Carry a Ride-and-slash System with You

~: Fifty, deeply hit, tried 3 more, 3 more

A few days later.

When Geralt was sitting on the throne of the council room lazily enjoying the soft hands of Sissi's little maid, a member of the armored scout team broke this rare lazy time.

The scout pushed open the door of the council hall and hurriedly knelt in front of Geralt, reporting loudly and sternly.

"My lord! I found a group of cavalry galloping towards our stronghold from the grassland!"

Geralt's first reaction was that the news of the mine had been exposed. He pushed away and squeezed his little hand, and hurriedly got up and asked.

"How far is it!"

The scout replied, "According to the enemy's speed, there are still two hours to go!"

Geralt paced in front of the throne thinking, "Two hours..."

Stopping, Geralt's icy voice spread throughout the chamber.

"Since they are here, leave them all behind!"


"Notify all the soldiers of the preparation team to collectively wear armor to protect the territory!"

"Notify Harry to recall all the expats, stay in the territory and don't go out!"

"Notify the three commanders and let them lead their main soldiers to set up an ambush on the route of the enemy's advance in advance!"

The scout was ordered to go down and deliver the message.

"Sir, is there going to be a war?" Qianxi asked timidly beside the throne, a little panicked in her words.

A few days have passed since the stable days, and the shadow of war is coming.

Geralt didn't pay much attention to Qianxi. He was now thinking about the purpose of this cavalry team. After thinking about it, Geralt really couldn't think of anything else that would cause the grasslands except the mine. The attention of the nobility.

"Looks like there's going to be a big battle!"

Geralt asked himself questions, turned to the little maid Sisi and said, "Give me armor!"

"Good lord."

The little maid who had been trained in this area quickly fetched Geralt's armor, put on the armor with Geralt's hands, and said timidly, "May your lord triumph soon."

Geralt nodded: "Don't worry, the warriors in the territory and I will protect this peace for you."

The armor was neatly dressed, and with the large shield stuck behind his back, Geralt picked up his seedling knife and ran out of the meeting room.

Running on the streets of the territory, Harry came on the face, and he didn't care about the etiquette. Harry just hurriedly called an adult and went to appease the civilians of the territory, but Geralt stopped him and ordered: "Don't say If there is a war, it is said that an epidemic is found outside, the territory is temporarily under martial law, and some sugar water is boiled to appease them.”

Harry was stunned and hurried to make arrangements.

Geralt continued to move forward, headed to the stable, mounted his black warhorse, clamped his belly and rushed out of the stable.

As he galloped all the way, he finally saw the three commanders and their main team fighters.

"grown ups!"

The three commanders wanted to salute.

Geralt stopped them on his warhorse.

"Don't stop, keep going!"

"Follow your orders! Your lord!"

Geralt rode a horse in front, and the soldiers ran wildly to follow. It wasn't that Geralt didn't give the soldiers a horse, but that the warhorse had already been ridden by the cavalry, and the horses were ploughing the fields and transporting them.

Traveling fast, at the edge of the woods, Geralt saw his cavalry team.


Geralt stopped the horse and let the horse trot to the side of the cavalry.

More than sixty cavalrymen greeted Geralt in unison.

"grown ups."

Geralt waved his hand and asked the captain of the cavalry, who was also the captain of the scout team: "How long will the enemy army be approaching?"

The cavalry captain replied, "There's still an hour, my lord."

Geralt breathed a sigh of relief: "There's enough time."

Letting the soldiers behind him seize the time to rest and replenish their strength, Geralt continued to ask the cavalry captain, "How many people are in the enemy army?"

The captain of the cavalry recalled: "The number of people observed through the telescope was about 70."

"So much?" Geralt was a little surprised, "It's so difficult that the target isn't us?"

"Forget it, no matter who their target is, once they enter the vicinity, they will definitely find the stronghold."

"Leave them behind first!"

Geralt ordered the cavalry captain: "Hide your men and horses in the forest first, and wait for my order!"

"Understood! Your lord!"

The cavalry captain gathered the soldiers and hid them.

Geralt turned to the resting warriors and ordered: "Conn, take your people to the front when the enemy is approaching! It's better to shoot their leaders!"

"Follow your orders!"

Conn saluted and led the resting shooters to find a good shooting position.

"Brian, Rigas! You two led the infantry regiment when the archers shot the enemy! Disrupt their formation!"

"Follow your orders!"

"Leave it to me, my lord!"

The two led the soldiers who led the infantry regiment to stand by.

In Geralt's tactics, the cavalry can't confront the enemy first, it will only expose the ambush in advance, so Geralt positioned the cavalry as a search for the enemy. When the soldiers of the infantry regiment dashed the enemy formation, they would Hunted by cavalry troops, Geralt's goal is to leave everyone behind after all!

An hour passed quickly. When the soldiers returned to their best condition, a group of cavalry came galloping in the distance.


Geralt's eyes were fixed on the cavalry who came from a The distance is getting closer and closer, it's almost there...

Just as Geralt was fully expecting the cavalry to enter the ambush, the entire cavalry stopped as soon as their commander waved his hand.


Geralt's heart tensed.

The cavalry commander on the opposite side sneered: "It seems that these **** from Baishi Mountain are also restless."

He turned his head and asked his attendant, "Adam, tell me, what's the problem here."

Adam listened to his lord's question, pondered for a while, and said, "Sir, it's just an ordinary forest. Is it hard to have an ambush?"

The cavalry commander smiled and looked at his own nephew and said, "It seems that you still have a lot to learn. Pay attention to Adam."

Pointing to the birds circling above the woods, the cavalry captain said word by word.

"It's quiet in the forest, and the birds don't return to their nests. These all indicate to us that here! There is! Ambush!"

"Sir, are we still going in?"

Adam asked the cavalry captain in surprise.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

The captain of the cavalry laughed wildly: "Go in! Why don't you go in, it's just some scumbag ants, just using this blood to teach you a lesson, in front of absolute strength, ambush? It's ridiculous!"

Waves of light circulated on the long spear in the hands of the cavalry captain, and waved the order to the whole army: "Kill all these disgusting scumbags! Show the glory of Hain Lide!!!"

It turned out to be a strong man who has cultivated the spirit of a knight. Since we are regarded as gangsters, let us gangsters give you a big surprise.

Seeing the long spear flowing in the hands of the cavalry captain, Geralt also laughed when he heard his last order.