
Chapter 1027: 2 attitudes

After Lin Xun and Li Lin finished speaking, Ning Zhe lit a cigarette: "Lin Xun's statement is correct. We violated the fundamental interests of the three major companies, especially Jingtai Company, so this battle It's unavoidable, and you have to fight, but Li Lin said to take the initiative, I need to hear your reason!"

Seeing Ning Zhe looking at him, Li Lin spoke fluently and said, "Actually, I've been thinking about it since I knew Zhang Fang was attacked, and I decided to take the initiative. of.

The first point is that our battle is unavoidable. According to Jingtai Company, they gave Pei and Xiahou three days to prepare. Now two days have passed, that is to say, tomorrow night at the latest. The attitudes of the three companies will be unified.

The three companies decided to send troops to deal with our Starlight Company, which requires the transfer of personnel. If we take the initiative to attack, we can disrupt their deployment and gain the upper hand. "

"I have to interrupt you!" Baldy Jiao put down the water glass in his hand after listening to Li Lin's words, and said, "I think your ideas are a little too radical, and it also messed up the relationship between the two parties. Now let's talk to Pei Cheng We have cooperation with Daxia, ignore them for now, let's focus on Jingtai Company first.

At present, among the four resource companies in Lingnan, only our Xingguang can operate normally and purchase materials. Jingtai took action against us, in addition to suspecting that we were related to Jing Qisheng's death, a greater part of the reason was because we were in the process of They are purchasing materials on the territory they control, and they are wooing the gangs who were originally loyal to them.

It is obvious that Jingtai Company is a little impatient, and wants to slow down our rhythm and disrupt our plan by starting a war.

The biggest difference between our Starlight and Jingtai Company is that they don't treat bandits as people, but as tools, while we recruit bandits as company guards, which is equivalent to using the body to fight the opponent's puppets desperately, and not worth it!

So my idea is that even if we inevitably have to go to war with Jingtai, we should not adopt a full-scale confrontation, but a defensive strategy, and continue to spread the company's business while trying not to be harassed by them. Come on, only when our business is stable will they really feel scared! "

"This is the second point I want to say!" Li Lin nodded, and replied calmly: "I think this battle is not fought with Jingtai, but with ourselves!"

After listening to Li Lin's words, Ning Zhe did not express his opinion, but he turned his attention to him, because he found that Li Lin's thoughts were the same as his own.

Not only Ning Zhe, but even Hu Yihan and Zhang Fang showed approval in their eyes.

Some people said it was okay, but Ning Zhe said no, because he is the actual helm of the company, and his words will affect the thinking and judgment of many people.

Li Lin saw that someone was puzzled, and continued: "I suggest taking the initiative to attack, in addition to the point I just said, I also considered the morale of Starlight Company.

In the recent period, the Starlight Guard has been expanding rapidly. Dozens of gangsters, large and small, have chosen to cooperate with us, but how many of them have sincerely joined us? I doubt even one!

These bandits took refuge with us because they got our supplies when they were desperate, so starting a war is not a bad thing. This will not only improve our cohesion, but also allow us to see which gangsters are here to make up for it. Let us proceed early. screening.

The most important thing is that the Zexia gang has joined the Starlight Guard and has been organized into the second battalion of the fifth regiment! Now one of our teams has been directly wiped out. If the Starlight Company doesn't show anything, then in the eyes of the surrendered bandits, there will be no majesty anymore!

We want to let all gangsters know through this incident that they are not only working for us by joining Starlight Company, but we also have the ability to ensure that they are not bullied! What's more, let those excavation teams who are in a wait-and-see attitude take a look, we have the strength to fight against the three old companies! Only by letting them put us in the same position as the three major companies, and let the three major companies in Lingnan become the four major companies, can we have real opportunities for development! "

"I agree with Li Lin's statement!" Lin Xun also expressed his attitude: "This time we sent out four working groups to contact the gangsters. Although overall it went smoothly, there are still gangsters who are unwilling to join us. , Those larger gangs have close contacts with Jingtai Company, I won't talk about the reasons for it!

But some small gangs also rejected us, why? It's because they haven't even heard of our Starlight Company! Think of us as a bunch of liars, and whimsical lunatics!

Now that we have decided to make waves on Jingtai's territory, we should go forward bravely and completely beat Jingtai to the ground. Otherwise, if the two sides fall into a stalemate, we may become more passive. "

"That's exactly what I want to say." Li Lin and Lin Xun looked at each other, and continued: "Currently, on Jing's territory, we have taken all the territory that can be Only a few big bandits in the west are still eyeing, and in this area, the supplies in the west are also the most abundant, since the battle between the two sides is inevitable, why should we give them a chance to recuperate?"

Lin Bao put out the hunting cigarette butt: "Although we have recently recruited a lot of gangsters, which has expanded the size of the guard, but the transformation of the gangsters has just begun, and some gangsters are even concerned about the matter of splitting and reorganizing them. Things are also very contradictory, the guard seems to be thriving, but in fact it is a mess.

On the other hand, the three big gangs in the west must have at least six or seven thousand people. Even if they are not strong, their coordination and scale are not comparable to our armed forces composed of dozens of small gangs. If we attack rashly They who are waiting for work at leisure may not be able to take advantage of it! "

"No, this is not just waiting for work. If we launch a surprise attack, they may not be able to take any effective precautions, and this matter is also very helpful for us to restructure the team." Hu Yihan shook his head: "Those gangsters we recruited , many of them are resistant to the reform, but starting a war can solve this problem. When the war is over, we can use the gangsters to be scattered and inconvenient to command as an excuse to merge the gangs with reduced staff. , to re-divide the territory and personnel, so that no one can fault it!"

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