Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 1161: defense

"Beyond the universe, it is Taixu!"

Fang Yuan sat cross-legged and quietly realized the mystery of Taixu.

In fact, the so-called Taixu is a void, no light, no energy, no everything.

If it is not self-contained, or if you master any amazing cards, entering it will inevitably fall into a deadly situation.

"If you want to cast cannon fodder in the past, China's cosmic exploration, the cannon fodder itself must at least have the strength of the devil, and must also rely on tools..." In this respect, even the main **** space, the accumulation to the present is limited.

He now has some regrets. He did not directly take the ark civilization and studied it.

"However, Stahl's research cannot be done. It is a purely scientific and technological problem. When it is replaced by Yugecai, the progress is accelerating... It is only the resources of Taiyuan Ark. It is impossible to build the site alone. ...must expand the power, um... the original Orm's site is very good!"

In fact, since Orm was sealed, the planet it affected or occupied has been reneging and rebellious.

Not only the forces around the world intervened, but under the direction of Fang Yuan, the Yuge Cai family was leaps and bounds, occupying a lot of resource-rich planets, and strongly supporting Fang Yuan’s madness.

"To plunder more resources, it is bound to be evil with the gods of the gods... but not necessarily, most of the ancestors are mentally specific, perhaps they don't care about their own territory..."

From that white light, Fang Yuan got a lot of knowledge of the gods.

Knowing that among the gods, there are those paranoia and madmen, just like the desire to stimulate the spirit, so that they can destroy themselves while they are close to the truth, and enjoy it, even if they destroy several planets, they will not hesitate. .

Some life planets, purely because of fear, pick up the belief in a certain foreign god. If they are occupied, they will react to the reaction of the foreign gods.

In general, the action of the gods is originally a metaphysical concept that is difficult to predict.

"So, even if the space of the Lord God is enlightened, it should not attract too much attention from the ancestors... For me, this is a good thing!"

Fang Yuan’s nephew is deep.

Although he has already had two heroic strengths at this time, he must be able to cope with many ancient gods in one breath, and certainly can't afford it.

"I hope that they will not be too much, otherwise... I will only let go of the killer!"

Fang Yuan stared at the sea level, and the scorpion was dark.


Within the main **** space.

A white light emerged, and the figure of Lemmon suddenly appeared at the bottom of the beam.

At this point, his image looks rather miserable, and it is simply bloody.

"Haha... haha..."

But Lemmon just wants to laugh: "The world of initial missions with the highest mortality rate in rumors... I have finally passed the test. From today, I am also the selected person..."

Because this main **** does not restrict some common sense leaks, there are many studies on the space of the Lord God on Starr, and many teenagers dream of entering the space and becoming extraordinary.

Some of these features have long been known to everyone.

"The Lord God, immediately healed, the cost is deducted from my reward points!"

Lemmon shouted and immediately there was a green light column falling.

The wound on his body quickly recovered, his face was restored to ruddy, and even a scar was left behind, feeling the spirit was better than ever.

"Sure enough, the Lord God produces, it must be a boutique!"

Lemmon sighed and immediately watched the loss of a full hundred reward points, and it was very painful.

"Start settlement, this mission, the selected person Lemmon 208, a total of 400 points of reward points (deducted recovery costs), one e-class medal!"

In front of him, a light curtain emerged, revealing his personal information:

"Name: Lemont Unst"

"No. 208"

"Life: 100 (100)"

"Fortune value: 5"

"Discover hidden talent: the touch of light!"


"I...have hidden talent?"

The feeling of Lemon was like being smashed by a heavenly gift.

He has heard some information from scavengers and various public places, knowing that after completing the first mission, the selected person will receive a data scan.

The number 208 of this is not only 208 candidates, but the selected one called Lemmon Unst. He is the 208th. It can only be said that the name is really bad.

Only five of the combat powers are normal. The adult ordinary people of this planet have such data before the reinforcement, commonly known as the battle of five slag.

It is a hidden talent, it is simply a grand prize.

According to the most official authority, the probability of possessing talents among ordinary people is nothing. Even among those who are selected, talents are also a minority. In the later stage, after the talents are fully developed, they are not inferior to some powerful. skill.

And, some talents, when choosing to strengthen, also have special convenience, or reduce some bonus points, or exempt the redemption authority.

"Hope is an advanced talent!"

Lemmon placed his attention on the touch of light and immediately got the corresponding information.

"Touch of Light: You have been exposed to the strong sun, there are some extraordinary characteristics in the body, the effect - in the sun, life vitality +1!"

"Evaluation: Low-level talent (after all, it was only caused by an accidental contact, you can't expect too much. In fact, if it is not only a low-level evaluation, maybe it can be lower)"

"There has been... the poisonous tongue of the Lord God spit..."

Lemmon’s feelings are like five million people in the ordinary, and then burned to the ashes by a fire: “The talent that is lower than the lower level? Because of one contact? When did I touch the sun?”

I don't know why, he suddenly remembered the madman who claimed to have seen the sun before he had entered the space of the Lord God.

"Forget it... there is better than nothing!"

It was not easy for Lemmon to calm down his own state of mind and look at the exchange bar on the Lord God.

Brush pull!

The long columns are pulled down, and every item on it makes Lemmon almost drool.

Pure water and food, which are extremely rare in the outside world, are sold in a reward point, and there are even very expensive luxury goods and enjoyment items. I am afraid that even the average household in the ecological zone will not be able to reach it.

Of course, the use of reward points to exchange ordinary items is the least effective behavior in the mouth of the selected person.

Lemmon looked at the extraordinary side, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"The enchant pistol, with ten bullets, redemption requires 100 bonus points!"

"Portable Plasma Hand Cannon 2! Redemption requires 1000 bonus points, one e-class medal!"

"Enchanted leather armor, redemption requires 500 bonus points!"


" the biggest arsenal, even with interstellar spaceships, but the price is also an astronomical number..."

Like the township, Lemmon read all kinds of introductions and eventually reluctantly shifted his eyes.

"For a newcomer, the reward points are exchanged for expensive equipment, and so on. It is completely looking for death... Whether it is reality or mission, there is a special rush for this fat sheep, or its own strength is the most insurance, no one can take it. go!"

He looked at the reinforcement of the individual and found that there were many choices.

For example, the strengthening of the blood of the alien star is to directly inject the blood of the alien species and obtain a powerful ability, but it is not guaranteed to be the shape of the human.

Or special promotion, can choose different occupations, get the corresponding special ability, such as the warrior is good at melee, the gunman is good at firearms and so on.

The last category is extraordinary! It is the extraordinary way that the planet has.

"Too much! Too much!"

Lemmon was dazzled by the choices. In the end, he still followed the experience of his predecessors: "The Lord God, screening the most suitable reinforcement for me!"

“Hey, deduct 10 reward points!”

The Lord God took away the reward points that he had left without any politeness. Many interfaces were cleared, leaving a few lines of options:

"Flame Warrior: A powerful warrior who masters the power of the flames, can skillfully use all kinds of cold weapons to fight, and master some flame ability at the beginning. On-the-job needs: 700 reward points, one e-class medal!"

"Evil Eye Transplantation: Transplant a evil eye with extraordinary power into the middle of the forehead of the selected person, and gain extraordinary vision and some illusion skills, which are the front of dozens of powerful techniques. Demand: 1500 bonus points , e-class medal!"

"Sun Priest: Celebrate the career of Lieyang, master several kinds of gains and exorcism spells! Demand: 700 reward points, one e-class medal (detected to be selected with talent: light touch! Reward point demand is halved)"


"The most suitable for my primary reinforcement, just these three..."

Lemmon has some toothaches: "I like the Warrior very much. Unfortunately, I don't have enough reward points. The second option... I don't want to become a monster in the future, then there is only the third one, the inaugural sun priest!"

He made a quick decision, and immediately, a golden light fell.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and Lemmon’s eyes were blurred, and suddenly he snapped a finger: “I said... there must be light!”

A golden light, suddenly bursting from his fingers.

"Haha... I am finally an extraordinary person!"

When Lemmon saw this scene, the smile of his mouth continued to expand, and he finally couldn't stand it anymore and laughed.

"I have become an extraordinary person. I am immediately a person in the ecological zone... As long as I have accumulated enough tolls, I may be able to emigrate to another two continents... A beautiful future is waving to me!"

Just as he imagined a bright future, a blood-red warning box suddenly emerged:

"Selected person Lemmon 208, your next mission, will be a nightmare level! So announce the main line task content in advance: Starr Star Wars! This mission is a realistic mission, unlimited free mode, unified settlement after completion! ”

"What?" Lemmon felt that the whole person had fallen into the bottomless abyss.

What he didn't know was that all the selected people received the same task, and the whole planet entered an awkward state.