Carefree Path of Dreams

v2 Chapter 976: Reunion

"With the help of Dr. Comet, the Black Death, and the Raytheon, the military conducted a successful raid!"

"Although I paid a certain price, I am very pleased to tell you that the seven lovers have been completely annihilated!"


On the news channel, a party looked at the familiar heads of state who were giving impassioned speeches: "In addition, the starry creatures on each front are also receding. It turns out that our alliance is fully confident and capable of guaranteeing the protection of any citizen. Safety of life and property!"

"Seven lovers...have been killed..."

Fang Yuan turned off the video, it is still incredible: "Fake?"

"This plan was designed by the highest light brain, secretly sent the most advanced spaceship, and there are three ace of armor, and many secret treasures!"

Rose’s expression was very excited: “The seven lovers have a trap, how can they not die?”

"For us, this is a good thing!"

Ye drifting and excited: "As long as we have the strongest star creature gene, our Momo armor will definitely be able to take another step!"

"Yes, so you have to put down the work at hand and wait until the materials arrive, to help me with the research and upgrade of the blood sea medium!"

Fu Hong blood walked into the institute with a dirty white coat, and the image was not so good.


"Don't worry about me, I am just busy all night... In addition, you have to remember that the evolutionary speed of starry creatures is far beyond our estimation!" Fu Hongxue warned: "In addition to the seven love worms In the last night, Donglongxing found another very terrible individual!"

According to the algorithm in the Pan-Human Alliance, as long as it is not a pan-human, it can be summarized into the starry creatures.

In addition, the other party did not hesitate to shoot last night, showing hostility, Fu Hongxue and other corpse confession is the hair must be white.

They don’t have the slightest way for each other.

This time, even if it is the eyes of Samsung, it is difficult to capture any effective information. Even the individual may still be hidden in the East Dragon Star!

Just one possibility is enough to make the major schools a big enemy.

Of course, in these cases, the detailed information of Fu Hongxue will not be said indiscriminately. After all, it is useless to say it.

"Now... let's talk about the upcoming cells!"

When it comes to this, Fu Hong’s eyes are rare in the eyes: “The seven-love genius gene obtained this time will surely make our blood dragon armor take off!”

"Professor, is the seven lover, is it really solved?"

Fang Yuan raised his hand and raised his own question.

"When the zero lock is reset to zero, a strong attack is encountered. The consequence is that time and space are annihilated. In that environment, absolutely no creature can survive... In fact, I think the discovery of the Seven Emotional Jun gene also supports This is it!"

Fu Hongxue is very sure: "This is a monster that can control your whole body's genes. If it is not dead, it will never let us get its information!"

"Of course, this kind of information is also very dangerous, so I announced... only high-level researchers can join this genetic research, and don't raise the medium until you have completely resolved its secret!"

Everyone nodded, this is the proper meaning.

Being unable to participate in the study directly does not mean that the research cannot be carried out. In fact, the people in this institute are not enough. At that time, Donglong University will have several powerful teams to join.

After all, any force is very interested in the mutant individual.

Speaking of it, being excluded from the core, Fang Yuan is also unable to ask for it.

Although his pretense is confident that he can survive the corpse, if the seven lover is really the evil master of his imagination, it will not hang up so easily, at most it is only serious injury.

Even, there may be some intrigues in the dark.

It is natural to be able to stay away from its flesh and blood.

"Maybe... In the group of flesh and blood genes, what is the secret hand..."


The transported soldiers arrived very quickly, and they landed directly on the institute in a triangular black saucer.

"Good guy, there should be a corpse of mortal escort!"

Fang Yuan looked at a cold ice face with a suitcase and looked down with a blank expression, and suddenly his eyes narrowed.

To be honest, he also thought about getting close to the flesh and blood of the Seven Sisters to confirm the true identity of the other.

However, based on the commonality of the devil, once you have discovered it, the Lord of Evil will certainly know his message if it is really the Seven Lovers.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he still dispelled this unrealistic idea.

However, after the corpse was released, another person wearing a black uniform caught the attention of Fang Yuan.

"Lin Meng Xuedi, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

An ordinary young man stepped forward and calmly greeted him, converging all the sharps and the minions.

"It's him!"

"Wu is invincible!"

Rose immediately exclaimed, and there was almost a star in his eyes: "When did you join the army?"

"Oh... I am assisting the military this time, but I also made a little merit. The military rewarded me with a condition. I asked Donglong University to help me make the Imperial Mech... This was originally what I deserved. !"

Having said that, Wu invincible looks at Fang Yuan, and the hatred in his eyes is difficult to wash.

Originally, after he was promoted to Yuan Ying, the school not only promoted him as a professor, but also provided many convenient conditions and privileges.

But all this has been destroyed by Fang Yuan, and it is strange to not hate it.

"Is it? Congratulations!"

Fang Yuan said faintly: "But the senior, I have to remind you that your heart is too narrow. How can you find something for yourself? As a young man with thoughts, culture and consciousness, It should be handed over to the league!"


Wu invincible face red, immediately calm down: "Not good ... I am confident, but compared to you, it is still inferior, but this world, not just to see talent ... I lead for so many years, how can you follow me Fight for the front!"

This world is inherently unfair, even if it is the same genius, the age of cultivation also determines everything early.

For example, Fang Yuan, if his cultivation talent is the same as Wu invincible, the other person is so many years older than him, it means that the cultivation will be suppressed from beginning to end, unless there are any accidents and accidents.

"But it's a pity, the senior..." Fang Yuan smiled very brightly: "My talent is dozens of times your number, so your advantage, I can catch it back in a short time!"

"Good! I am waiting!"

Wu invincible turned and left.

"Lin Meng, what? You are invincible against Wu?"

Rose and Ye drifted over and looked worried.

Although Fang Yuan and Wu Wu are invincible, the last few key uses are all voices, but people with clear eyes can see that something is wrong.

"Just a little bit of friction before!"

Fang Yuan swings his hand: "It's okay!"

"That's good!" Rose was relieved, apparently not optimistic about Fang Yuan.

It is the leaves drifting zero, very angry and filled with indignation: "The invincible Wu, and his Wujia gang, in the school arbitrarily used, is not a good thing! You must be careful!"

It seems that he or his friend, who has suffered from the loss of Wujiabang.

"I know!"

Fang Yuan nodded.

"No! You don't understand at all!"

The leaves are floating and the face is solemn: "Because of the unexpected incident last night, maybe the entire East Dragon Star will enter the military state! And Wu Invincible has joined the military, do you know what it means?"

"It means that he can use the military law at any time to arrest you! At that time, there is no place to say it!"

"No... not like this!"

Rose was very surprised by his small mouth.

"However, you can rest assured that he can't do this in Donglong University!"

Fang Yuan blinked his eyes, and there was a man behind him.

In fact, there are really people behind him!

The entire Donglong University is his backstage.

Not to mention his cultivation talent, he just donated the wings of the sky, and the things of sharp needles, but also enough for the university to protect him.

If Wu invincible has no evidence, he will take Fang Yuan away and ask for sin. If Fu Hong is not good, he will jump out first.

"That's good!"

Ye floated a big sigh of relief: "I know, you are a sophomore, come to be an assistant researcher, definitely some energy!"

"I am more curious about the invincible mech than this!"

In the Yuan Yuanmu, there is a flash of light: "Don't you think it's a coincidence? After he turned to the military, he escorted his flesh and blood and came to our institute. What's next?"

"Obviously, after Professor Fu Hongxue researched a new generation of Momo armor, he was definitely the first beneficiary!"

Ye floated nodded: "And ... Professor is also a famous mech designer, it seems that Wu invincible heart is very big, actually want to build a Royal Mech, enough for him to use all the way to the corpse!"

"The Emperor? Hehe..."

Fang Yuan laughed and shook his head.

They are still too small to see Wu’s invincible ambitions.

This son is higher than the sky. The wing of the sky that I wanted to **** was the Emperor's mech. I made it myself. The Emperor is probably only a basic requirement.

However, the higher the invincibility of Wu, the more happy Fang Yuan is.

This child has to jump again, and the materials collected in the end are also cheaper.

If he can really create a mech of the emperor's potential, then Fang Yuan will simply reveal his identity and also directly grab it.

"Although the potential of the emperor is the level of Gemini and Wuhou Xing, but Wu invincible is in the air, maybe you can find something to cherish..."

"On the discussion, he is also the idea of ​​playing flesh-and-blood machine, but it is similar to what I have seen. It seems that flesh and blood mech is the general direction of future development?"