Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 912: Headquarters

Central New York, a snowy mountain.

Somewhere on the peak, the translucent magic cover opened, and a palace was shrouded in, letting the outside wind and snow whistle, and the inside was warm as spring, and there was no chill.

Even with today's technology, it is almost impossible to build such a palace on a snowy mountaintop, but with the help of magic, everything is different.

This is where the White Temple is located at the headquarters of the Newtru Magician Council.

Not only are seven of the thirteen members of the parliament sitting here all year round, but in the depths of the temple, the book of the roots of all magicians is sealed.

Of course, this is the top secret that only a few people know.

However, it is not worth mentioning for Heinz, who has become a member.

The flames flashed and four figures appeared on the white square.

"Come on, white temple!"

Heinz looked at the translucent Scorpio: "There is the ultimate magical protection, and there is magical enchantment inside. Only 13 members of Parliament can have the power to cast spells."

It seems to be intentional or unintentional. He introduced Fang Fang in detail to the various protective measures of the temple.

"Heinz, really lose your mood, take care of your ‘good friend’!”

Parker squeezed his eyes toward Heinz: "Prepare to attend the hearing! Right... Forgot to tell you, just during the period of your mission, our parliament moved a decision, even if it was Members of Parliament, during the investigation of the hearing, will also be deprived of the power to cast spells in the White Temple!"

"you guys……"

Heinz's face turned red, and half of his anger was pretending: "Is this ready to treat me as a prisoner?"

"Without this idea, before the start of the council, you are still one of the thirteen of the supreme, just can't leave the sanctuary! Enjoy it, this last free career..."

Parker sneered.

‘Some troubles... If my method of casting is restricted, leaving becomes a problem! ’

This white square entrance is not allowed. After the outside mage teleports to the headquarters, it must pass several fixed exits to leave.

At this time, deprived of the full force of the cast, the escape route in the Heinz plan was completely abandoned.

"Since I am still a member of Parliament, I will immediately arrange a room for the red deacon, to be the best!"

Heinz snorted and pulled a nearby mage to force the task, and gave Fang Yuan a look: "I will come back to you later!"


Although Ming knows that it is acting, Fang Yuan is still scalp numb, and he can't wait to give this guy a punch.


Parker and Shelton obviously couldn't stand this scene, and immediately snorted and walked away.

When I got here, I was not afraid of Heinz’s escape. They were very reassured, even deep inside, and they couldn’t help Heinz’s chaos.

There is also the little red deacon of Fang Yuan, which is even less in their eyes.

"There are three days of hearings. I am going to find you at night! There are some things that are useful at the headquarters of the parliament. For example, the magic library, you can go and see."

Heinz said the other party’s yuan and immediately went to another corridor. It was obvious that he was going to contact his acquaintances to investigate the situation.

"The red deacons have always been promoted, and they can do it in the branch. Only when they are promoted to the purple robe master, they need to come to the headquarters for "training"..."

Fang Yuan is very clear that the so-called training is to put a few high-level spells on his back.

As long as it is not a fool with a problem in mind, you can basically do this.

However, for the blessing of Tohinz, he was able to enjoy the treatment of the Purple Master in advance.

At the time of the real trial, Heinz was still one of the 13 members of parliament, and he had his relationship and allies. This energy is still there.

Even his opponents will not be entangled in these little things.

Just, after all the dust has settled, it is hard to say.

Even if it is only a small thing that has been done before, it will become a crime that cannot be erased and cannot be refuted!

After Heinz brought Fang Yuan, he threw him aside and ignored him.

Fang Yuan is also happy to be so striving in the white sanctuary, as long as he does not go to a few sensitive areas, no one will pay attention to it.

"The walls and pillars made of ice, and this pattern, are very emotional..."

Fang Yuan came to a place and carefully examined the patterns on the walls.

On this ice wall, there is even a piece of snow gathering to form a portrait of a man.

"Prague Daryl!"

Just as he stared at the portrait, a crisp voice came from him.

Fang Yuan turned around and saw a female mage.

She was a medium-sized man with a pony tail, holding a pile of documents, and a pair of round black-rimmed glasses on her face, which seemed to have a little more intellectual atmosphere.

Seeing that Fang Yuan did not speak, the female mage said in an introduction tone: "He is the first speaker of the Sorcerer's Council, including 13 people to comment on such a system, which was also established in his time!"

"This is the case..." Fang Yuan nodded. "Do you know where the magic library is going? I want to collect some spell information..."

"Go ahead, turn left and turn right!" The female mage's expression is slightly respectful: "Have you been the purple master of the promotion?"

"No! I am just a red dress, called Snow!"

Fang Yuan smiled.

"The red clothes that can come to the headquarters for promotion will definitely become purple clothes in the future!" The female mage seems to be cheering for Fang Yuan: "Come on!"

"Speak up... I haven't asked for advice yet!"

Fang Yuan was speechless and asked one more.

"Alvin, secretary of the supernatural reaction phenomenon processing room!" The female mage raised her glasses.

"Alvin, why are you still here!"

At this time, a male mage came over and looked at Fang Yuan’s gaze with a little vigilance: "Who is he?"

"Snow, a red dress that came to the promotion!"

Alvin introduced to Fang Yuan: "Billy, from the Speaker of the House of Representatives!"

"Snow...the name is familiar!"

Billy touched his chin and suddenly showed a strange smile: "I remembered it, it was just mentioned, Heinz's new boyfriend?"


Alvin exclaimed, obviously Heinz's quirks are not secret at the headquarters, and even everyone knows.

"How many times have I told you, don't talk to people in the lower class!"

Billy grabbed Alvin's arm and wanted to drag her away.


Perhaps because of the urgency, a large number of documents were scattered.

"what are you doing?"

Alvin screamed and quickly squatted and grabbed the information.

"Kid, what are you going to do?"

Billy himself is looking at the moving forward Yuanyuan. Some of them are guilty and guilty: "This is the temple, forbidding all magic... and, your backing, Heinz is about to fall, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing!"

Fang Yuan directly punched and squatted on the guy's right face, and suddenly felt a lot quieter in his ear.

"Don't mind if you deal with a bunch of garbage?"

He pulled Alvin and said casually.

Attached Snow, does not mean to inherit all of him, Fang Yuan swayed to the magic library, ready to see the spell that the red master can touch.

For the Billy thing, he is not worried at all.

Before the fall of Heinz, this ability to shelter him was still there.

What's more, as a member of the Guard, he was put down by an ordinary magician. Billy may not have a face to say, or ask a member to take the lead.

"This Snow..."

Alvin stayed in the same place and looked a little embarrassed: "What kind of person is it?"

"Definitely not a good thing!"

Billy got up for a long time and looked up in the direction of Fang Yuan’s departure. His face was full of sorrowful colors: “Snow... you are waiting for me!”



Specialized lounge.

Fang Yuan sat cross-legged and waited until midnight.

The sound of the knocking on the door came, and Heinz really arrived as scheduled.

"how about it?"

Fang Yuan knows that this guy has been mixed in the parliament for so many years, and certainly has many relationships and allies. This time, he should have some gains.

"A good news, a bad news!"

Heinz spreads his hand: "The good news is that the speaker did not catch my evidence at this time! The bad news is that almost half of the members of Congress believe that I don't have a picture!"

“Why is this?”

Fang Yuan asked some strangely.

"Because of a...derivative!"

Heinz said: "That is the 'primary color' lend to us, has the magical effect of right and wrong, codename 'pen fairy', the shape is an ordinary pen appearance, as long as write a question on paper and two Judging the options, it will point us to the right!"

"So... you are unlucky to plant?!"

Fang Yuan looked at Heinz with some sympathy.

Even if there is no omission, in the face of such a derivative that does not speak the rules, it is as if a child is a ridiculous family.

"Yes, on the clear judgment and the right and wrong choice question, the pen of the pen" has never been wrong, and our speaker did not trust me very much. This time I used it directly to test my loyalty..."

Heinz shook his head: "I have never left any evidence in my confidence. In the end, I am planted in a derivative. I am really reluctant! I will be tried soon. I decided that we will start immediately! I have called my family to the vicinity, and as soon as I receive my signal, I will launch an attack immediately!"

"Just a hearing!"

Fang Yuan is not so nervous: "Because there is no evidence, you can retreat to the second line at most!"

"I am coming down, not for the sake of old-age... the rules on the book of the sage, I am determined to win!"

Heinz almost roared low and low, and there was a lot of overlap in his body.

This is too emotional, and some can't suppress the breath of the demon in the body.

"Is the day of the hearing? You can rest assured!"

Fang Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "Since you have the confidence to start again, how can I be afraid?"

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