Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 1028: Single kill

"Oh... I can’t think of it once, but I have such a harvest!"

Outside the juvenile's battlefield, a pair of narrow, green-eyed eyes smashed, and the scorpion was full of joy: "The three-tailed fox, and the Terran totems of the Terran, the moon rabbit... are very good, the king. To refine 'Wan beasts', bring back is the best material!"

At this point, it immediately started, and a black and green mist slammed into the battle circle.


Fang Yuan’s corner of the eye swept, and immediately turned and ran.


The thunderous sound blew!

The thunder beast roared, and the electric light danced wildly, breaking the fog.

Seeing that this wave of juveniles is about to be completely destroyed, the wild thunder and the savage arrows can no longer endure, and they will rescue each other: "Where is the demon coming, dare to fly to us?"


In the fog, a figure emerges slowly.

Although most of the body is human, it is the head of a weasel. It is very scary: "I am the lord of Peng Ze, the king of my family wants to refine the beasts. Seeing that these people are good, give me a few, I will Don't care about your previous offense!"


Both the savage and the savage arrows are like ice.

"Peng Zewang?"

Fang Yuan ran out of a large section, and then he turned back and heard the conversation: "The big demon of Peng Zezhong?"

Among the 100,000 mountains, not only have the barbarian tribe, but also all kinds of dangers, and monsters!

Peng Ze, a huge swamp lake, is rumored to have a 'Peng Ze Da Yao'. He likes to eat raw children's hearts. He is always used by the barbarians to scare the children.

Moreover, under Peng Ze's big demon, there are still many demons. In combination, it is definitely the first-class power in the 100,000 mountains, which is enough to match the biggest tribe.

"We are sheltered by the 'Beichen Department'. This year's offerings have already been handed over. Do you want to provoke disputes between the two sides?"

The screaming arrow.

"Which is my way..."

The weasel snarls and flies away.

His monster, which has been turned into a half-human figure, is also good in the power of the monster, which is equivalent to the legal realm of the barbarian.


Barbarian armed with a knife, his body is densely covered, flying forward: "Splashing knife!"

call out!

The knife flashed, the thunder beast in the sky was roaring, and a thunderbolt fell on the blade: "kill!"

This strange scream, showing the body, is a giant weasel of the size of a ox, slamming out the claws.


The claws intersect and both of them are backing a few steps.

"How dare you..."

The weasel looked at the tiny wound on his paw and suddenly became furious.


But at this moment, a sharp arrow came in abruptly, and did not enter the land before him.

"Return quickly, otherwise we will join forces and will kill you here!"

The savage arrow holds a long bone bow and threatens loudly.

"Good! Very good! I remember you guys!"

The weasel is very clever, knowing that to continue, it is really possible to be killed by these two humans, suddenly turned into a dark green smoke, disappeared into the jungle.

"Call... good insurance!"

The arrow puts down the bow and arrow in his hand, and smiles and looks at the wild thunder: "If you didn't teach you this time, we would have to lose a lot!"

If it weren't for the three-product totem that appeared this time, the wild mine would not come out as a babysitter.

Without him to resist, the arrow is not the opponent of the weasel.

"Okay, come over!"

Lu Lei issued a call.


The teenagers such as Ming, Yue and Fang Yuan came back.

"While the monster has just left, but it is not allowed to come back again, it is very dangerous here. It is a must, a mustard, its, and Fang Yuan. You have completed the trial and can return to the tribe with me."

Lu Lei looked around in a circle: "As for other people, continue to complete the trial, not in the medium term, not allowed to go back!"

"Teach the head, that three-tailed fox!"

Some thieves are not dead.

"Hey, aren't you saying that the fist is big? You lose to Fang Yuan, and the three-tailed fox is Fang Yuan!" The screaming cold, but his heart was thinking, at this time, a little setback, maybe a grinding Pride is good for the growth of meditation.

"Oh... the three-tailed fox has long since ran away!"

Fang Yuan came to the trap and shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "There is a pretty head, I want to stay for a while!"

"Oh why?"

The eyes of the wild mine are slightly stunned.

"I promised to go through the month to help her advance to the middle."

Fang Yuan smiled.

In fact, I still can't bear this strange animal.

The most dangerous place, but the safest place, even if it is the squirrel fine, I am afraid I will not think of it, will he stay in place?

Besides, the opponent's goal is obviously the genius of this genius, and it has nothing to do with his ordinary totem.

"It will be fine with you!"

The pretty thunder nodded, and with the three of them, they quickly disappeared into the jungle.

In his eyes, Fang Yuan is only a nine-product totem, and it is a good point for martial arts cultivation. It is not too valuable.

If you can help the month, then it is even better.

"You spread out and go on hunting!"

The arrow was carrying a bow and arrow and disappeared into the darkness. Only one sigh came: "According to the family rules, I will not shoot if I die!"

"Month, go to the river and wait for me!"

After the other teenagers left, Fang Yuan immediately said to the moon.

"what are you going to do?"

A spirit of the moon.

"Of course... try again!"

Fang Yuan’s scorpion flashed cold: “What? Do you want to accompany me into the cave?”

"Oh, forget it, I am tired when I go!"

Thinking of the previous illusion, the moon shook his head.


“It’s quiet!”

Looking at the back of the moon, Fang Yuan is also very satisfied.

After all, the wild arrow must look after the moon, and will not come to guard his waste of nine totems.

At this time, it is his time alone.

At this point, he armed with a steel knife and immediately entered the cave.

"Three-tailed fox, it is also very strong illusion, the physical attack is not much different from the ordinary beast, just restrained by me!"

"And... it's courageous to be small, seeing me come in alone, not to retaliate is a hell!"


Fang Yuan mouth sneaked a sneer, holding a torch, walking through the cave, and he was willing to use himself as a bait to trap the three-tailed fox.

After all, the next time, looking for a beast that is just restrained by yourself and in line with the totem, I don’t know when to wait.

"According to my inference, the totem draws blood, it is best to have the same origin. Before, the fish I absorbed were all water. At this time, the illusion and mental ability of the three-tailed fox were needed to form a balanced complement!"

Fang Yuan silently thought, not knowing how long it was in the past, suddenly it was bright, and came to a cave.

"Well? Inside the mountain, how can there be such a big cave?"

He stroked the rock wall and was a little surprised: "It seems so smooth, it doesn't seem to be naturally formed?"

Not only that, but above the rock wall, there is also a fluorescing stone that clearly shines around.

In the air, with some slight scent, Fang Yuan knows that the three-tailed fox must stay here for quite a few times.

"Fang Yuan, let's die!"

At this moment, from the darkness next to it, suddenly burst out, and the horned dragon on his body turned into a law, and his teeth danced.

"You finally came!"

When Fang Yuan saw this, there was a sneer on his face, and the battle lines appeared, and the fog spread.


I was a little surprised, and my body was blurred, and it turned into a month: "Save... save me!"


The next moment, Fang Yuan slashed his knife, and the head of the moon fell.

"No blood, no bad reviews!"

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Fantasy, broken!"

Behind him, the totem of the cockroach swallowed a cloud and seemed to break a certain barrier.

The sharp voice sounded, and in front of him, the three-tailed fox appeared.

However, at this time, the beast does not retreat, and the paw is about to touch Fang Yuan’s eyes.

"Polishing the wind!"

Fang Yuan retired and broke out.

This knife used all the strength, 90% of the body strength of the blessing on the sword, so that its speed is fast, the three-tailed Linghu head in the middle.


The blood splattered and the fox body fell to the ground.


He sat cross-legged and immediately began to learn fine.

The cave was restored to silence, and only the light of the stone continued to flash.

I don't know how long it took in the past, Fang Yuan opened his eyes: "After the late period, is it only a step away? And..."

His mind was moving, the clouds gathered, turned into a wild, wild arrow, and the appearance of the weasel.

At this time, regardless of the appearance, the demeanor, and even the exuding powers, they are all vivid and vivid.

"Incorporating the illusion of the three-tailed fox, the illusion of the totem of the totem is also greatly increased!"

Fang Yuan armed with a sword, began to cook three-tailed fox, after all, this fur is also very valuable in the tribe.

“Hey? What is this?”

The next moment, he took out a gray rush from the fox, and it also smeared a lot of blood.

"It seems to be... a stone sign?"

After wiping clean, looking at the rune above, Fang Yuan couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "Good! Inscribed with this symbolic person, the strength is absolutely not the same, just give me guidance!"

"But this rune seems to have some other meanings!"

His fingers slowly honed along the runes: "Why is it going to be on a fox, and what does this rune mean?"

After studying for a while, I suddenly got some experience: "It should be something like a musical instrument? According to the rules of the barbarians, you will get a blood sacrifice to see a few effects!"

"I am in this world, I don't know where the Lord of the Evil is born, what kind of opportunity to master? Must catch up and not be delayed!"

At this point, no longer hesitate, biting his fingers, and a drop of blood falls on the stone.


It is also strange to say that after the blood falls on the stone, it seems to be absorbed as a sponge in an instant, without leaking a trace.

"this is……"

A piece of information came, and Fang Yuan’s face changed.

The next moment, the light flashed, and his figure disappeared.

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