Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 1149: Coming back

"Error... and horror?"

Nietzsche’s eyes are a little lost.

"It’s the ghoul’s pollution... After several confirmations, we finally found out that when the ghoul’s death is piled up to a certain amount, it will affect the people around.... This doesn’t necessarily work, but Undoubtedly, the deeper the contact, or the darker inside, the greater the probability of being affected...” Ryan stunned: “Hannibal is an ordinary person with a complete birth record and social relationship, but he has changed. It’s also a fact that it’s a ghoul, and there’s no doubt that it’s because of this pollution!”

"Pollution..." Nietzsche whispered, knowing more about the extraordinary person's ability, and also understood that Mr. Andy of the grocery store, really did not joke with him.

Even some ghouls that seem to be very good to deal with are too horrible for ordinary people.

"I understand, how do I need to check?"

"Give me a drop of your blood!" said Ryan.

Nietzsche did what he said, and immediately a doctor walked out with a test tube.

"The verification time is very short, just ten minutes... Now we can talk about something else. I am sorry for Vivienne..." Ryan sighed: "I originally wanted to recruit her into the investigation." At the place..."

"Speaking of ghouls, Hannibal, who escaped, seems to be different from ordinary ghouls..." Nietzhan said with no expression.

"Yes, it's very different... After the ghoul is killed, it will spread something around, bacteria, viruses... or some kind of pollution that we don't recognize... people affected by it There will be changes, first of all, the desire for flesh and blood, and the unsatisfied hunger, some people like bulimia... and Hannibal has undoubtedly accepted this change completely, even more powerful!"

Ryan sighed: "Simon first discovered my fault, and then the headquarters began to focus on treatment... I became what you saw..."

"This kind of appearance... can't really be cured..." Nietzsche was silent for a long time, and looked at Ryan with mercy.

"It’s just a dieting therapy. It’s much better than the sins I’ve suffered before. You don’t see the colleagues who have failed in treatment... But my doctor told me that when the disease is not completely cured, From now on, I must curb the desire for binge eating in my heart all the time, especially not eating meat, preferably as a vegetarian..."

Ryan spread the palm of his hand.

"That's really... unfortunate!" Nietzsche thought of fried chicken, barbecue, and the delicious steak... Wait a minute, the **** steak was thrown aside, but it was too much to punish the meat for a lifetime. It’s painful.


At this time, another person pushed the door in, and it was Simon!

He wore a penny uniform, and his messy hair was taken care of. He looked a lot of spirit. At this time, he handed a report to Ryan: "He has no problem! But now... I think he has some problems."

During the speech, Nietzsche felt a very uncomfortable breath, spilling out of Simon and coming to himself.


A trace of black gas converges, as if it were turned into a poisonous snake.

‘He saw it? I saw my extraordinary identity! ’

I don't know why, although it is just getting started, Nietzsche feels that his perception and observation is extremely powerful, and he can even see the emotion of resentment in Simon's eyes.


A large number of black snakes entangled his whole person in an instant, and Nietzsche’s body was numb, and he couldn’t move.

"Where is it wrong?"

Ryan, who was sitting opposite, didn't see anything, and asked curiously.

"Daily thoughts!"

In an instant, it seems to be a stressful reaction to the danger. Nietzsche seems to see the heat-sanding desert and the sun hanging in the air.


Many black snakes that entangled his body suddenly turned into smoke and quickly dissipated.

Simon was screaming, stepping back, and two nosebleeds from his nose, as if he had been punched in front of him.

"Simon, what's the matter?" Ryan shouted dissatisfiedly, and his voice became serious.

"As you can see... our little Nietzsche is already an extraordinary person!" Simon licked his lips.

"Is it?" Ryan stared at Nietzsche: "What is going on?"

‘In the base, Ryan can mobilize dozens of people with a submachine gun to destroy me at any time...’

Nietzsche’s brains started to move up instinctively, and he did not want to put all the secrets out: “Yes...that oil painting!”

"What painting?"

"Vincent's doom oil painting - dream! Since I met Hannibal that time, I always felt something went into my head, like a fireball..."

After getting a lot of knowledge about extraordinary power from Gege Witch, Angelina, and Andy's boss, Nietzsche has been able to smoothly weave a full-featured lie.

"Vincent's doom oil painting? Did he leave a seed of strength in some paintings?" Ryan touched his chin: "And some specific extraordinary seeds will only start sprouting when they meet the right person. ...maybe, this is why you are not contaminated by ghouls."

"The pollution of ghouls is ineffective for the extraordinary?" Nietzsche grabbed the key points.

"No! It's just the power of the extraordinary, can better counter it..." Ryan explained: "So... Nietzsche, first of all congratulations on entering the extraordinary field, then, are you willing to join our Federal Investigation Office? ?"

"Of course, this is my honor!" Nietzsche slightly owed.

"Original... all the new extraordinary people have to go to the training, but recently there are too many things in the city of Kimbert... we need to deal with them first!"

Ryan squinted: "You have to prepare, if you don't understand, ask Simon. I will go back with you later, dealing with Hannibal and other special events..."

"Okay, head!"

Nietzsche came out and Simon followed.

The two walked to a corner, and Simon snapped a finger, and the fog that only Nietzsche could see was immediately wrapped around.

"You are definitely not the power you get from dreams... It's the grocery store, right?" Simon said with a positive tone.

"No!" Nietzsche shook his head resolutely: "That is a profiteer, I have been pitted!"

"Is it?" Simon had some doubts. He instinctively felt that something was wrong, but Nietzsche’s rhetoric was not flawed.

"In any case, I still want to congratulate you!" Simon's eyes were a bit sinister, and the breath of Nietzsche was his least favorite type.

"Nothing, I will go first!"

Nietzsche smiled and took a few steps, and the palm touched the fog.


Suddenly, those fogs are like the gasoline that meets the flames, and they burn out in an instant.

In his mind, the grocery store of Javier’s dad has become a mysterious supply store, and naturally he does not want to share it with anyone.


"Is it supposed to say... The wheel of fate has begun to slowly turn?"

In the grocery store, Fang Yuan sipped hot cocoa leisurely, but his eyes seemed to see everything.

"Daily thoughts are not so simple on the surface, burning spirit, burning yourself, burning enemies, burning everything... If it is not such a quick method, how can you get enough irritated um when the dark sacrifice is completed? What about the power of Seoul?"

He smiled low.

Although the big day and the light are never his system, the ability to accommodate thousands of dreams and develop a bright ability is just a pediatrics.

However, it is possible to work with a foreign **** to customize, this glory, even if the entire Yuge color family, there is no one can enjoy.

"After spending a little energy, you have to grow up smoothly, and give me a little surprise by the way..."

Fang Yuan smiled slightly and looked into the distance.

Through the void, he saw several pictures again.


Somewhere in the sewer.

The candlelight illuminates the table, and Hannibal is holding a napkin, holding a knife and fork, as if enjoying his candlelight dinner – if you ignore the environment that doesn't really match.

At the edge of the table, several dead bodies were smashed, and they were all incomplete.

After using the meal, Hannibal gentleman generally wiped his mouth with a white napkin, as if he had heard something, could not help but crouch on the ground.

"More... more fear, more meat..."

"Complete... complete the feast of meat!"

"The ancients... will return, and all dark races can walk back to the earth!"


On the other side, a team slowly entered the city of Kimbert and stopped in front of an abandoned factory.

"Fast, start unloading!"

Many bodyguards came down from the car, and many iron boxes were moved into the factory under the command of a white-haired housekeeper.

"Okay, you all go out!"

The white-haired old housekeeper sent away other people and stroked many iron boxes.

These boxes are very long and heavy, and they seem to be like one... coffin?


He opened one, and it turned out to be a girl of about twenty years old, with fair skin and closed eyes.

At this point, the brow froze, it seems that the next second will wake up.

Seeing this, the old butler’s face showed a hint of joy, and a dagger appeared on his hand, stabbing it!


Blood splash!

After a while, he opened another iron coffin, which was a layer of dark soil. The old housekeeper dripped the blood of the tip of the dagger, and his mouth was still whispering: "The evil spirits in the darkness, chasing scarlet The hunter, wake up... to greet the gods of the darkness, and to open the ceremonies of the blood!"

In the mutter, those iron coffins suddenly changed and made a lot of noise.

A dry palm, as if to break free of the last shackles, finally broke out!


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.