stopped on a hill overlooking the wheat field and could not help but smile.

"Yes, adults, after the inspection, after the merger of the Storm Hill and the Whistling Manor, we have 2,000 acres of arable land and 500 acres of sloping fields!"

For the land of the hills, Fang Yuan naturally does not abandon the land, but tries to use it as much as possible. If it can open up, it will not open, but it can also grow fruit trees and the like.

The 2,500-acre field, converted from the ancient Chinese, is 15,000 mu, and it can be regarded as a powerful landlord of Tiantian Wanmu.

A slight estimate, Fang Yuan knows that this year's territory is a bumper harvest, can have nearly two million pounds of crop harvest, this is the result of his means of increasing production, but unfortunately it is still troublesome to promote, and can not be too noticeable, but If there are no natural disasters and man-made disasters in the coming year, you will certainly gain more.

Such a production, if you are full of money, it is enough to raise 5,000 people.

But in fact, there are only about 3,000 people in the current territory, and there is a standing army of 300 people, which is completely worthy of being a soldier.

However, in the wartime era, this is only the case.

In fact, compared with other jazz and even the Viscount Baron, the people under the squadrons are already very happy.

At the very least, a safe dock can live, and once the demon is discovered, the Lun Knight will immediately take the army to solve.

In the heart of the mainland, in several human empire, the demon disaster is very fierce. It is said that several kingdoms have been destroyed, and many nobles and royal families have to flee.

On the contrary, it is the territory of the Stan Principality. Because it is located on the edge of human civilization, there are fewer people, and the situation of the demon disaster is not too serious.

"Just... such a good day, it will finally come to an end!"

Although the various reports of Marseille were still coming to the ear, Fang Yuan could not help but sigh.

After four years passed and paid a huge price, the world has gradually adapted to the catastrophe, and many of the things and contradictions that have been delayed have also floated to the surface.

For example, the destruction of many core kingdoms of human civilization has caused a large number of forces to spread to the periphery.

Even the original Noord kingdom has suffered a lot.

Although in the former center aristocrats, the Knott Kingdom can only be regarded as a backcountry, and the Stan Principality is a wild land that is not even a backcountry, but it cannot be said that it is affected by the devil!

At this time, under the same discretion, these original ‘wild land’ became a paradise.

There are quite a few nobles who plan to get a few pieces of land here and even move the whole family.

For the indigenous aristocrats, this is naturally a disaster. Even the country is such a mass of the Enoch kingdom that it can't stop the invasion and control of many of the original land powers. Become a semi-傀儡 regime.

Although under the threat of demons, the human kingdom is still intriguing, fighting for power, and how to see how to die, but things still happen, and it is helpless.

After the control of the Kingdom of Knot, the former ‘Stan Principal Raiders’ had to be launched again.

And this time, it is definitely not a small fight, but a battle of life and death!

“What is even more tragic is that even at this time, the nobles in Stan’s country are still in chaos and infighting... or they actually know the danger of coming, but they choose the escape method like ostrich, thinking that I buried my head in the sand and pretend that I can get away with it without knowing anything?"

Silently sighed, Fang Yuan returned to the dock.

"Adult is back!"

An aristocratic lady in a loose robes, with the support of several maids, smiled and greeted.

This is Tanya, the daughter of Baron Shawshank, and the wife of the Knight of Luen.

At this time, her lower abdomen bulging, obviously has a new life in it.

For a feudal lord, this is undoubtedly the most important. With the descendants, the talents of the people have the object of continued loyalty, and the relationship between Fengjun and the vassals can be maintained and even passed for thousands of years.

At least, Fang Yuan felt that he was married, and even after Tanya was pregnant, his subordinates became more diligent and happy to show something.

If you change to data, it is probably a few percentage points of loyalty.

"Well, you have worked hard!"

The way of saints, moving with the world, is not tired.

Fang Yuan’s face showed a gentle smile, and he stepped forward to support Tanya: “How are you feeling today?”


Tanya smiled and her face was almost filled with laughter.

After all, Fang Yuan is not a person in this world. He is also very considerate and respectful to women. That feeling suddenly makes this aristocratic girl full of happiness, especially after comparison with other aristocrats.

In fact, she did not know that Fang Yuan at this time was just trying to play the role of Lun Knight.

It is like a fairy god, and the love of the mortal, after all, can only remain in the mortal world. Once the past, it will pass.

After dinner with the lady, and after talking to her, Fang Yuan came to the study and began to handle the day's official duties.

Gals, Marseille and others greeted with respect and respect.

"My relative, the current Baron Shawshank, sent me an invitation!"

Fang Yuanfei quickly reviewed the documents and saw the final invitation: "He is about to hold a wedding, Marseille, you go down and prepare a gift!"

That Timo was a white title, but the power of the baron was always in the hands of the original Baroness.

But now, I have to hand it over. After all, it is said that her body is getting worse and worse. Besides, after marriage, it is a sign of a man's adulthood. There is no excuse for the Baroness to resist.

"It is Timothy's wife, it is very interesting!"

Fang Yuan thought of more.

Originally, according to Timo’s identity, the daughter of the Baron or Viscount can be married, and the Marquis of the Earl is somewhat elevated.

But in the invitation, there is a description, his new lady, turned out to be the daughter of the Duke of Stein!

The political and shady trades here can be heard even by laymen.

"Or... will the Stan Principality have a drastic change?"

Fang Yuan stood by and looked at it. How do you think that this marriage has problems?

Of course, he has been in the world for more than four years, and even if he only farms as a knight of Lun, he does not do nothing.

Soon, a piece of the latest information came to his hand, which made him fall into meditation.

"The relocation of the headquarters of the Death Church is undecided. It is very likely that it is the location of Knott and the Principality of Stan. This is really what it is?"

Obviously, because of the previous purification order, the Church of Death was severely hit and hostile, and Hess was seriously injured and sleepy. The situation is even less optimistic.

Even, from the previous mainland super-class forces, it has become a second-three stream, can not fight the mainland's magic disaster, can only move outside, watching is very some of the taste of the street.