Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 824: ocean

A vast expanse of blue ocean.

There was a salty smell in the hurricane.

The sea is slightly rippled, and there are seagulls passing by from time to time.

This is the golden route to the East. Since the discovery of Geography, there are countless ships going to the mysterious East along this route every day, bringing specialties of porcelain, spices, silk, etc., dumping at the port, Turn into a little cute like gold and silver.

The sea is the cradle of dreams, with countless treasures.

In every port, there are stories of lucky people getting rich overnight, inspiring more teenagers to embark on the path of the nauticals, but they will not know that the sea is extremely scary in addition to the incomparable treasures. danger.

The storm of nature is only one aspect, and there are huge water monsters, ethnic groups inhabiting the ocean, and even some unspeakable existences. Once angry, it will easily overturn the ship and bring disaster.

Of course, the most frequent danger on the route is piracy.

They chase wealth, are keen on rum and women, and after robbing a large sum, they will spend their days in a dedicated pirate port until they have spent the last Bügler in a clean pocket, then red-eyed, howling, stepping on New hunting journey.

For the men at sea, being born in the sea and dying in the sea are the arrangements for fate.

However, pirates are not a good profession. Compared with maritime businesses, they also have to bear the danger from the sea. In addition, there are special royal naval rounds.

On the Western continent, the most powerful maritime country, Insman, as the biggest beneficiary of maritime transactions, hates piracy and specifically legislate for this. If any piracy is found at sea, regardless of the identity of the pirates, Execution.

In the port of Insman, every day you can see the corpse of pirates hanging in the air, until a certain day, the pirates have achieved results, and then replaced with a few new ones.

The struggle between the navy and the pirates is the theme of this era of great voyages, where human beings will always oppose each other in ocean navigation.

Great sailing era!

Based on the discovery of geography, the great voyager Michael discovered the route to the east, and many mainland countries were crazy.

Countless people flocked to the ocean, risking hurricanes, tsunamis, monsters, pirates, etc., exploring the new world, one continent after another was discovered, more and more ocean-going vessels were built, and the tonnage and speed were constantly progress.

The inexhaustible wealth has poured into Insman, making this island country the richest country in the entire Western continent.

The stimulation of gold and other wealth has made many countries with coastlines ready to move, and started their own sailing business one after another.

This is the worst era. The horrible ocean is like a ruthless behemoth, the young life of the devourer, and the discovery of geography is full of colonization and sin.

This is also the best time. As long as you have the courage and a little luck, no matter what wealth or anything else, you can find it in the sea!


"What a wonderful day!"

Donald was in his thirties, and his white shirt was half open, revealing a thick chest hair.

As an old fur seal, an experienced voyager, he just sniffs the sea breeze and knows that today is a cloudless weather.

"According to this speed, probably tomorrow night, you will be able to reach the port of Delenco and enjoy the turkey and rum there..."

Donald licked his face, because he hadn't finished it for a long time, and he had already produced a hard scorpion, like a steel needle.

He is the pilot of this 'Flame Beauty' and has a high status.

Generally speaking, at this time on the merchant ship, the highest position is the captain, followed by the chief officer, as the captain's deputy, managing the deck and other chores.

The pilots followed closely, and they were able to use the sextant and the stars to locate and calculate ocean currents and routes. Sometimes they are even more important than the captain.

Next, it is the captain of the storm, and the second and third.

At this time, the sea is not calm at all, and there is a possibility of encountering pirates. A capable captain and enough armed forces are the guarantee for the vital moment!

In the case of pirate ships and warships, there are subdivisions of specialized combatants such as gunners and musketeers.

In addition, there are ship doctors, chefs, carpenters, accountants... These people, together with the bottom sailors, form a complete interpersonal chain on board.

And Donald himself also owns a certain share in this cargo.

He is well versed in the maritime trade. He has already estimated that he will get the profit of more than 250 pieces of Jin Jialong after he has taken the goods off the ship. These twinkling little gold babies are enough for him in Insman. I bought a villa in the country, and there are hundreds of land in Yule. I retired and lived a leisurely and prosperous life.

Compared with this, the voyages of several years, and the dangers that are unclear, seem to have become worthless.

‘Hey... I’ve been away for so many years, I don’t know how the family is, little Arthur has already spoken, right? ’

Donald has some thoughts about his wife and son.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but squat under his throat.

There, a strange metal pendant was worn on a fine linen rope, giving off a chilly glow.

This is a miniature dagger style, the shape is very weird, Donald bought it from a crazy witch in a pirate market.

‘It has a special meaning, it represents the master of all weapons, you feel its greatness, so it belongs to you...’

The words of the witch at the time were still lingering in Donald's ear.

However, out of respect for the witch, he still paid the price of three Yinnar.

In fact, Donald strongly suspects that this is just the marketing tool of the witch.

Who knows how he had the same magic, and bought this pendant.

Although the experienced captain looked at it, he thought it might be the emblem of a certain Eastern faith, or something related to the evil spirits, and advised him to abandon it or give it to other pastors as soon as possible, but Donald knew that he could not give this value three. Yinnar’s things are abandoned unless he is crazy.

What's more, anything related to faith, gods, and spirits must be treated with caution.

Maybe there is a **** or an unknown presence that secretly watches you, and abandoning the pendant will lead to disaster!

"From the East...maybe the emblem of the owner of a weapon?"

Thinking of this, Donald couldn't help but hold the pendant and began to pray: "That stands in the dark, the unknown stalwart exists... I praise you with sincere words, worship you with sincere faith... I hope you can give me guidance So that I can successfully complete this voyage!"

As an old fur seal, for luck and destiny, it is a credible attitude.

Even though many countries on the mainland still have religious bans, in the most open and civilized Insman, the attitude towards the religious world is very open.

Basically, as long as it is not a cult, it does not preach the end of the day and the offensive things, then you can get equal opportunities to treat and promote.

Although Donald has already believed in a lucky goddess, this does not prevent him from asking for help from another existence when he is in the heart.

After all, although the gods and swearers vowed to ensure that the true God must exist, Donald could not feel the goddess responding to his prayers at one time.

Well, our Mr. Donald, if it is truly divided by faith, is probably the level of pseudo-believers and pan-believers.

But this prayer is obviously different.

A hot burning sensation emerged from the palm of his hand, making him unable to scream and stare at his pendant.

This strange blade, like a sword and a non-sword, has a smooth arc and a strange shape, as if you can find traces of many weapons from above.

At this point, the black pendant is cold and cold, as if everything was an illusion.

But in the midst of it, a huge sense of crisis is constantly stimulating Donald's heart, making him aware that the huge danger is coming!

"Damn... Is this really a revelation of the gods?"

He pulled the collar and climbed the mast lookout like a big monkey.

The weather is very good, there is no cloud, there is no mist on the sea, and visibility is very high.

Donald looked in one direction.

There, a black dot slowly approached and finally turned into the style of an armed merchant ship.

After seeing the Flame Beauty, the other side speeded up, and the momentum came close, and there was no sign on the ship.


Donald thought without a word, immediately shouted and issued an alarm.

"what happened?"

There was a commotion on the deck, and a white captain pushed the sailor away and walked out.

"On the left five nautical miles, I found an unknown ship!"

Donald bit his teeth.


The captain took a brass monocular and his face became solemn: "The captain of the storm, ready to fight! The other sailors, each returning to the cabin, ready to put the paddle!"

The sailors on the Flame Beauty acted, and Donald looked nervous and looked at the armed ship that was constantly approaching.

The closer they were, the more they could see the artillery on the big ship and the dense figures on the deck, and an uneasy atmosphere suddenly spread.

Finally, the opposite ship was cheering and a black flag was raised.

Above the flag is a white skull pattern with two crossed crossbones below.

"It's a pirate ship!"

The most unwilling conjecture becomes a reality, the captain can only take a deep breath: "I turn immediately!"

Brush pull!

Suddenly, from the sides of the flames of the beautiful ship, dozens of long paddles were explored, and the sea was swayed in a uniform manner, turning the ship and fleeing.

However, with a horn, the opposite ship also extended the long paddle to accelerate, like a beast of a beast, flying prey.

Just comparing it, Donald closed his eyes and knew how to escape at the speed of his own ship.

"Get ready to fight... all!"

The captain also knew this, took a deep breath and issued an order.