Carefree Path of Dreams

v1 Chapter 775: Zhongyin

The green hills are still there, and the streams are flowing.

The place where Fang Yuan is located is just a place of abundance and inferiority. Surrounded by green trees and surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is a bit of an artistic conception.

At this time, looking up, the blue-violet stars shine brightly, and they cover the heavenly green stars, and even have the taste of fighting with the sun.

A faint ray of light fell, and Fang Yuan could not help but raise his eyes.

Under this circumstance, Heaven defended the bankruptcy by not knowing how many years of defense.

These evil forces fall into the mortal world. I don't know how many enchanting devils will be born. I am afraid that there will be turbulence in the next 20 years. Half of the kings have to change their blood.

"I don't know how many years after the National Days of the Qintian Supervisory Committee evaluate this day, the demon star moves, the world is chaotic?"

Fang Yuan indifferently stared at the blue-purple stars.

But after seeing it flashing, it still slowly dimmed down, and suddenly knew that even if the accident happened frequently, it was still the spiritual side to grasp the situation.

"I just broke through the blockade in the battlefield, and the evil spirits are in the lower bounds. I don't know how many ordinary creatures I want to get.... They have got this evil power. They are all natural and talented, but their minds are uncertain, and the future will be much more important."

"Of course, it's none of my business."

"What I have to do is to completely digest the source, then to enhance the realm, and to explore and perfect my own avenues of creation. It is just that...the spirits are chaotic, some are hidden places, and the devil and the devil are attracting firepower for me!"

Other devils don’t say it first, just a magical emptiness, and at least they can fight for Fang Yuan for decades!

"Small invisible in Lin, hidden in the city, big hidden in the DPRK... How do I choose to hide?"

Fang Yuan looked at the stream in front of him, and the faintly flashed a deep color.


The spiritual world is vast and innocent. There are many people in the world, and there are many kingdoms.

Ye Guo.

This is a small country. It is only a place of three states. It is located at the border of the Terran, a small country and a small country. However, it relies on several natural dangers. It is blessed with special security and temporary security. Together with the constant display of sincerity to the surrounding countries, and the pro-coin, There was not much war, and there was a deformed prosperity.

Ye Guo, Tiezhou, Matsushita Prefecture.

The county has a small population of only about 50,000, planting a kind of green lotus rice, producing three stones per mu, and the people can live a long time. There is a small river flowing slowly in the county, dividing the county into two, the people sunrise For the sake of the sunset, there is something that is uncontested.

In the east of the city, there is a tea house, the red lacquer on the plaque has fallen off, and the original fine wooden texture is present, with a hint of ancient charm.

This ‘Feiyun Building’ has been opened in the county for a hundred years. It is a true century-old store specializing in tea. A few snacks are also quite ingenious.

Every morning, there are some visitors who come here to talk about it, don’t have a leisurely interest.

At this time, Fang Yuan wore a green shirt, and his face was roughly forty years old.

When Xiao Eryi saw Fang Yuan, his eyes suddenly brightened: "Is Mr. Fang coming? It happened that I just prepared the new tea before the rain! The tip of the tongue... or not?"

"Then come a pot!"

Fang Yuanhehe smiled: "A few more words, just the oldest!"

"Well, please go upstairs, the location by the window, just keep it for you!"

Xiao Er smiles and is authentic, obviously not familiar with Fang Yuan.

When I arrived at the ground, Fang Yuan was directly seated. It didn’t take long for Xiao Er to put on tea and cakes.

This tea is very fresh, and with a little aura, even if the mortal drink more can prolong life, warming up and nourishing, and a few things are sweet but not greasy, the entrance is instant, the taste is very good.

Only at this time can Fang Yuan feel the breath of humanity.

At this time, I slowly drank tea, and occasionally nodded with several regular customers who were familiar with each other. Fang Yuan looked at the outside and many voices were passed into the ear:

"Yichun Building in the north of the city, I heard that there is a new girl who knows how to paint, and the chess and paintings are all perfect. The painting is even more..."

"Oh... the state is difficult, and I have to hear it again. The old currency is not the same as our small people."

"The harvest in the past two years is still ok, and it has finally come down from the disaster of seven or eight years ago."

"Don't talk about this... drink tea and tea!"

When it comes to the scourge of seven or eight years ago, some people in the place are a spirit, with a taste of ignorance.

‘Unconsciously, it’s been seven or eight years...’

Fang Yuan slowly drank tea and spit out long.

After the turmoil in Tianting, he retired to Ye Guo, and he made a book in this small county town. He was also faintly hidden in the world, completely divorced from the practice world and digested the income on the battlefield.

The turmoil of the demon star has brought profound influence to the secular world.

Floods and droughts and evils are only incidental, the most critical, or a command!

Promulgated by Heaven, many Xiu Xianmen factions together promote the implementation of the iron order! Kill the baby born within seven days, regardless of gender, one does not stay!

Calculating the days, Fang Yuan knows that it is just the turmoil of the battlefield, and it is possible to accept the receptors of evil forces.

‘Actually, if it’s colder, Ning’s mistakes, let’s let go, it’s OK for a whole month or even a whole year! ’

‘But this way, the involvement is too big, the human race is very bad, and those gods can’t please! ’

‘And, under the celestial plane, there is still a fish that slips through the net! ’

Under the fairy tales, after all, there is a humanity, this is the foundation!

What's more, the greatness of the spiritual world is not only for the human race. If the human race is badly damaged, it is not a good thing for the gods.

Therefore, it’s not that you can’t keep your heart, you can’t get it, you can’t do it!

Moreover, such a magical person, a thousand 10,000, can not be compared to a demon Lord, not to mention the devil!

‘I don’t know what happened in the past, how many devils have been sealed, how many have escaped? Um... At least the emptiness of the prince runs the fastest, even if it is sealed more than half, there is still room for the wind to make waves, but it is certain! ’

After eating and drinking, Fang Yuan paid the bill and slowly returned to his own grass.

He lived in the west of the county, fenced the fence with a fence, and planted a small garden. It was a quiet place, and he took a big grasshopper. He occasionally taught several children to read and read. After a long time, he received it. Dear, there is the title of 'Mr. Fang'.

The outsiders only know that he is a person from other countries. When he flees, he also has a bit of literary grace. Especially after teaching a student who has passed the test and can be an official, he is even more flattering.

In fact, the external teacher, leisurely middle age, but all are illusions.

Only one ten-thousandth of the spirit of Fang Yuan is used in the camouflage of this identity, and it is also a slight experience of the customs of the spiritual world.

Most of the mental power is completely used to explore the rules of the spiritual world, as well as to understand the magical powers and digest the source.

"The ten original demon Lord is a threshold. In fact... my source has already reached the requirement, that is, the realm is slightly insufficient. Once I realize the smashing of the window paper, I can observe my own condensate at any time and place. And add trimming..."

The demon **** wants to stand on the road, even if it is not as perfect as the heavenly road, but in the demon environment, there can be no flaws.

Fang Yuan all the way to meditate, he entered the grasshopper church.

The hall is very small, only five or six tables, each sitting behind a urchin, with a shofar, innocent and splendid, but also undecided.

"Mr. Good!"

When I saw Fang Yuan coming in, I turned the book on the surface. In fact, I secretly played a little puppet like a puppet, and shouted in unison.

After all, the red ruler on the gentleman’s hand is not fun.

"Well, today we are going to study the "Nine Sons". This is what the Great Confucian Yi Haoran has done. It is more profound than the Three Characters. It is suitable for you, and the reason for doing things is inside."

Fang Yuan shook his head and shook his head. In fact, he was still trying to figure out the essence of breaking the border.

Even if the ancient demon gods gave a hand, there is no law of the lower bound, but after all, it will be slowly integrated by Fang Yuan, and even into the path of his dream teacher.

Although the spiritual space is sturdy, it is not a battlefield. After all, there is no blockade of Zhou Tianxing. If you don’t want to send the flesh, it’s just that the spirit is passing through, it’s not too difficult, just need a few materials... oh... I The Lord of the Lower Bound, in the spiritual world, is really impoverished. Even if he was the owner of the Three Mountains and Five Waters, it was not enough to catch a little...

The mind is divergent, and Fang Yuan is still on the surface of a teacher who teaches the ignorance of these ignorant literacy.

In fact, he also secretly explored something in this process.

The essence of humanity is often hidden in this little thing.

It is these Meng Tong, if they know that their mentoring and confession of the teacher, even if the heavens are all over the head of the devil, I do not know if it will scare the flow.

‘It’s that among the children of this wave, there are still a few more temperaments that can be made! ’

Fang Yuan’s eyes glimpsed: “Lin Shoucheng, let’s read the next paragraph!”

"Follow, sir!"

A young child in Tsing Yi stood up and his voice was as crisp as ice jade: "Since the ancient heart is not the heart of the people..."

At first glance, this boy didn't have much difference with the little devils around him, but Fang Yuan was slightly condensed, and he could see a glimpse of his evil spirits in his air machine. With the taste of the devil, it was obviously a piece of the year. The fish that slipped through the net.

After all, poor parents in the world, the means of reporting age is just idle.

Coupled with the world's greatest, even if there is a level 1 supervision of the city, it will eventually be complicated and easy to overlook.

"In addition to him, the boss is not small to come to the younger children to listen to the class, the guy who went out for a test after a year of mixing, is also a bit of a literary, perhaps a life-saving life?"

Fang Yuan thought silently and glanced at the window.

A small head suddenly shook back like a frightened rabbit. It didn't take long for it to probe the brain, and the black-haired nephew stared at the class, envious of it with a little bit of fear.

Mr. Fang Yuandang, even if he only plays tickets, he can't break the rules, or he has to repair it. Some of the family members are not very good, and they can only steal school outside the classroom.