Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 872: betray

In this world of great navigation, the Terran has never been the real master.

Or, it has not completely conquered the world, but the goblin has done this before.

The traces of their existence, although the vast majority are in the long history, there are always some leftovers, such as the outside buildings.

But such a building, at most, has a bit of appreciation and artistic value, which is incomparable to the real research heritage.

The so-called research relics should at least leave some information, which will allow future generations to deduce the glory of the ancient goblin empire.

It is said that the reason why Insman was able to develop the steam armor navy so quickly was also due to the discovery of the remains of a steam research institute in the Gnome Empire.

The Fang Yuan discovered this, first of all, the scale is very large, and the second has the residual metal guard protection. Although I don’t know if it was later enabled by the Solo Pirates, it is amazing enough.

"Unfortunately... Even if there is a full set of steam iron armor technology, there is not much use... The gap in an industrial system can not be caught up in a short time..."

Fang Yuan shook his head, but there was no surprise.

What he values ​​most is the power that can be used immediately by himself, such as the Sun.


These metal beasts flashed red light in their eyes, and at this time they roared and rushed straight up.

"Block them!"

The butcher roared and rushed to the front.

He was previously anesthetized by the indigenous blowing arrows, which was regarded as a shameful humiliation. After he was rescued, he was very ignorant of the fire and needed to vent.

At this time, a stream of water appeared on the body, and the body shape rose again, and even a piece of blue scale appeared on the surface of the skin.


The giant knife was squatting and suddenly a metal guard was stopped.

"Marine praise!"

Several other sea warlocks joined forces, and the aura of the blue body opened.

Around, the original river was boiling, and a lot of water overflowed, forming a blue giant whale, opening a large mouth and swallowing several metal guards.


The last three goblin guards, the speed is much faster than the ordinary guards, the mouth spit the goblin language, and killed in front of Fang Yuan and others.


Fang Yuan opened his hands and issued a blue thin line of spider silk from ten fingers, and fell on one of the body of the goblin.


It turned stiffly and instantly fought with another goblin.

"His black beard, the last one, I will give it to you!"

Fang Yuan’s figure was far from retreating, leaving the venue to Black Beard and the last Goblin guard.

"The wicked bad guy!"

The black beard was so angry that he was very surprised.

This sorcerer, the means are endless, it is extremely jealous.

However, he has also worked as a pirate governor of the Nightmare Sea. His personal strength is also one of the top pirates. Of course, he is not afraid.

At this point, a thin thorn sword was pulled out, and a lunge rushed forward. On the opposite side of the chest, there was a hole smaller than the little finger.


From the opposite side of the body, a black smoke suddenly emerged, and it will not move in an instant.

Obviously, the black beard sword directly pierced the power core of the metal guard.


At this time, on the other side, Fang Yuan also manipulated the goblin and succumbed to the other.

"Ice age!"

The sea warlocks were all hands-on, and a cold and chilly wind blew through, and several blue-browed ice sculptures were immediately added.

"Looks like these are just the scum of the Goblin Empire metal guard!"

The black beard came forward and kicked a goblin statue that could not be moved: "Maybe later, the Solo Pirates launched, and it is okay to deal with ordinary pirates, meet us, hehe..."

He said halfway, the words suddenly stagnate.

Because Fang Yuan came to the side, he groped for a moment on a metal wall and screamed, not knowing what mechanism was activated.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

An incandescent light illuminates and continues to illuminate the surroundings.

The original dark environment is unobstructed, like a huge cave, but the surface is very regular, paved with metal.

A string of lights, so surrounded around, the light is very abundant, so that a certain thing is very impressive.

It is a huge steel ship!

In this huge mountain belly, a black steel ship occupies more than half of the volume, like a mountain, with a taste of oppression.


Almost all the pirates are involuntarily sucking a cold breath.

At this time, ordinary sailboats are 100 meters long, and steam iron armor ships are big ones, ranging from one hundred meters to two hundred meters.

But this ship, just a visual inspection, is probably three hundred meters long, and it is a well-deserved sea giant.

The most important thing is that the shape of this ship is simple, and it is not known what kind of metal. Although it is dull and dark, it has been left for so long, but there is not much trace of rust.

"It seems that it is the ancient magical warship - the sun!"

Fang Yuanchang’s export gas: “I don’t know how it came in!”

The small river outside is only one or two meters wide, and the hole is not big. The idiot believes that it is the access passage of the ship.

"The Sun is here, the treasure of the Solo Pirates must be on it!"

The black beard was crazy and came to the side of the sun and climbed up.

The ship was built entirely of some unknown metal. The deck was densely packed with cannons that could climb into the human body and the scalp was numb.

"The treasure map is here, is there any indication?"

Black beard waited on the deck and saw Fang Yuan coming up, could not help but ask.

"let me see……"

Fang Yuan took out the treasure map.

On the drawings at this time, the original route has been completely dissipated, and replaced by a brand new road map.

At the end of the road map, it is the imprint of a key.

"The key to the sun! The core hub of the entire Sun..."

He muttered to read these.


When the voice just fell, the black beard turned into a lightning bolt, and one hand caught the treasure map.

"black beard!"

Fang Yuan seems to have prepared for this, his right hand shrinks, and the treasure map disappears instantly.

But the speed of the black beard did not decrease, and it rushed directly into the cabin.

"From now on, this black beard is the enemy..."

Fang Yuan spit out a long breath, and the betrayal of the black beard was expected.

The pirate governor, who is a cross-strait, even with the previous agreement, has been somewhat abnormal in these days.

For pirates, it is a joke to obey the rules and rules.

Therefore, the reason why Black Beard stayed in this period of time, the real purpose is the treasure of the Solo Pirates that he has been showing before without interest, especially this Sun!

How can a legendary pirate not have its own legendary flagship?

If you get this, Blackbeard will undoubtedly have a re-emergence of capital.

Therefore, during this time, he has been working with Fang Yuanxu and the snake!

The real purpose is here!

"Speaking... Blackbeard once mastered a piece of treasure map, and it was reasonable to investigate in advance..."

Fang Yuan waved his hand: "We keep up!"

For Blackbeard, this is his desperate adventure, but for the other side, it is just an ordinary exploration, and the mood is naturally not the same.

Moreover, after seeing the treasure map, the black beard rushed into the cabin like crazy, which undoubtedly saved Fang Yuan a lot of trouble.

After all, a skill that is so strong and willing to open the way ahead is not afraid of death masters, but it is really hard to find.

"However, Black Beard thought that he had just seen everything, but it was really a followed me!"

At this point, Fang Yuan chuckled and walked into the cabin.

On the treasure map held in the hand, there is a trace of brilliance, and there is still follow-up text information.


Thanks to the map and the black beard opening the road in front, Fang Yuan walked very easily.

Along the way, occasionally you can see several broken guards, apparently all the original guards, violently dismantled by the black beard.

If you don't do this, the only hope for Blackbeard at this time is that it will only be the key to the Sun, and it must be a quick fix.

Otherwise, even if he can escape the pursuit of these pirates on the land, he will not be the opponent of the ghost ship when he is on the sea.

Therefore, the black beard at this time can be said to display all the strength.

"Oh... I can’t think of the black beard. Besides the mastery of black witchcraft, the stab-swords are also very good..."

At this time, Fang Yuan was well-informed and even deliberately slowed down some speed.

Most of the guards in the Sun are some metal machinery, which is not strictly guarded against death. At most, it is only a small test left by the predecessors.

"Oh... this seems to be a digestive institution, destroyed by the black beard, be careful..."

"A thick metal door has been broken directly? It seems that it is not using any ban, it is using disposable items!"

"Look at this kind of cutting marks, it should be a trap like laser. The personal strength of Black Beard is good!"


The more traces left on the way, and all the information about the black beard, under the piece of puzzles of Fang Yuan, became extremely full.

In the end, through a gate full of sci-fi avant-garde style, Fang Yuan and others came to the core power room of the Sun.

There, the black beard looked greedy and looked at the silver-white key that was suspended in a beam of light.

"The key to the sun, master the core of the sun!"

He muttered in obscurity and directly explored the palm of his hand: "As long as you master the sun, and the most terrible cannon, what a steam armor, is vulnerable!"

"Black beard, you betrayed our agreement."

Fang Yuan came in and shouted loudly.

"Idiot will believe in the promise of a pirate!!!"

Although the black beard looks very embarrassed, but the expression on his face is a little proud, the palm of his hand does not stop, into the light column!