Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 910: Three hands

"Detect invisible!"

"The ghost appears!"

"Life exploration!"

Seeing this scene, the magicians suddenly came to the spirit.

Immediately, under the leadership of Heinz, a series of spells quietly smashed past the opposite side.

Unfortunately, there is still no half-personality in the empty room.

The apple's flesh disappeared quickly and eventually became a core and was thrown into the trash.

On the table top, some shackles such as wires and wrenches floated up and disappeared.

"Record, number a-172, invisibility cloak, can make the user invisible, resist any detection of spells, no, it is all means of investigation!"

Heinz took a thermal imager and threw it away quickly: "But the other party still exists in the physical world, leaving footprints on the carpet, and the things that get on the body will disappear, all of which explains this!"

He was obviously experienced and quickly guessed the characteristics of the cloak.

"That is to say, wearing this cloak will disappear from the world, and it can only be speculated from the association reaction of other items..."

Fang Yuan thought thoughtfully: "It seems... not very powerful!"

"No! You don't understand, this is an absolute feature!"

Heinz shook his head in a dignified manner: "I suspect that not only are our instruments and ordinary spells undetectable, I am afraid that those locked spells will not work as well, such as death! The curse can not find each other, because in The moment he put on the cloak, there is no such person in the world!"

Fang Yuan nodded, and some understood.

In other words, if the world has the King of Jurassic, he will kill everyone on the planet, and the person in the cloak will definitely survive, even the world will ignore him.

Beyond the three realms, not in the five elements, the birth and death book is sold!

The realm of how many monks can't repair and repair, as long as they are put on the cloak, can be reached in an instant.

"However, under the cloak, it is still the golden finger. If you go to a special agent, you can put him down..."

Fang Yuan shook his head: "The derivatives are good, but they still have to look at the people who use them!"

"Actually, this Bagins is just bad luck!"

Heinz shook his head: "He knows nothing about us and thinks that he is the only lucky one. He has acquired the ability but he does not know how to cover it. These are the main reasons for his tragedy."


If this Bagins is smart enough, you can explore more ways to make money, or even touch another world.

But his habits ruined him. After getting the cloak, his only thought was to get a ticket.

The black market businessman did not hesitate to betray him, and provoked the comet Heinz.

If you steadily and steadily, how can you not fall to such a degree?


Heinz immediately waved his hand as he saw the doorknob begin to turn.


The glass is broken.

In the crisp sound, two shadow agents rolled into the house and hugged directly toward the imaginary bear behind the door.


An exclamation came, and it was the sound of heavy objects.

"I caught him!"

An agent shouted excitedly, and the other members immediately stepped forward and smashed the invisibility cloak with his hands and feet, showing the true meaning of Bekins behind him.

"Sorry... Mr. Baggins, but your adventure is here!"

Heinz stepped forward and licked his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. He looked at the man with disgust: "Receive the derivative and take him away!"

One side is deliberate, and one side is caught off guard. It is as simple as that.

From the beginning to the end, Fang Yuan is a strong onlooker, playing a professional role in soy sauce.

It seems that Heinz is doing a good job. This task is really very simple. He is here to share his credit.

"No! I have not stolen, you can't catch me!"

"I asked to see my lawyer!"

This Bagins began to struggle and screamed: "There is still a cloak... it is mine."

"Sorry, Mr. Bakins, we are not law enforcement officers!"

Heinz stepped forward and could not see a slight apology on his face: "We are just... um, a spontaneous civil society organization, and it is not because of your theft, but because of it!"

He put the black cloak in his hand, his face full of obsessive colors: "What a perfect work... Oh, no, I mean it is too dangerous, not for you!"

"Do not!!!"

At this time, Baggins roared: "You robbers, I have seen my property, you can't do this... it was passed to me by my family!"

"Don't lie to me, Mr. Bakins!"

Heinz shook his head: "As far as I know, since your grandfather, your family is poor, nothing has stayed... even this apartment is rented with your money! Sorry... with you Having said that, then, as long as a spell, you will forget it!"

"I'm not right!"

Fang Yuan looked around, but it was not feeling right.

Although this Bagins looks very horrified and desperate, there is still a bit of crazy taste in his eyes.

If a person loses all his cards and is checked by others for three generations, it is impossible to have such a sigh.

"Be careful!"

He exclaimed, but unfortunately, it was still too far from Heinz.

"Ah... this is what you forced me!"

Just as Fang Yuan rushed forward, the thief Barkins roared, and the third hand suddenly appeared!

This hand seems to appear out of thin air, only the palm of your hand, grab it forward!


Heinz retire, and a series of protection spells appear on his body.

But no use!

Whether it is the iron mantra or the defense of the body, in front of this hand, it seems that there is no general, the palm of the hand is directly fishing, a **** red thing is caught.

"I... my kidney..."

Heinz fell painfully and grabbed his right waist: "It stole one of my kidneys!"

"Don't ignore the defense and attack the human body directly?"

Fang Yuan picked up Heinz and quickly retreated.

At this point, you can see that he has not only a little scar on his clothes, but also no blood.


At this time, the palm of the hand swiftly swept away, and the people who held the Bajins screamed and fell to the ground, and the hair beard became white, as if it were a few decades old.

"This time, was it stolen from youth? Or is it time?"

Fang Yuan retired to the edge of the concierge: "But it looks... there seems to be a distance limit!"

"kill him!"

Heinz's eyes turned red and he spit out a spell.


The electric light flashed!

A glimpse of the darkness flashed and hit Bagins accurately.


The fire is shining.

Bagins turned into a piece of coke and fell to the ground.


Heinz blinked around and pointed to a red unlucky one: "Go up... check it out!"


The unlucky one stared at Fang Yuan with a look of resentment, and applied several spells to himself in one breath before he dared to go forward.

Although knowing that this is useless, he can give him a little confidence.

‘This is...’ Seeing his eyes, Fang Yuan is even more speechless: ‘Don’t dare to hate Heinz, but dare to resent me, should I become an experimental product? ’

" really dead!"

The red-dressed deacon came forward and licked the coke and exported the gas.


Heinz and Fang Yuan came forward and summoned a bright light.


Even ordinary people can find the body is not right, although most of the place turned into coke, but on the right hand, a white glove is intact, very conspicuous.

"Gloves? Hands?"

Heinz’s eyes suddenly moved, and he was going to go forward.

But at this time, the white hand flashed, and the next time it appeared again, it fell on the right hand of the red deacon.

"Ryan? What happened?"

Heinz quickly regressed.

This kind of derivative that will automatically depend on it is basically not a good thing. Some attached features can make the host survive, and die.

"I... I don't know!"

The red-haired deacon, Ryan, seems to be crying out: "I didn't touch it at all!"

"How do you feel now?"

Heinz stepped forward and the thunder in his hand was ready to go.

"Feeling...the same as usual, but there is more information in my mind about this glove!"

Ryan took a deep breath and looked at the mage surrounded by him. He chose to put the information and the disk out: "This glove is called the 'third hand'. It can steal anything from the target, but the probability is random, and each The target can only be used once, and the object must be clearly owned, and it can be stolen! The stolen things, not only money and other foreign objects, internal organs, facial features, even illusory life and luck, etc., can be stolen. , blessing on the host..."

Having said that, Fang Yuan and Heinz are blind to each other and are afraid.

If this time, this Bagins steals their ‘power’, what will happen?

‘This glove can steal the road? ’

Fang Yuan quickly voiced and asked Heinz.

‘I’m not... After all, it’s just a derivative of the impermanent avenue. How can it deal with the avenue itself? However, our other strengths and skills will definitely be taken away! ’

Heinz answered ugly.

‘Wait a minute... If there is a contradiction between the same derivatives, the characteristics are contradictory? For example... the sharpest spear meets the sharpest shield? ’

Fang Yuan thought of a problem.

“It’s very simple... look at the priority!”

Heinz is familiar with this: "Priority of primary derivatives is generally higher than secondary derivatives. As for those that are only affected by derivatives, the priority is even lower."

"Okay, then use it, do you need a price?"

Heinz looked at Ryan, his face and unbelief: "Don't tell me that there is no price. From the past few similar derivatives, this is impossible!"

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