Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 854: Shock

"The Lord of Dreams!"

Orlando repeated a few words, as if to want to engrave the name in the bottom of my heart.


The businessman opened the door and made a gesture of asking.

Orlando took a deep breath and walked into the living room.

"Captain Orlando?"

The hall is very empty, with a black bear skin hanging on the opposite wall and two specimens of the deer head.

A middle-aged man with a green hair is wearing a robe and leisurely adding sugar and milk to the coffee.

At this point, I looked up and smiled at Orlando: "Do you want a cup of coffee from Xianglan?"

"Thank you, Lord Donald!"

Orlando took the coffee cup unceremoniously and sat directly in the chair, staring at Donald.

The two people have a similar feeling when they look at each other.

After all, they are not only the caster, but also have a shallow relationship with Fang Yuan, the owner of the dream.

"Now I should call me Sir Donald..." Donald corrected a small mistake in Orlando: "I have just been named a lord by the Queen. Of course, the news has not been spread."

"Well... Sir Donald, from now on, are you the middleman between me and the navy?"

Orlando is constantly looking at Donald.

Of course, he wants to ask more about the Lord of the Dream, but he resisted it.

"Yes, at present, in order to maintain the maritime hegemony of our kingdom, there is an urgent need for talents like Captain You to join..."

Donald said very directly: "We need you to block the ocean exploration of the countries on the continent of O'Fal, especially in Sissel, they are developing too fast! Of course, when necessary, we also need you to be a civilian. Help the navy to encircle certain pirates, such as black beard!"

"Black beard, haha... Didn't I get it wrong? Is it today a festival of deceitful gods?"

Orlando exaggeratedly jumped, and immediately slammed an apple out of the basket, and sipped a crisp mouth: "Do you know the true strength of the black beard? He is the pirate governor of the Nightmare Sea. His Majesty has more than 10,000. The pirate army of the people, the three island countries directly serve him, under his control, or the largest slave trader in the offshore, and the legendary pirate ship, the monster! Even if the Royals of the Insman attack, it is not in the nightmare sea. Must be a black-bearded opponent!"

"Thank you for your explanation, Mr. Orlando, do you know anything about black beard?" Donald smiled disdainfully and stood up: "But your understanding of the Royal Navy is too shallow, even staying five years ago. Come... let me show you something!"

He stood up, put on his coat, and took Orlando to the other side of the dock.

The docks here are all warships. There are a lot of sailors on the road. If Donald shows his identity, Orlando estimates that he will not sneak into it.


When I got to the place, after seeing that steel ship, the only thing Orlando could do was to **** in the air.

What appeared in front of him was a huge steel ship with a huge toe, casting huge shadows, covering the sky, like a hill, pressing people.

"So big... such a big ship, all with steel, how could it not sink to the bottom of the sea, are they magic boats? No... No... they don't have the magic of their spells..."

Orlando muttered, his eyes obsessed, and his complex emotions.

At this time, the ships on the ocean, except for the special legendary ships, even the largest first-class battleships, are only a hundred meters long, with a displacement of 3,000 tons and a speed of no more than 20 knots.

This standard is already a seven-masted sailing ship, at this time the limit of ordinary wooden sailing boats in the ocean!

But here? A ship is more than 150 meters long and the displacement is more than 20,000 tons. The hull is not much bigger than the wooden sailboat.

Just take a comparison, it is like a strong man like a child.

"Impossible... even if the ship made of steel does not sink, its power..."

Orlando is an old pirate and sees one of the most realistic problems.

In the naval battle, the speed of the flight is extremely important. As long as the speed is superior, you can escape and firmly grasp the initiative.

Otherwise, you will send yourself to the enemy in vain.

"You...have you heard of a steam engine?"

Donald Haha smiled: "In response to the growing production needs of the colonies, our Insman research on steam engines is definitely the first on the mainland. As for the power of the ships at this time, let me tell you, when they run, You don't need a sailor to paddle at all. Of course, in a different way, you may know more clearly... That is, their speed is generally above 20 knots, and 25 knots are common! Maybe they can't catch the pirate prince's wanderer. No. ', but the monster number can’t run away...”

Donald explained with confidence.

Orlando closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Just to see the armor covered by those ships, he already knows the result of a naval battle with ordinary pirates. If the speed is so fast, there is no doubt that the forces at sea are about to usher in a wave of reshuffle.

And the initiative, in the hands of Insman!

The emergence of the steam armored ship is the maritime hegemony kingdom, the roar of the new world!

The days of pirates' leisure time have passed too long, and a new era is coming soon!

"Ha ha..."

Orlando was silent for a long time, and suddenly a burst of laughter: "Haha... very good! The sorcerer Roach, you wait for me..., it won't be too long, I will stand in front of you again!"


"Head, according to the information obtained from the pirate port we stopped at the time, your bounty has doubled twice, to 30,000 Jin Jialong!"

Nightmare sea.

The Honglian was the first to take the lead, the slavery, and two other sailboats followed, and the sails were full, and the speed of 17 knots was ran.

On the deck, Wilson confessed to Fang Yuan with respect.


Fang Yuan was lying on a soft chair, and the hat covered half of his face. He was boring at random.

Although in the eyes of ordinary pirates this speed has been very fast, but in Fang Yuan's view, it is no different from the turtle crawling.

"I'm afraid... Wait until the new steam iron armored ship built by Insman, the whole world will be shocked?"

Steam engines are not a special product of Insman, even steamboats.

But there is no doubt that this maritime power is the deepest and farthest in the steam armored ship.

The resulting first-mover advantage is enough to keep competitors for two or three years – this is basically the time it takes for a steamship to start building to launching water. Even if it is magic, it can't save the overall strength.

In other words, even if you now get all the craftsmen, design drawings, and even the entire factory of Insman, it is too late.

"If it is the world of the past, with this huge advantage, coupled with technical blockade and policy support, it is enough to completely establish the status of the Insman Maritime Empire and maintain hegemony for decades... but unfortunately this is a full The world of extraordinary power! Even the steam iron armor, some are not as powerful as the extraordinary ships... However, winning in energy production, this is the absolute advantage."

This power of the Insman savings broke out and the pirate governor was dismantled without any problems.

Fang Yuan estimated that it was almost time for Donald to take another sea power theory.

"On the way, the Royal Insman Royal Navy is the first unlucky one, definitely a black beard!"

After all, the first piece of the golden route is the dream sea, the black beard, the nightmare sea governor, can not run, can not run!

Once you have your own logistics source, although the war potential has greatly improved, it has also lost the flexibility of the original pirates.

For example, Black Beard himself, even if he has a tens of thousands of pirate army, if he loses those island countries, he will certainly not be able to raise the tens of thousands of pirates. The collapse is the only ending.

"When this is a dangerous time, the black beard is still fighting the pirate prince. What is it for?"

Fang Yuan is stunned.

Don't underestimate any pirate governor.

Although the intelligence of the steam armored ship is confidential, the black beard has a vast amount of magical power and can always get some vague news.

At this time, I also ventured to sin with the pirate prince - of course, this may be because of the reason of revenge, can not stop, but the motives are still to be considered.

"Why, Black Beard wants to take some territory from the pirate prince and run a retreat in the Golden Sea... Or, the pirate prince has mastered the mystery of some steam iron armored ships, but is unwilling to trade, thus angering the black beard?"

Pirate Prince Edward!

He is the pirate governor of the Golden Sea. He is rumored to be a very charming young man. His smile can make the mermaid deeply intoxicated.

Moreover, the flagship of Edwards, the Wanderer, is also a legendary pirate ship. It is rumored to have a blessing of speed, which can make it run faster than all ships.

Edward, who has the Wanderer, is like an elf in the wind, free and casual.

As a matter of course, such a person, even with some men, cohesiveness and organization must be inferior to the black beard fleet.

Therefore, even with the support and solidarity of some other forces, Edward is still in the doldrums in the battle between the pirate prince and the black beard.

The pirate prince in this situation should be more welcome to join the new force.

Fang Yuan thought about it and asked directly: "How long will we be able to reach the Golden Sea..."

"We have come to the border of the nightmare sea. According to the nautical chart provided by Sisfri, as long as you pass the thunder of the front, you can reach the golden sea!"

Wilson said: "The Golden Sea is a rich land, and there are many plantations and colonies opened by Insman..."

"Attention, there are ships chasing!"

At this moment, Helge on the observatory gave a warning and made Wilson feel awkward.