Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 1133: Resist

"The meat is a book?"

Fang Yuan picked up the book and stroked it. The cover seemed to use good leather. The whole book was very large, almost half-human high. After the spread, it was a small table.

The paper used inside is also very strange, faint red, thick and crisp, and touched with a subtle but indescribable pleasure.

"Although the shape is a big book, in essence, it is a legacy of the evil spirits at the beginning of the age. If I did not seal it, it would grow into a sacred god, and the combat power is at least the level of the ancient gods... ”

Fang Yuan looked at the first page.

What emerged is a black hieroglyph, like a combination of octopus tentacles and insects.

"Omer Kyeg Sas..."

At the level of Fang Yuan, when God thought about it, he immediately understood the text. On the last page, he recorded the real name of the evil **** just now.

"Well, if the evil spirit is just a messy collection of information, then this book is a gathering of some surface information... In general, it can be seen as a taboo epic that praises the evil spirits, but it also contains a part of the ritual rituals. With the means, especially with the last page of the real name, there is the possibility of getting their attention..."

Fang Yuan looked at the broken eyes in his hand: "I don't know why, it seems to be able to pull the mysterious power in the eye..."

He continued to track, and it didn't take long to catch up with the darkness.

"I don't want to fight with you, just want to get the coordinates of a universe..."

"Well, coordinates, you don't want to say, other intelligence? Let's exchange it together? Are you called the astral here?"


He asked questions in succession, but the other party did not give any response.

In Fang Yuan’s view, although this monster is in chaos and madness most of the time, there are occasionally waking moments.

But his intelligence is no different from the beast, so Fang Yuan is very hurt.

"Well... I used to practice in such a realm, and a mad beast can also reach..."

However, although the intelligence is not high, it still knows how to avoid disadvantages. This monster instinctively resisted Fang Yuan and fled to a void.

A thousand years later, a huge universe will appear in front of Fang Yuan.

"Finally... I feel the breath of energy and life!"

Fang Yuan was very moved and looked at Omr through the boundaries of the universe: "Thank you, big guy, you are such a good person!"

In such a long time chase, although he did not have a few words of communication with the other party, he also thoroughly understood the essence of Omr, which is a collection of chaos, even when he was awake, he was also disturbed by madness.

However, although the intelligence did not communicate much, and the coordinates of the universe could be obtained, Fang Yuan was satisfied.

"And, this astral swimmer can really come and go in the universe!"

Ordinary early results, once left the universe, will be immediately rejected, it is difficult to return.

In other words, if they come back forcibly, they will cause huge damage to the entire universe.

But the star travellers just now have no such problems.

"Is this the speciality of the universe, or do they have special abilities?" Although the dreams of their own dreams are very magical, Fang Yuan will not ignore the heroes of the world, and others will not say that Tian Yandao once condensed by Tian Yan Dao. If you don't, it's not inferior to your own dreams, let alone the strange races such as Hongmeng Demon and Wanmulong.

He came to the edge of the universe and felt the breath of the universe.

"Great...innocent...this is a universe that is even stronger than the fairy universe!"

In the meantime, Fang Yuan made a conclusion, and the whole person was integrated into the universe.

"I'm coming!!!"

For a time, this strange universe, the souls of many worlds, and the great supernaturals, immediately felt different.

There seems to be something more fundamental in the universe.

This is the impact of a strange fruit.

"It turned out to be..."

In the process of entering the universe, Fang Yuan’s face also emerged with the color of enlightenment: “Daoguo can completely replace the heavens of a world, and force the universe to accept... I came to this universe and left my own traces. Of course... there is a gift!"

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe.

Fang Yuan felt that his dreams were fruitful. At this moment, he seemed to communicate with the origin of the universe. In the most fundamental place, he left his own breath, just like a pass.

At the same time, it also forcibly replaced some of the root causes, so that the universe also benefited.

Immediately, he completely entered the universe.

"Curious environment..."

The shape of the entire universe is similar to the once earth and many celestial bodies, but every planet is a complete world.

“Many worlds coexist, even through the naked eye, have a common connection?”

Imagine that the stars are composed of one world, and this is the concept.

"The world of Hengsha... oh..."

Fang Yuan thought about it and landed directly on the green planet closest to himself.


Arita World.

The world is located in a cantilever galaxy. The entire planet is surrounded by green, dense forests, large swamps and grasslands, and few wastelands.

And it is ruled by a civilized race, Yuge.

From the appearance of Yuge Cai, it is like a green vine tree that can walk with people. The head is similar to a cannibal flower and has sharp fangs.

Their spores will drift with the wind, and they will grow in a forest or green space without similar kind, and grow by taking the vitality of that area.

The adulthood of Yuge Cai is about a hundred years old. When the 18th tentacles grow under their feet, they have the ability to split and reproduce.

This creature has extraordinary wisdom and can travel through the universe. It has created an extremely brilliant civilization thousands of years ago. It has its ruins everywhere in the world of Arita until the emergence of ‘it’.

According to this, 3,500 years ago, the "Tarigue" in Yuge Caizhong, meaning the same kind of wise man, encountered a ruler of the stars, the ruler of the star, the chaos and the madness in a certain universe tour. The lord of the scorpion, the darling of darkness - Omer Kyge Sass... is the guy that Fang Yuan once met.

The Tarigi survived fortunately, but after suffering from the influence of the Lord of Chaos, after returning to the world of Arita, he began to spare no effort to promote the authority of the mad Lord.

Along with the expansion of this belief, the various rituals became more and more strange and horrible, and finally touched Omr's gaze again, and sent him a son of his own.

Darkness and war came at this moment, and ended with the complete defeat of Yuge Cai.

Since then, the Lord of Chaos and Madness has become the ruler of the planet, and the Yuge Cai nationality has dedicated their faith to the great Omur and gained new abilities - under the piranhas, they have grown two The sarcoma, which looks like a honeycomb and an ant nest, is home to many worms. These worms have the power to collect all the power of life in a region.

Once Yuge Cai, there has been an alias since then - the opponent!

At this point, the technology of Arita World has completely degraded and returned to the era of ancient tribes and kingdoms.


All this information is automatically obtained from the heavens, or the heart of the world, after Fang Yuan has come to the world.

"The sad song of a civilization..."

Fang Yuan, who fell on a piece of grassland, couldn’t help but sigh.

Originally a powerful race, the civilization that can break through the universe, because of the encounter with a evil spirit, was affected and distorted, it is absolutely miserable.

"But... finally met a different world..."

Fang Yuan looked at a bug not far away.

It is similar to the green flower foot mosquito, but it has a fist size, and the abdominal cavity is rounded by a green juice.

After seeing Fang Yuan, a kind of volatility suddenly spread.


It didn't take long for the sky to appear a dark cloud.

"Where is the worm?" Fang Yuan was smirking, and he was not afraid of the worms of Omur's deity, let alone these?

But in the next moment, these black clouds did not attack, but whirlpools and fell to the ground.

From the horizon, a dark spot looms.

It is like a collection of vines, and it looks like an ancient stump. More than a dozen roots have to go deep into the ground and continue to support it. The head is a huge red flower bud, and there are insect sacs on both sides. Coming out of the sac.


A regular wave of spirituality came.

Listening to Fang Yuan is the standard language of the world: "I... Molly Tata... Are you an explorer from the Terran Galaxy?"

"Human Galaxy?"

Fang Yuan’s heart was slightly moved.

"There is only the race there, it has such a look!"

The life of this plant is measured by Fang Yuan. It is as if modern people see giant pandas and can feel their strong curiosity.

The next moment, the mind became confused again: "The outsider...get out of here! It belongs to the great chaos and the mad Lord!"

"this is……"

Fang Yuan Shen swept away and suddenly became speechless: "Because of the belief in a mad god, has it become confused?"

"You... hurry up!"

After a while, Molly Tata’s thoughts returned to normal: “Aretta has our surveillance everywhere, great sons, ancient dominators, you will find you, and by then, you will be As a sacrifice, sacrifice to..."


It screamed, and many root vines swept to Fang Yuan: "I want to dedicate you to the master of chaos!"

"Sure enough... the madman can't communicate, even though it's not crazy, the heart is still kind!"

Fang Yuan’s figure flashed and disappeared directly.

In the context of the fruit, any universe in the universe can be fully exerted. He is not afraid of Omr, how can he avoid a small child?


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.