Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 918: Headquarters

The headquarters of the primary color is located in a mountain range of the Nerliang Empire.

According to the omnipotent king, the size of the primary color organization is huge. On the overseas islands, there are three branch bases, all of which have derivatives placed to avoid being squandered or out of control.

In the headquarters, it is even more defensive, and the derivatives of the top ten are almost all.

And, there is always a Terminator team on standby.

After introducing the situation of the primary colors, the emptiness of the king looked at Arthur, but he smirked: "You have to mix in, it is a little trouble, but now there is a ready-made opportunity!"

"According to the rules of the primary color organization, once it is determined that someone holds a derivative, but can not find it, it must be sent to the nearest Institute for isolation review! If it is within their headquarters, it will be sent directly to the headquarters... ..."

The emptiness of the moon is a strange smile.

"That is, I want to be a bait?"

Arthur’s face was a bit ugly.

"Reassured, unless they are in great danger, they won't kill a derivative holder right away. At the very least, you should try to study your characteristics, your abilities, and your limitations to come up with the right ones. Sealing measures... Only when the derivatives are not found at the end, and the research fails, will they consider anatomical and other destructive research methods..."

The emptiness of the king continues.

"This is not a happy news..."

Arthur smelled a face.

"Overall, with my help, you can definitely sneak into the original color headquarters, make a big fight, you get what you want, I can get what I want!"

The waitress stood up, lowered her chest, with a looming lace: "Win-win cooperation, isn't it?"

"Well, I wish we succeed!!"

Heinz picked up the porcelain cup and sipped it: "As for the tracking that we received when we got out of the airport, you need to solve it..."

"no problem!"

The imaginary replied with a smile: "I will give them false memories and let them think they have done a good job..."


He snapped a finger and the people around him immediately returned to normal.

The beautiful waitress licked his cheeks and seemed to be confused. He quickly retreated.

Fang Yuan leaned on the sofa, but his eyes were slightly moving.

Just now, he received the message from the imaginary ‘Help me once! You will get more, both here and in the spirit world! ’

"It seems that this time the emptiness of the lord is a must for the impermanence avenue!"

Fang Yuan lamented a sentence, and at the same time, he was also very interested in the means by which the emptiness of the king was ready to lead the impermanent avenue.

The other two devils are absolutely the same thoughts as him.

"Go! There is still a lot of preparation to do!"

He took the lead and grabbed the red lizard on his hand and left the cafe with Heinz.

At this time, on the opposite side of a shopping mall, two men wearing standard costumes and holding telescopes, they looked back from the shackles, but they were not surprised at their status: "The target is still in the cafe!"

"Transfer orders, prepare for the first contact! The experimental staff No. 1, a trained female agent, psychological resistance full level!"

Step on!

The threshold of the cafe was pulled open, and a tall, beautifully dressed urban white-collar lady came in.

‘Trying? It’s a boring trick! ’

Arthur Charles sneered, licking his hair: "This beautiful lady, don't know if I have the honor to enjoy a wonderful afternoon tea with you?"

"Of course... no problem!"

The female white-collar scorpion struggled a little, and immediately sat down across Arthur without any resistance, his cheeks blushing.

"Damn... it’s a characteristic that makes all men look red, and don’t know where his derivatives are?”

Through the telescope, I saw the female agent who resisted the determination of the will. At this time, I couldn’t wait to look down. The two members of the primary color of the surveillance were all envious and hateful.

"Okay, confirm that the target has some kind of enchanting characteristics, you can let the first number come back, otherwise she might say that she will betray us... the woman in love, the most blind!"

One of the primary color members immediately said: "And... try to determine what the derivative of the other person is, and you can't be sure, you can only take the whole person together and limit it!"


Three days later, somewhere in the mountains.

The tall, mountainous mountains, like a long sword, point straight to the sky.

If you have the ability to see through, you can see that the inside has been dug, like a nest of ants, many researchers like the hardworking ants, walking inside.

A small lattice-like room, separated by special materials, some resembling prisons.

"No. e-337, limit personnel, have the ability to enchant women, and ban all female creatures close!"

On a small door, he posted a note and wrote a simple message from Arthur.

Inside the small cell, Arthur was lying on his back on the bed, his face was gloomy.

‘If it’s not for planning, how can I be caught here, but I have to cooperate with such experiments...’

Arthur’s nephew suddenly became gloomy: “Those guys...everyone can’t run, I’ll definitely make them all terrible!”

At this time, he looked at his eyes.

In the dead corner of the room surveillance, a line of ants suddenly climbed out and formed a small black word: "When you are ready, I will start acting soon!"

“Once the primary color headquarters is attacked, they will immediately open the capacity of absolute shelter!”

“I can reach the users who are absolutely sheltered, and your mission is to solve the perimeter guards!”


"no problem!"

Arthur sneered a little: "I can't wait!"

At the same time, above the mountain.

Fang Yuan and Heinz walked side by side with a faint smile on his face.

"Prepare... get started!"

"Damn primary color... I’m already looking forward to... this day!"

Heinz’s face is distorted and low.


In the roar, his whole person exploded and turned into a lot of black bat monsters.

In the middle of many bat monsters, it is a huge black giant, roaring in the sky and punching a hill.


The mountain peaks, there are many cracks, and the metal walls filled with science fiction.

Within the primary color headquarters.

"what happened?"

"Someone attacked?!"

"Pay attention to protecting derivatives!"


Many researchers have quickly packed up their materials and are ready to transfer. The combatants are assembled and armed, and obviously have a lot of experience.


Arthur glared at the fence on the door and looked at a seven-color sacred fighter who ran: "You can't win... because you don't even know how terrible your opponents are!"

"What nerves are you making?"

The combat members felt inexplicable.

Even at this time, those female members are far away from the prison, and even dare not look at it.

"Don't you think that my charm can only deal with women?"

When Arthur saw this scene, he finally laughed: "What a stupid and ridiculous thing, you actually thought that I... the power of a demon is from a foreign object!"

He specializes in the enchanting avenue, and even has reached the point of no matter whether it is sentimental or ruthless sentient beings.

Unless it is the same level of the devil, it is extremely difficult to resist.

Previously only for women, of course, was specifically restricted, the results of the original color members really believe it.

"Now... let you really see it, the horror from the power of the devil!"

Arthur laughed and opened his hands.

"Oh, my Lord!"

"You are fire, you are light, you are the only thing!"

"Forgive me, forgive me for doing something like this to you..."

Each of the combatants, regardless of gender, young and old, was crying and mourning, repented, and took the key and put Arthur out.


Arthur turned his head: "The crimes you committed must be washed with blood. Do you understand?"

"Understood, as long as you can forgive us, we are willing to do anything!"

The guards were almost grateful for the smashing of the guns and the bombs.


After a muffled sound, the entire prison area was caught in a strange silence.


"Damn, the prison area has an accident!"

In the central monitoring area, the members of the primary color who saw this scene were also a chicken-flying dog: "Re-changing the description of e-337: With strong enchantment ability, no one can look at it, can't listen to its voice, otherwise it will have Danger of being dominated!"

"The power of this derivative is too powerful."

A monitor of the white giant male scientist could not help but sigh.

"And... don't you think his face is very good? So handsome and handsome..."

"Wait a minute, I remember you don't seem to be gay?" A male member next to him was horrified, his eyes glanced at the display, and some could not move.

"Tonely cut off the screen in that area, no one is allowed to see it! Also, grab these two people, and the people who have previously stared at the screen!"

At this time, a soldier wearing a purple uniform roared loudly: "The strength of the other party's characteristics can easily be ranked in the top ten of our sequence. I strongly suspect that the derivative at this time is out of control! Urgent measures must be taken!"


At this time, from the ceiling, there was a violent vibration.

It seems that there is a huge drilling rig, which is the same as the mining of the original color headquarters.

"I didn't think that since the establishment of the primary color headquarters, there is still a day of attack!"

In the depths of the underground headquarters, a spirited old man sucked the pipe and suddenly ordered: "Command the Terminator, immediately start absolute asylum!"


A purple member quits and the house becomes silent again.